Amber Gambler

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The Gospel of Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:29
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Jesus tells a parable which shows the Jewish leaders and people that they have been warned repeatedly and are ignoring the warnings - so judgement will come. Jesus knows they will kill him - the parable makes this clear. They know Jesus is speaking against them - that's explicit. But still they ignore the warning - like Israel has done again and again through their long history. But Israel is just a smaller pictuire of humanity at large: tasked by God to look after his garden and rule over his world, we've filled it with brokeness rather than beauty. A time of judgement will come if we keep ignorning creation's owner - will you heed the warning? Will you change?

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White while I am actually getting myself ready. What you can do is get yourself a Bible. If you don't have one with you or on your device use one of these turn it to Page 1054. If you have a device in another flat Bagel in another form Luke up Luke, which is the big name. You'll find in the contents page. If you don't know where that is chapter 20 big number 20 small number 9 verse 9 and it's sometimes called the parable of the tenants. That's what you might read is the hidden in your Bible know I'm going to need this lady's light switch is somewhere must go to

She get them now you're reading for us today going to come up and get yourself ready. I'll turn to you when it's your time to change the speak in just a moment.

Thank you.

We have been putting things off for year after year. The moment of crisis has come as I speak. So it's Australian is on fire. Why because the temperatures of Earth are increasing David for the climate of no return on Nicole's been coming for some two hundred years or so. That's when we start first start thinking about climate change and global warming and there's been warning after warning evidence building off over the years or consequences. If we fail to act you're something else. He said were hacking away our safety net for trashing environments that we depend on every year that passes makes recovery more and more difficult to achieve. What is pattern in this warning? We've ignored evidence of the past. We're rejecting the warning of the present and there's going to be dire consequences coming in the future. And so we have to Be aware of what does warning is and think about the consequences. It's like driving quite the thing not paying too much attention. We've been ignoring what's going on in the past. The warning comes number comes on the warning of the present. Here's your chance change your ways or else failed to do that. And there's going to be dire consequences in the future and anyone who's run a red light. Will it taste like tonight in one way or another something serious the climax of our week-by-week Luke Through the Bible through a section of the Bible the life of Jesus as told by a doctor called Luke and we're in the middle of a three-year Ministry of Jesus and Jesus have been issuing Stark warnings the whole time warning after warning all the way along the clearest and maybe one of the most important warnings of all this is the last one before the climax of his ministry just in a few days time. We was going to take as many weeks to work our way through that section was the same pattern Jesus is saying you ignored the warning I'm giving you know, and there's dire consequences to come in the future. The amber light is on and it supposed to turn red. Andover to you he went on to tell this potable.

A man planted a Vineyard and rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time. At Harvest time you sent a servant to the tenants so that they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard but the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed. He sent another servant but that one was also beaten and treated shamefully and sent away empty-handed. He sent still a third and the windi 10 3/2 night. Then the owner of the vineyard said what shall I do? I will send my son whom I love perhaps they will respect him. We went in and saw him. They talked the matter over. This is the air. They said let us kill him and The Inheritance will be ours. So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. What vein will the owner of the vineyard?

He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others. When the people hear this they said God forbid Jesus looked directly at them and said and asked.

Then what is the meaning of that which is written the stone. The builders rejected has become the Cornerstone everyone who falls onto that stone will be broken to Pieces everyone from anyone who falls falls on will be crushed the teachers of the law and the chief priests looked for a way to arrest him immediately because they knew that he had spoken this possible to them.

But they were afraid of the people. Thank you great night. If you're familiar with the parables in the Bible that are stories with a point and sometimes frankly they can be quite hard to understand so many parables are very complicated very so difficult to make sense of the light but Luke your help Society number 19 commentary the teachers of the law and the chief priest look for a way to arrest him that Jesus immediately because they knew he had spoken this Parable against then this one's about it's a warning to the leaders of Israel and to the nation at large is an amber light just about to turn red. You've ignored the past you're rejecting my warnings at the present dire consequences are coming in the future morning with a present consequences of the future. So let's start evidence of the past. She says they are a man planted a Vineyard rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time so far. So boring, right if you're familiar with their ears have just picked up because the line was Jesus is using his deeply Familia today planting renting going away for a long time after the first part of the Bible. The nation of Israel is often described as a Vineyard Vines Vineyard that he planted in he tended to and he cared for poetically described the fruit of this Vineyard the result produced a display to the other. Nations of the world God choose Israel to be his chosen nation and they were to show other nations what God is like to be his ambassadors to the world people were to look at the nation of Israel and see by the way the acted care for their citizens live Works worshipped bought sold restful. Everything about them was designed to show God's character is his love his powers his patience kindness goodness Holiness is Justice. They were to be this model Nation at listen to this part of a poetic song written six hundred years before buy a Geico Isaiah says this the vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the nation of Israel and the people of Judah are the vines he delighted in To all the Jews listening to Jesus you are in no dice. This is about Jesus represent their leaders. So I guess we don't invest Harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants so they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. So this is something later long enough from the zero nothing planned to producing fruits with a number of years the other times it really matter, but it's supposed to be a long time in the story mirroring Israel's long history. And this is what the owner has been waiting for. This is why I planted a Vineyard why he hired the tenants were intended it while you cared for it to produce fruit has been their job all these years to 10 for the vine and make some fruit and whatever for the rest is perfectly rightly the owners because he owns it. So the servant you send a servant to start the vineyard 7 explains 3 days instead of getting was employed as old beating up. antique tags The word there's like a thrashing and the turf and back ever again. Don't even get in the door doesn't get two of the both living facility. No taste of the wine out of a great. He's just beating up and turned out a second serving is sent but he gets even worse than the first it says that he look at verse 11. He was treated shamefully doesn't describe what that means but not well and he was given new fruit. So third is saying that maybe this guy's the more senior guy and maybe he's ready to argue the case before full personality. Perhaps not want to be pushed around by these tenants at the worst of the three. He's wounded it says and he's thrown out. What's the richest it's this guy's field Angry Birds. Just saying I want some of the fruits. That's all I want. I don't want some of the fruit and I never responded with violence and intimidation and we're saying it again for the Jews listening there for a sanguine about this description so far because Jesus is just pretty accurately describe about a thousand years of Jewish history. This is just a history lesson for the Jews the earlier part of the Bible the whole bit to the last of what you go open at the moment. She was a repeating pattern that if you read that you can pick up on the gorge. Cheese's and blesses Israel to be precious Nation to We Can't entertain phlegm and ambassadors.

And yet we don't ending patience God 6 tonight. He delivers them. He makes his promises to them to look after them and bless them gives him another chance to call him again and do what he says then life will go well for them for the cycle starts all over again cycle on and on and on God blesses Israel Israel feels but yet God delivers again. He delivers them again cycle after cycle after cycle. You can read the whole part of the Bible in it.

One example, we can see back in that seem bit of Isaiah that we read 600 years earlier. He says this part of the song goes like this this movie The Bridge this then when I look for good grades, why did it healed only Bass? The shooting good fruit the shipping fruit, but they produced only failure time and time again again. This isn't shocking for the the new these scriptures that we have. No kids are so boring to them. There's the evidence of the past failure after failure by Israel chance after Chance by God ignoring the evidence of the past. So we come to the warning of the present back to the passage. What would what would you be doing at this stage? If you were the owner won't you think? Well, I think we're probably think you were being for blood for the most send in the marines that have been chill whatever it is, but the owner is different. Of reflection and what is being hugely patient already sending 7 after 7 after 7, but despite everything he's giving these tenants chance after chance. I don't know what your boss at work on a Feeling to meet their yearly objectives. Even I wonder if he'd be up the management. Would I be a speech does not foam acetylene or whenever you would be but this Soliloquy is meant to be Jesus reflecting on who God has dealt with Israel.

Despite the track record tenderly ruin them back delivering them Time After Time only to have his gentle loves have rejected with opposition violent opposition to feel sorry for the owner here for God hear his precious Nation Israel. The nation of these looks after and being so kind as rejected him harshly time and time again. But if one more person left to send the most senior person possible the owners only son. They're starting again with dying. What should I do? I'll send my son whom I love perhaps they will respect him. The wording there explain the peculiar. What should I do? I'll send my son whom I love as if you've been with us over the past three Luke kind of phrase has appeared twice already at booth at Jesus baptism back in Chapter 3 of Luke eating without a terrifying in time when Heaven opens and Luke 11 and both times in those both matches God himself speaks from Heaven. It doesn't happen often in the Bible not a frequent occurrence, but God speaks from heaven with Jesus and says these things back in week 3 a voice Came From Heaven. You are my son whom I love Jesus with you I am well pleased that link 11 a voice from the Cloud sync. This is my son whom I have chosen listen to him. Jesus is deliberately using that language an introducing himself into the story. He is the precious son that the owner sayings. He is the one who carries the full authority of the owner. There is no one more senior. He is God's son sent to warn is real but Jesus is saying listen up Israel. I am the Son of God come to call you back. This is your final chance don't ignore this warning. There is no one left to send. This is the mornings the present. The amber light is on time is nearly up. So what do they do first 14 but when the tenants saw him they thought the matter over this is the air. They said let's kill him an inheritance will be ours. So they threw him over the vineyard. I killed him totally rational. Projecting the owner's son is going to help her cause I think this is going to work but the point is it isn't anymore. It doesn't it's meant to be around for this man to be a logical is showing her the dick Euless Israel have been to reject what God has done for them time. After time. I know at this point in our story Jesus history lesson turns into a little glimpse of the future because he's saying that Israel is going to reject him despite the warnings despite the evidence of the past. Israel is going to reject him and kill him kill him. He predicted himself. If you go back just a few pages to chapter in Luke. We read this section Jesus Took the 12 aside and told them we're going up to Jerusalem where the son of man. That's what some things Jesus called himself will be delivered over to the Gentiles. They will mock him insulting spit on him and kill him. And on the third day, he will rise again.

Play symbol in my youth still continue to play occasionally or fight only played twice in recent memory first time was a number of years ago. So I'm too bad shape. I guess I'll be fine 5 minutes and sliding tackle groin bruise on my leg. Total shambles couldn't walk 6 months couldn't really do any exercise. It's all still shambles and we had the opportunity leaders of the church and feudal game. My wife Becky says stretches mcgroin was fine 5 minutes.

Yeah, so I have ignored the warning of the prison. My wife says you're going to do this again because they're we are and I feel too serious supposed to reject Jesus warning in the present and the consequences are going to be more than a sprained ankle. So let's look at what comes next the consequences of the future.

Supposed to turn red time is running out. God has been patient with you is real you're about to reject his presents precious son. The one with all the authority of Heaven his patients with you will finally run out what happens next. Let's read verse 15 what then will the owner of the vineyard do to them he will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others. Against All Star is pretty reasonable to me every chance. They rejected and fair enough flabbergasted. God forbid. It says in verse 16 other translation says he's never be like, they can't believe this is terrible because 4 sizes of years. We've had the same password of God blessing Israel Israel feeling the god delivering and continue to bless feel blessed daughter. Every time we come back we made his promises delivered the that's what verse 16 Israel when the reading is juice reading or listening to this are expecting it to see something like this what then will the owner of the vineyard do to them? He will eventually deliver them forgive them and remake his promises to them because they're his precious people. That's what they're expecting. So when Jesus says I can go do this is real love always been his precious Nation. Are we saying this is this is a stark warning for the Jews that time is coming where God is going to act decisively and if Israel refuses to moto goes character. They can no longer be his chosen Nation going to start again. Um bassadors

Jesus is Saint Israel. You've confused God's patience with his indifference. Thinking that there's nothing they can do to separate themselves from God of the warning is clear that time is running out of the this is not the case. This is shocking stuff to the Jews believe surely. God would never do such a thing. God forbids. Jesus fix the knife and oh really? He says he didn't say that they say that's the way I think he says 17 Jesus look directly at them and asked. Okay, then what is the meaning of that which is written the stone. The builders rejected has become the Cornerstone. An eerie quotes from one of the many promises in the in the old part of the Bible a book called Psalms, which says just what he has said would happen. The nation of Israel would reject God's chosen one. Picture here is over a pile of stones. The builders are sifting through as they're building something and he pick up a stone is the very Cornerstone the basis that the most important Stone upon which everything else is built. They've rejected it. And that's the most important stone is another way of Jesus going to reject me. I'm doing so reject God's chosen one. It's been predicted thousands of years before I'm telling you now and you still don't believe that you're still not listening. You've ignored the past you're ignoring the warning at the present and here we find out what the dire consequences are of the future. Jesus is that Cornerstone verse 18 Everyone Falls on that stone will be broken to Pieces anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. How is real respond to Jesus will determine their ultimate Destiny him finally will end up like the tenants you saying here you fall on the stone bad for you Stone Falls on you. It's bad for you. Doesn't matter how you intend to the storm. It's bad news for you. Smashed to Pieces crushed to bits. Which do you prefer. Rejecting Jesus means restriction destruction that cannot be undone. You've ignored the evidence of the past you're rejecting the warning of the prison and there's going to be irreversible consequences in the future strong stuff to her stuff when he was saying it program popular night when I'm saying it. Of course, I can see Jesus is right because only a couple of sentences later done it verse 19. They look for a way to arrest him with a view to putting him on trial and killing him. Stick with us for the next few weeks up toward Easter and you'll see that Jesus predictions are totally accurate stunningly accurate. Everything you said about himself is true. The heaviness of the past the warning comes the amberleigh is on Jesus is saying I'm the last one. No one else can call you back. Reject me, and that's it. The will see the leaders in the nation do exactly that feel the heat Jesus words.

But you defrost looking on with old lady like that to you Selena of History all showing this pattern to the field to see that I could ignore this warning warning that goes beyond the nation of Israel inside. All Humanity has failed to live as God intended us to live right from the beginning of the world from creation way before Israel humans for me to humankind was me to be God's ambassadors the Bible tells us that humans are being created in God's image his Stewart spooky in on air to reflect his likeness Montelukast of the world that he's created. So instead of Jewish tenants in God's Vineyard Humanity or God's gardeners in God's Garden. Are we done any better than Israel? As a human race how well do we reflect God's character. The Bible says that God is patient kind good loving self-controlled. Is that the kind of society is that the kind of world we see around floor progress. We any happier kinder to one another looking after the world better. Torin understanding satisfied with life are there any of us could answer yesterday through anyone looking at the world would say that record levels of depression record levels of suicide levels of dissatisfaction loneliness isolation relationship breathing and fight one of the reasons God needed to choose Israel to be his ambassadors is that the rest of humanity was even worse admit even more of a mess of it. They need an immortal Nation to show them have a very good job, but they were the rest is even worse than that. Our forebears made a right mess on our watch. Are we doing any better? So the warning of this Parable Dane is for us for the human race. We are God's gardeners and we have spectacularly failed to give unproduced the fruit of this playing his likeness Time After Time Century after Century generation after generation. We've ignored the evidence of the past and similarly God is warning Us in the present. Patiently in different ways. He's warning us through this story through what we've read in the Bible that the air has been sent to us when we reject them to the amber light is on. Jesus is warning us that it's nearly nearly ready to go to continues to speak to us continues to give us chance after chance. He speaks those three creation as we will try and see the world around us. It tells us something about God speaks to us through the Bible through this church does to being in church three listening to me talk. These are all the ways that God is listen to me. He sang today right now to all of us look at the evidence of the past. Sing heed, the warnings of the of the present and just like Israel. I we respond to Jesus will determine our final Destiny. It will have eternal consequences.

Prophets of Doom are just alarmists with their predictions of the Apocalypse. We are the ones who committed to conserving the Majesty of God's creation. Not spoken by first-century Jews, but spoken by the dawn. Climate change I just need Sears are allegedly ignoring the evidence of the past rejecting the warnings of the present and seeing the consequences won't be that bad. It's barely on but we're nowhere near read plenty time yet.

It's important. We both respond to climate change, but there's more important things happening this morning. If you don't know Jesus look at yourself don't listen to uninformed nice ears. Look at the evidence of the past read the account of Jesus take the Bible in front of you.

Speak to a Christian, you know, if you don't know any Christians going to speak to me, I'll be happy to talk to you. Don't continue ignoring the amber light the red light is coming. Christian see what the US would we do don't presume on God following Jesus is more than just lip service God expects and demands.

A living faith in Jesus produces change in your life both ring change failing change in perfect change all those things but changed on the last don't think coming to church once a week and then living exactly how you like Monday to Saturday is what God wants of you or that you have Christian parents or that, you know, someone who goes to church these things aren't what matters Jesus says, if you love me, you'll obey my commands your life has to align with what you say. Don't think you can treat God within different 6 days a week and then come to church on the 7th and that he'll be happy with that any more than he was with the way that Israel acted. So what do we do? All Peoples of every generation of showing their inability to live as God intended including us including us right now care for one another demonstrate goes character. The problem is so ingrained what we going to do for Hope is there I can search Rebellion be undone. The answer is hint that I hear In this passage versus everyone who falls in that stone will be broken to Pieces anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. What is Jesus closest followers Peter reflecting on Jesus death after it happens gives us another way of looking at it says there's Peter says that he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross by his wounds. You have been healed. Jesus murderous day was not the ruining of God's plan. But the means that his death was for us. This was how God would free us to live rightly in a way that we've never been able to do and this is just as he predicted Jesus was broken to Pieces so that we would stay whole he was the one that was crushed the bets so that we would be spared. Is the song that we sing here that I think sums up pretty well as it talks about Jesus. What Riches of kindness is lavished on us? His Bloods was the payment his life was the cost we stood beneath the day we could never afford our sins. They are many but his Mercy is more us our hope listen to the warnings. Come to Jesus.

Heavenly Father these words are hard to hear just as the wear for Israel. We see me this never be God forbid that you should turn against us like that in Churchman. And yeah. You have made a way. For us to be brought back once and for all to what Jesus has done the he was crushed that he is the one who was killed instead of us. So that we could be part of your family and redeemed once and for all brought back precious children.

Pray that we would Heed These Warnings that we would live rightly for you. If we know you that we would live lives that reflect that reality and if we don't know you that we would turn to you we wouldn't ignore the evidence of the power. We wouldn't reject the warning. I wouldn't ignore these consequences that are coming help us to be changed by what we've read and thought about this morning in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Thank you for listening. So and carefully do we have some questions and we do have some questions and

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