Experiencing Christ
Gospel Summary: “The good news that Jesus died in my place, completely satisfying the wrath of God, so that I could freely come to God and enjoy Him, both now and forever.”
Gospel Summary: “The good news that Jesus died in my place, completely satisfying the wrath of God, so that I could freely come to God and enjoy Him, both now and forever.”
What is the Gospel???
Main Point:
Main Point:
The good news that Jesus died in my place, completely satisfying the wrath of God, so that I could freely come to God and enjoy Him, both now and forever. Main Point:
The good news that Jesus died in my place, completely satisfying the wrath of God, so that I could freely come to God and enjoy Him, both now and forever. Main Point:
Main Point:
Main Point:
Romans 1:16-
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”
What is the Gospel?
The good news that Jesus died in my place, completely satisfying the wrath of God, so that I could freely come to God and enjoy Him, both now and forever.
The good news that Jesus died in my place, completely satisfying the wrath of God, so that I could freely come to God and enjoy Him, both now and forever.
Paul’s Perspective of the Gospel (Thematic Outline):
Paul sees the gospel without shame or humiliation
Paul sees the gospel without shame or humiliation
Paul sees the gospel as the power of God made effective
Paul sees that our belief embraces the effect of the gospel
Paul sees that the gospel opens righteousness to us
Paul sees that we receive and live in the gospel through faith
Question: Is your Christianity authentic?
Question: Is your Christianity authentic?
What I’m asking: “Is Your Faith Saving Faith or Nostalgia?
What I’m asking: “Is Your Faith Saving Faith or Nostalgia?
“Is Your Faith Saving Faith or Nostalgia?
Saving Faith: True Christianity
What is Faith?
How do we Experience God?
Looks to Jesus as Lord and Responds
Looks forward to the Return of Christ
Engages our Lord in intimacy, frequently, and consistently
Nostalgia: Not True Christianity
Has a positive view of Christianity—including its documents, traditions, and practices—but does not have a relationship with Christ
Has a friendly relationship with the church… but not with the Lord.
Is concerned with appearances and reputation, but not with the heart or God’s abiding presence.
How is the Gospel the power of God?
Look… having positive feelings for God, the church, and others is not the same as being saved by God and placing one’s faith in God!
This is where a lot of “good people” really struggle!
I think most of us do not harbor ill-will or hostility towards the Lord and His church.
I think most of us do not look to engage in practices and attitudes we deem as evil, sinful, or harmful
I think most us long for wholesome families, a good reputation, and a content life
I think most of us want to be respected because we are hard workers, faithful friends, and devoted lovers.
BUT THESE THINGS DO NOT MAKE US CHRISTIANS!!! These are not the requirements of salvation!
Christianity is not about being a good “moral” person!
Christianity is not about maintaining a positive outlook on life!
Christianity is not about maintaining a positive outlook on life!
Christianity is not about having good thoughts and a positive perception about God and the Bible!
Christianity is not about being a good church member—whatever that means!
Christianity is not about having good thoughts and a positive perception about God and the Bible!
Christianity is not about being a good church member—whatever that means!
Christianity is not about you shaping yourself to be better!
Christianity is not about being a better you!
Christianity is not even about having a prosperous and successful life on this earth!
So what is Christianity about? What is the Gospel about?
To Paul, the Gospel is powerful—how so? THE GOSPEL IS WHAT GOD DOES TO SAVE US!
For Paul, Christianity means being saved by God
For Paul, Christianity means experiencing the power of God
For Paul, Christianity means experiencing the power of God
For Paul, Christianity means knowing God.
For Paul, Christianity means knowing God.
For Paul, Christianity is being reconciled to God
For Paul, Salvation is the key element of becoming and being a Christian!
With this metric in mind, let’s ask ourselves a question: AM I SAVED? Now…
Let’s clarify the question
Let’s answer the question
For salvation
Now, let’s try to A
Let’s proof the question
Clarify: What is Salvation and why do I need it?
Clarify: What is Salvation and why do I need it?
What is Salvation?
Salvation (soteia) simply means to be delivered, rescued, preserved, and/or to make one safe.
Salvation of humanity is the major theme of both the Old and New Testaments
In the OT, the Exodus is the epitome of salvation
In the NT, Jesus’ substitutionary death for humanity is the pinnacle of salvation
Israel’s concept of salvation was rooted in the historical experience of the exodus.
Why do I need Salvation?
I need to be saved from God
God’s wrath is upon us because of our sin
God’s blessing is withheld from us because of our sin
God’s presence is withheld from us because of our sin
I need to be saved from myself
I am enslaved to my desires and lusts
I experiences dire consequences for the evil and insane actions I commit
True rest, satisfaction, peace, contentment seem perpetually elusive to me
I am unable to truly care for and value others—even those I love I hurt!
I need to be saved from Satan
Satan desires to steal from us, destroy us, and kill us.
I am a child of Satan until I become a child of God; meaning, a very corrupt lord reigns over me until we come under the true Lord.
I am a pawn in Satan’s hand against God.
I need to be saved from others
I hold grudges
I carry deep wounds from others
I am jealousy and envious of others—even to the point that I long for their demise
I need to be saved from slavery to sin
I need to be saved from the full extent of sin’s consequences
I need to be saved from my attempts to fix myself
I need to be saved from my efforts to control God
I need to be saved from a divorced relationship to God
The Truth is...
Biblical salvation is much deeper and grander than simply not going to hell!
It reconciles us to a proper love-relationship with God
It empowers us to find freedom from the constant unyielding pull of sin
It reconciles us to each other
It insulates us—permanently—from Satan
Our danger is that we think too small and too infrequently of the Gospel!
Paul sees the Gospel and boldly proclaims it vs. We see the gospel and feel humiliation.
Paul sees the Gospel and boasts in God’s power vs. We see the gospel and state our objections against God and His ways.
Paul sees the Gospel as a completed work we trust vs. We see the gospel as an unfinished work we complete!
Paul sees the Gospel as making us righteous vs. We see the gospel as making us miserable!
So… what do we mean we ask are your saved?
Have you embraced and entered into the forgiveness of sins that Jesus offers?
Have you embraced and entered into the new relationship Jesus offers?
Have you embraced and entered into the righteousness Jesus offers?
Have you embraced and entered into the life Jesus offers?
If you answered no, or your are unsure of how to answer, let’s take a few minutes and work through how we actually “get saved”
Answer: How do I Ac1:9quire Salvation?
Answer: How do I Ac1:9quire Salvation?
First, salvation is acquired through a response—not through system or strategy.
How Do We Respond:
We must hear the word of God in order to be saved by God!
We must believe that what God has said is the truth!
We must turn away from our old pursuits and turn toward pursuing God!
We must engage the Lord—even though He engages us first!
True belief and repentance toward God is more than mental agreement—it involves the whole self.
To exclaim that I believe in God without ever engaging God demonstrates a lack of true belief.
Whether we like to admit it or not, when the Bible talks about our salvation (living as Christians), it includes phrases such as:
Calling on God’s name (1)
Confessing our sins ()
Turning from our sins ()
Being Baptized (Spirit and water) ()
Proclaiming our faith ()
Inviting others to come to faith ()
Praying constantly ()
Reading the word (devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching) (; ; )
Abiding in Christ ()
Living a holy life ()
Loving Christ ()
Living in expectation of Christ’s return ()
Proof: How Can I Know that I’m Saved?
Proof: How Can I Know that I’m Saved?
I’ve experienced God’s saving presence within my life
A resounding belief in God
I have a resounding belief in God
A sacrificial love for one another—even at the cost of my preferences, desires, well-being, and life! ()
I demonstrate a growing sacrificial love for one another—even at the cost of my preferences, desires, well-being, and life! ()
I have a growing intolerance of personal sin
I have an immense desire to see God glorified in my life and in the life of others
My thoughts constantly turn toward God
Look, the proof of salvation is not formulaic; rather, it is evidential—we see God working in us and on us!
How should I respond?
How should I respond?
What if I don’t see God’s work?
What if I feel distant from God?