More Than a Healing
All right. Good morning.
We are in Mark chapter 2.
Pull up your verses 1 through 12. This is been I don't know for sure. If it has been for Chris's it's kind of exciting as it has been for me. It's like preached through an entire book of one of the gospels like just the idea of hitting every aspect of of what's happening in Jesus life we chose mark because it's exciting. Like there's a word with keeps coming up as we're studying Market over and over again is immediately immediately immediately immediately. I think almost 14 or 15 times the word immediately shows up in chapter one alone and and just As we read through Mark, we just see this revelation of who Jesus is over and over again, and it's just this wonderful. Wonderful Source was go ahead and begin run Mark chapter 2. verses 1 through 12
and when he returned to compare them after some days it was reported that he was at home. And many were gathered together so that no there was no more room not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them and they came bringing to him a paralytic carried by 4 min. When they could not get near him because of the crowd they were moved to the roof above him. When they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay when Jesus saw their faith. He said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven. Some of the scribes were sitting there questioning in their hearts speak like that.
Who can forgive sins but God alone and immediately? Perceiving and his spirit that they gave us question within themselves said to them. Why do you question these things in your heart, which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say rise take up your bed and walk. But that you may know the son of man has Authority on Earth to forgive sins. He said to the paralytic I say to you rise pick up your bed and go home and heroes immediately and picked up his bed and went home or went out before the mall and they were all amazed and glorified God sing. We never saw anything like this. and pray with me Father we thank you so much for this this beautiful passage of scripture where Jesus heals. This paralytic man where he he does so much more than just this healing though father and there's there's so much here that we be taken as weak as we look at this today as as you as you use me to speak your truth. I ask that you would just open up all of our hearts. What you would have said you would teach us.
What we need to know from scripture and have us do what you expected us to do other just speak to our hearts today in Jesus name. Amen. Two before we get fully started in this there are five questions that I would like for folks right down after a journal or journal or you're going to write these down if you're a note taker on the little insert that in your bullet and I think these may already be there for you, right? So it says what is this text teach me about God. What does this text teach me about sinful Humanity? What does this text teach me about Jesus Christ. What does God want me to know and what does God want me to do? These are just five questions were going to come back to these but these are really we're talking about this in our in our small group time and enter Bios that time that is where reading through narratives of scripture. That's what the gospels are there in the narrative. There there a historical teaching. Sometimes it's hard to go. This is something we have to do every time. Write the did it there certain things are kind of message does saith the Lord or Jesus commanded folks to why what's my takeaway In this passage? What do I do asking yourself these five questions anytime you're in scripture is going to start opening up some of those spots. What what should I do? What is the text teaching about God? What is it teaching me about me simple Humanity. What is a teaching me about who Jesus says, these are questions are going to be good for us to ask the we're going to be asking ourselves these five questions and these are our one through and it said any any bit of scripture that we're doing right now.
If you're like me and you grew up with this story in Sunday School. I don't know the more I've read this and it can look at it. There's some stuff that got emphasized in my Sunday School classes or maybe early sermons as a little kid that I don't necessarily see in scripture. And so that's a good reason to like maybe ask these five questions to is it is kind of a faulty Nostalgia and Amnesia. I think that a lot of us have about stuff that we see in scripture. I thought there was this way we'll know when you're through the passage. Maybe it's not like we've we've learned it one way as a little kid and it was stuck in our hearts. We loved it, but it may not be Only what the scripture says if we want to go back to fully what the scripture says do it, but I remember this story and and I don't remember specifically when I hear the straight story taught in Sunday school or youth group sometimes in a sermon that the big takeaway here and there was this big emphasis on the guys carrying the paralytic. I thought that was the big emphasis. It wasn't an emphasis on Jesus what Jesus was doing here? And that's where the emphasis should be. Right. It was huge like until the big takeaway for nine year old Michael was you should be so eager to take your friends to Jesus that you'll vandalize a building to do. So right. I'm going to tear the roof off this place to get people to Jesus now, that's not necessarily a bad. Well, Your Enthusiasm should be at that level but your actions should not let it let me say that you should be tearing up something to get people to Jesus but your enthusiasm for getting people to Christ should be at that level but I remember that right we should be very eager to get people that we love to see Jesus but when we focus on those guys who focus on that we miss or Jesus reveals about himself in this passage and what he reveals about himself in his character here are Monumental and they're going to really set up the rest of the Gospel in some way for what's happening is if we go through the Book of Mark what Jesus reveals about who he is here. Continue throughout the rest of Mark's text. I was just going to take a little look here. So to Jesus is in full swing of his Earthly ministry as we enter into chapter 2 just a few days earlier. It says after some days Jesus has been preaching throughout the countryside of Galilee any returns to compare them where he know how much time is spent but it says some days it's been so some days earlier than this. He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath been as he gets up into the synagogue to preach a demon-possessed man in the congregation. Does Jesus I know who you are? What are you going to do with us? Jesus telling be quiet leave that man, right he cast out that demon. And in just as he's doing that. Also the folks there in the in the synagogue recognize his teaching is being this authoritative teaching unlike anything they'd ever heard. It was not like the scribes and her did not like the preset even heard and maybe in Jerusalem that it was it was new and it was fresh and it was authoritative and it was unlike anything. They'd ever heard before coming from Jesus. At this point it looks like Kaepernick has become the home base or Jesus is Galilee in ministries. And it looks like maybe even Jesus himself is kind of moved here. It says in verse one that it was reported that he was at home in Capernaum the weather like he's now moved in with Simon and Andrew who we know he went to their house in chapter one and and heal their mother and learn healed Simon's mother-in-law and stay there if that's where he's moved into the best of the home base, but that's that's where he's at.
And people have crowded into the house that he was staying at to hear him preach now. I'm trying to picture these little houses cuz they are Little Italy and I live in a little house 848 square feet according to our insurance documents right not very big but it's cozy and it stays warm in there with most of the time keeps us dry eye. So getting a quote for that later, but that's a whole nother story. We were looking at a couple of the community of about 1500 people at this time, and we know from chapter 1 they said the whole city came in, right? So you're looking at trying to cram as many people as possible into this house most little houses in this time with one room houses, you know that people crammed into a space of maybe 400 500 square feet. I hear Jesus preach. Every opening of this house would have been blocked to any Windows. They would have had any doors. It would had people would have been crowded there trying to hear Jesus preach.
All of these entryways and exits and openings would have been blocked. This is this is a Fire Marshal's worst nightmare. But Jesus is still going ahead and preaching through and is Jesus preaching these four men bring in a paralytic and I can't get in because of the crowd, but they know they know Jesus can heal them and they have seen Jesus do other healings. They know that he is a powerful authoritative teacher. They know Jesus can heal this man.
But they can't get to Jesus. And to getting to heal them and they have to get the man to Jesus So the plan is to lower the man through the roof to Jesus now.
This is where some of the stuff that I grew up kind of hearings kind of makes me wonder a little bit now. I scratch my head a little in Matthew 9 1 through 8 and then also it again and Luke Chapter 5 17 through 26 both of those passages recall this particular story. And as they do some of the imagery that I heard growing up doesn't seem to appear always kind of got the image of guys grabbing tools pickaxes and shovels and climbing up on the roof to the Terra hole in the roof. I don't see that when I read you the one of these passages the idea of it is Jesus was going to head and preaching he would do this every once in awhile. That's the debris off his shoulders and he would continue. I don't see that when I read through these three passages.
I can't imagine like the other images that I always seem to kind of get was Jesus ignoring the noise of somebody taking the roof off while he continued to preach like as the roof noise got louder. Jesus got louder and Mike. I don't see that you're in the scripture either.
As a matter of fact Matthew and his recounting of the story makes no mention of the men being on the roof at all. And Luke says they removed the tiles. From the Rough The roof is kind of insignificant in the store. It was just a means. What we do know is it roofs at the time of it this time in Palestine or flat? But roots are often like an extra room in the house. So they were pretty easy to be accessible. There is often a ladder or maybe even a staircase to get up to the roof that house there was an extra room because in the summer if there was a breeze that was the only cool place in the house or you would've been cooking downstairs. There's a fire that have been hot where you two maybe even moved a small bowl of fire upstairs. Whatever it was. It was an extra room is where you would have had some time alone would have had some time to be cooled off in the in the winter in the in the in the in the weather. And there's also some evidence archaeologically that when I talked about loosing removing the tiles that the roof may have been made out of what we would consider like large paving stones. It's kind of laid flat you had had the trunks of trees or you had branches or you'd have the timber of some sort going across and they have laid these tiles. On top of one another and they could have been fairly large made out of clay baked in the sun laid up there.
So when I think about that, these things would have been a challenge to the removed but not difficult for 4 Min if they'd already gotten a guy laying on a cot Up on the Roof. These tiles would have been much more than lifting a man. They've been doing this for a while. It seems they they've got this down so they would have removed it one of causing a major disruption of Jesus's teaching and as we look at scripture that seems to be the case any of this is here shouldn't be about how the man was brought to Jesus, but how Jesus responded to the man and the man who brought him that's where our emphasis should be. I love verse 5 and when Jesus when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic son your sins are forgiven.
There is there's a lot happening in this one verse. So much happening here. First. The faith of the men is evident to Jesus. Jesus knows the heart of these men. He knows what they desire. They want their friend to be healed of his paralysis. But Jesus says instead son. Your sins are forgiven.
That's a huge really. It shows us that it was it that our physical well-being is not as important to God is our spiritual well-being now. Don't read into what I didn't say. It's not that God says our physical well-being is not a not important, but it's not as important as our physical or spiritual well-being our physical well-being. It is not that important or is not as important Gods primary concern for our lives is our spiritual condition not our physical condition.
Think about this. It if the story stops here. And the man never walked again.
But was forgiven of his sins by God. He's still better off than when he first arrived.
Think about that it if it just stopped here. If this was the end of it Jesus said your sins are forgiven and I carried him back out on that mat. He's still better off than when he first got there because that's our primary concern in life that the sickness all of us have they were all dealing with is sin. And it can only be forgiven by God through Jesus Christ.
And that's what we see here.
See if this man had never walked again, but he'd had his sins forgiven by God. He's really gained everything.
Is gained everything by having his sins forgiven? But if this man had been healed but a sin to not been forgiven. It gains nothing. really gained nothing
big implications here write as followers of Christ as we imitate Jesus. Our primary focus should be with people spiritual condition before their physical condition. This does not mean we ignore the physical state of anyone. It doesn't mean that we don't pray for the sick and infirm right there plenty of directives in scripture. The teacher has to take care of for the needy pray for the sick. We are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the preservation of people's soul.
That's what are calling is. Yeah, we need to be compassionate toward the poor needy. Yes. We should have empathy for the sick. But our hearts desire should be to see people come before a holy adjust God and have their sins forgiven.
And doing that. Sometimes we must meet some of their physical needs of those individuals. The ultimate goal is to see people repent and be forgiven now, we don't we don't do that. That's not us against the Holy Spirit working in in our lives and in the lives of those were telling the gospel Story 2. He the holy spirit will move in them and ask them ask for repentance. I can just present the truth of the Gospel. All I can do that's my prayer anytime. I'm getting to do that President the truth of the Gospel.
We see what happened to her after this. So Jesus forgives his man sins and after Jesus forgives them and send some of the scribes and the Pharisees are in the room begin to question in the hearts what Jesus has done think about this they are internally accusing Jesus of blasphemy. Internally doing this. This is not a dialogue. They're having outside. This isn't Whispers from the 4th Q back or V you back or wherever it is. This isn't this isn't it's not it's all inside. They fought it in their hearts.
Lubricants this inverse 522. He says when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answered them. Jesus knew the thought of these men.
This isn't a moment of you can see the look on somebody's face that you know, very well and I know what you're thinking the song with this is Jesus knows their thought. He knows their hearts. This is a huge revelation of who Jesus is and his character. And Jesus answers our question in hearts with a question of his own. Which is easier to say to the paralytic your sins are forgiven or to say rise and take up your bed and walk. now at first glance you would think it would be a lot easier to say your sins are forgiven because no one can prove or disprove that. Leave your sins are forgiven.
I mean is zeroed coming for me right means nothing. Nobody can say yay or nay to that. I get it. It's kind of one of those, you know. I had it. I have a dead uncle who had seven toes on one foot. Nobody can prove or disprove that without I mean, it's just one of those statements if it's made by somebody who's not an authority to make that statement. Jesus is an authority to make that statement.
It's huge here because he is an authority to say that.
I walk around telling people all day long their sins are forgiven and it would mean nothing to anyone. If I did it long enough and bother someone enough. It would probably get me an evaluation by a psychiatrist and he's got some sort of Messiah complex. You need to get him tucked away hidden away somewhere. Right when the scribes and the Pharisees asked in their hearts who can forgive sins, but God Alone they were right. You're right. That is not a wrong question to ask who can forgive sins. God Alone. What does that say about Jesus? What is Jesus declaring about himself here?
That's why Jesus is question isn't as it seems right. It is harder to forgive sins. Send us a rise pick up your bed and walk to the only God can do that. And here's the beautiful thing about it. It can only be done through what Jesus Christ himself is going to do. I'm 3 and 1/2 for 4 years later dying on that cross for us. He himself is going to take on the sins of the world on that cross. He has that Authority.
Jesus answers them and he takes us just one step further. I love what he does here. He says but that you and he's talking to you scribes and Pharisees at this moment, but that you may know the son of man has authority to forgive on Earth to forgive sins. So that you from those fives phrase many turns any sense of the paralytic make up your bed and walk. Go home.
And the paralytic man does gust that.
Except Hazmat. We don't have any idea how long this man was a paralytic. We don't know if this was a life-long process if this was a accident that happened in a cause and Boobie a paralytic, we don't we don't know the causation. We don't know the term how long it been but we know is it Jesus?
human get up and go walk. I didn't hesitate. Got up grabbing stuff rolled up. I don't even I can't imagine like being in a crowd.
There's a man that's paralyzed and not a big town 1500 people. I'd only be probably know everyone in Capernaum. You're probably related to the other half. Right? I mean this is this is not a not a not a big community. And in so he would have known the situation for this man and it probably would have shocked even the the folks just standing by seeing him being told to rise and walk again within the Harem say your sins are forgiven. These folks would have known what he had done in the past. They would have known if this has been in an accident what would have caused and whether or not it was sinful behavior that caused the pair of the paralysis. We don't know.
You gets up and he goes. And the crowd is astonished they're amazed. They're they're just
in shock and summer guards
when the crowd and the scribes and the Pharisees
we see this the kind of missed how much Jesus was revealing revealing about who he really is. Jesus has shown his omniscience write his all-knowing being in this moment. He knew the men's faith when they came through the roof. He knew that. He knew what was in the hearts and in the minds of the scribes and Pharisees are in the room. He knew that that is all knowing. God. Jesus showing them is all-knowing God. I mean I missed it.
He's also showing. Is omnipotent is all powerfulest how he is here and healing this man has shown this he has the power to heal this man without power. He also has the power to forgive. And in doing this he calls himself son of man. That's big. That's that's the name. Jesus gives himself throughout the Book of Mark son of man. This is the name.
given the Daniel of the Messiah the suffering Messiah the suffering one uses her first himself here as that same name that happened to Daniel chapter 7.
Is revealing so much about who he is. And here's the thing if there were scribes in the room if they're Pharisees in the room. They should have been picking up on this. These are these are not little Clues he's would be big Clues they missed it ever going to continue to miss it. Unfortunately through most of Jesus's Ministry. They're not going to see this that he is who he says he is Jesus's revealing to everyone present in that room his divine nature through this miracle.
You showing them I am God God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit. We Are One essence. I am God the son.
I'm going to tell Renata I'm too ignorant to get in too much about the Trinity here. We have one God. And the best I can explain it is that he's so large. He can divide himself into three equal. pieces that are one essence
Jesus glorifies the Sun the spirit glorifies Jesus and brings people to the father like that. That's In my ignorance, that's the best I can do. I don't feel bad about my ignorant son up because when I read other people trying to write about the Trinity, they kind of admit they're ignorant too. But I feel like I'm in good company saying I'm ignorant of it, but that's who he is. He's revealing himself as God and the people went away a maze and they glorified God.
bull versus Enter so much Happening Here.
Don't don't miss some of this. In these 12 verses we see that we are to bring hurting people to Jesus.
All of us know there are people out there in our lives that are hurting so they're hurting physically where they're hurting emotionally where they're hurting spiritually. We know hurting people. We are to bring hurting people to Jesus.
These men brought their friend to Jesus if you'd read chapter 1 using that basically The Whole Town's bringing everyone. They knew the the word they actually use in Greek. When says they brought means the same thing as carried. Carrie people that needed to know Jesus to Jesus
Why do we need to bring people hurting people to Jesus because they need to be. During the teaching of Jesus they got here the teaching of Jesus. We are responsible for presenting the gospel. I'm not going to do it unless it's told they're not going to hear. It must have presented. We are to bring people to Jesus because they need to hear the gospel.
And we are to bring people to Jesus because I need forgiving others sins. Again, we see this when Jesus says to this man son. Your sins are forgiven.
primary concern hears with a spiritual well-being
we are to do that. Nelson we need to see here is it we need to see Jesus for who he really is?
Who truly is he is God. Jesus it in doing all the city shows. He shows he has got us kind of that first revelation. In this gospel presentation in Mark of writing this text of who Jesus says we've seen him do other things he cast out demons. Okay. Well other prophets can maybe cast out demons you can you know set up a sideshow that looks like somebody's doing that or whatever.
Ethiopian Simon's mother-in-law he heals a leper in chapter one. Now you showing his omniscience is omnipotence is all-knowing. This is all-powerful most forgiving a man sent an healing a man. Play Shaun Cassidy has gotten strong as he is the Son of God the Messiah. Holy One sent to save
something else that we see happening here and it goes back to that very last verse.
They were amazed and glorified God saying we never saw anything like this. We should glorify Jesus for what he does.
Jesus forgives us of our sins.
And Jesus heals us of our diseases. Will think about that often enough, right? We we like to give Doctors credit and I'm not saying don't I mean they're they're working for a living day. They earn what they are nurses work harder than most of them. I think most of the time and in so they are earning unfortunately less, but they still learning what they are. We need to pay them credit what they do, but Jesus ultimately is the one who heals our diseases because ultimately sentence sickness or only in the world because of our sin anyway, because of the Fallen nature of man sin entered the world will send enter the world Matt Braun death Decay destruction. Sickness is just a side effect of all of that. Disease is just a side effect of all of that.
He's ultimately heals us of our diseases.
Let's go back to those five questions. We asked at the beginning who wrote down. These are these are five questions. And and I've I've read it in some books of his I've I've I've heard him say it and answer me. These are five questions that Danny Akin who's president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary does we should ask ourselves any time we read through scripture and then that person was what does this text? Teach me about God.
In this passage, we see the God and Only God has the power to forgive sins.
I can forgive people for wronging me.
That's not the same as forgiving them of their sins that I can forgive.
I can forgive a kid for not bringing in their homework on a Tuesday afternoon, but that's not the same as forgiving them of their sins. God only forgives people their sins.
Second thing we see about God hears that we see that God has compassion to those were wounded by sin.
Every one of us in this room as wounded by sin.
And we may not be wounded to the point of immobility. We are wounded by sin. God still has compassion on us and our sin is is the type of sin. Typically that it puts us in Rebellion against the holy and just God that we we mock him.
return from him
and he still has compassion on us.
God has compassion all of us who are wounded by sin, which is all of us.
The third thing we see is what we see that God honors those who come to him in faith now.
The other neat thing about this particular passages, I was looking at this I think about this is the men came to Jesus with a specific request. You are paralytic friends so that he may walk.
Jesus didn't answer their request exactly the way they wanted it the first time. But you still honored their faith. He perceived that he knew their faith. He didn't have some answers the way they wanted it answered right away. Oaks that's okay. He's God is Sovereign. He's allowed to answer things in our best interest. Even if we don't understand it.
But we see that here.
The next question we asked what is this text teach me about sinful Humanity.
It teaches us that our greatest need is not physical healing. spiritual forgiveness
That's big.
Not that we should ignore those who are in physical need. Not that we shouldn't pray for those who are sick and infirm.
When Jesus first said Son your sins are forgiven. He showed us that's a primary concern and we need to be taking folks that we know who need that. Jesus
do we awesome awesome see the often see this do we see that those who fear the most religion are often the most judgemental? Scribes and Pharisees sitting in their not understanding what's going on making judgment calls in their hearts.
Cannot stand up here and say that that's not been me.
I'm as guilty as those guys. I can't say that I'm not.
that's something that we do see everything we see is it sometimes not every time but sometimes
personal sin and physical ailments are connected.
Not every personal ailment. Is connected to your personal sin, but sometimes they are. 2015 when I found out I had clogged arteries. I was directly connected to the personal sin of choosing cheeseburgers over vegetables. right 245 or 250 pounds on a 5 foot 9 frame. That's a personal sin. I should have been doing that. I woke me up. It is fixed. Sometimes it's there, but not every time I understand that.
What is the text teach me about Jesus Christ?
Jesus is God.
He knows our hearts. He forgives our sins and heals our sicknesses.
What else does it teach me about Jesus that Jesus is the son of man who fulfills Daniel chapter 7? And he has Authority in heaven and on Earth. He has the authority to forgive sins on heaven in heaven and on Earth are on Earth.
Why does God want me to know from this passage? All right. That was me know that we need his word. Jesus was continuing to preach the whole first two chunks are the first two chapters of of Mark or about Jesus going on in preaching. It's not about him healing. He's kind of lack of a better way Santa mobbed by people all the time. For healing and he says at the end of chapter one as we got to get out of here. I need to go preach. I need to need to get out and so it goes off to the I love that the that yes, we translated as desolate places and these these Wilderness areas we can get out and go teach and preach and do what he knows. He's called to do preacher gospel that says repent of your sins. No God.
We goes out Jesus is God.
Cycling we need to know here. Is that what does this text teach me about Jesus or no? I don't know that. I apologize. We need to run to Jesus and only to Jesus for the Forgiveness of our sins.
That's what we need to do running to Jesus these men brought this guy De Jesus ain't forgave the sins. We need to run to Jesus. We're told to flee from our sins, but when we leave or do we run to
Run to Jesus the one who can forgive us of those sins.
And also wants me to know that Jesus can forgive sins because he is God.
Jesus is The God Who forgives our sin?
Out him we are still condemned by our own sin. When it comes to why does God want me to do the focus on our whole sermon series our overarching sirius's? What now? What does God want me to do now right now that Jesus is here and he's ministering and we see what's happening. What do we want? What does God want me to do now will God wants us to act on her face.
I will people know you have faith if you never act on it. You just sit on it. I will people know you have it.
You need to act on her face. God wants us to glorify him because of what he has done for us through Jesus Christ.
3 God wants us to bring those who are hurting the Jesus.
Is that there's a CS Lewis quote? And it's from the book Mere Christianity it up here.
What's the think about this idea here is as Loose as talking about who Jesus says he is. He's more than a prophet. He's more than a teacher and it's loose is talking about this in your Christianity says among these Jews are suddenly turns up a man who goes about talking as if he were God. What does man said was quite simply the most shocking thing that has ever been uttered by human lips? I'm trying here to prevent anyone from saying the really foolish thing that people often say about him. I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept the claim his claim to be God. That is one thing we must not say. A man who is merely a man and said the sort of things that Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. It would either be a little thick on the level of the man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the devil of hell.
You must make your choice. Either this man wasn't is the Son of God or else a Madman or something worse? You can shut him up for a fool and you can spit him and kill him as a demon or you can follow his feet and call him Lord and God. Let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about him being a great human teacher. Is not left that open to us and he did not intend.
Jesus is The God Who forgives sins?
Is he your God? Has he forgiven your sins? Not today.
Got those five questions and looking at what does God need me to do if you're a Believer and you can say yes. I know Jesus is my God. And yes, I know Jesus has given my send and you looked back to that question 5, what does God want me to do? Going to this time of our call to action in our are. Ultra call rr invitation time. If you don't know Jesus and you feel that tug of the Holy Spirit on you saying I need to make him my God. I need him to forgive me my sins. Now's the time to do it. If you know that he has already forgiven you of your sins and you know that he is your god. And now you need to say what do I do next? This is your time to do business with him. If you know that Jesus needs to forgive your sins. You just cry out Jesus forgive me. I'm a sinful person. that simple he will work in your life be a process. If that's where you're at and that's what you need to do in your heart today. Take this time to do it your bow with me. Are we just thank you so much.
Thank you for passages like Mark to the that point out and show us your glory that shows who you are and show us who Jesus really is. How he is. Who he says he is he is God.
The God Who forgives our sins the only God who forgives our sins
fathers we pray here we do business with you. We we take time to respond.
What you put on our hearts today?
We asked Lord that you would just move in US. And not just tell us what we need to do. But give us the Courage the energy and the motivation to actually go out and do it. father for those who maybe don't know you
you have not said yes, Jesus. You are my God. Give me of my sins. I Surrender it to you.
I'll let that happen today as well.
Is the name I pray these things. amen