January 26, 2020 - Philippians 2:19-30
At the almost had the gospel of Philippians buy it at the letter of Philippians. It's in a pistol, which means it's a letter that Paul wrote to a church. And so it's it's a lot lot of neat things that we're seeing here in Philippians. But so far in the book of Philippians Paul his challenge the Christians at this church in Philippi that they are to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel. He's helping them in effect. See clearly in order to help them press on in the faith, right. He helps them put on gospel Ended as we're in the series called 20/20 vision happens to be get be the beginning of the year 2020 20/20. But what we're talking about is 20/20 vision being able to see clearly which it happens when we Recognize that everything's a little blurry in life. In fact to go another step. We're blind spiritually and by God's mercy were able to put on gospel lenses in order to see clearly what God would have us see so that we can follow him in faith because if you cannot see the gospel, if you cannot see how Jesus wants you to follow him, you will not follow him in the right way so we can always be putting these lenses are and what we're going to find is in life. Where can I get bumped around and bruised and and things are going to happen. But when those bumps happen, sometimes those the lenses kind of fall off, you know, they fall off your face or preferably I think that's about as far as I can take that but you know, they fall off you got to kind of find them and put them back on again and that's an ongoing work of the spirit. Right? And that's what we saying even this morning when we saying 10000 reasons. We're talkin about preaching to ourself the truth of God's word. And so now in the last half of Philippians chapter 2 verses 19 through 30 Paul We've already seen the example of Christ who though he was God didn't consider equality with God. Nothing to be grasped if there was anybody who had any rights, it's Jesus any set them aside.
And he demonstrated what it means to be humble to be a servant and that's what he encourages the Church of Philip II to do as we look at these verses to pursue Christ through humility and sacrifice and Paul sets before them to exemplars. If you will of the faith Timothy Timothy and Anna Path Road at it or I'm going to call him aphroditus. I know I am but that's not actually pronouncing it right, but but and so let's look together a Philippians 2:19 through 30. Paul says I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon so that I too may be cheered by news of you for I have no one like him who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare for they all seek their own interests. Not those of Jesus Christ, but you know Timothy's proven worth and how is a son like a father he has served with me in the gospel. I hope there for the scent of you just as soon as I see how it will go with me as I trust the Lord that shortly I myself will come to you also, and I've thought it necessary to send to you about aphroditus. They there to my brother and fellow worker and fellow Soldier and your messenger and minister to my need for he has been longing for you all and he has been distressed because he heard I'm sorry. He has been distressed because You heard that he was ill. Indeed. He was Ill near to death, but God had mercy on him. Not only on him, but also wanted me lest. I should have sorrow upon sorrow. I am all the more eager to send him to you therefore that you may Rejoice at seeing him again, and then I may be less anxious. So receive him in the Lord with all joy and honor such men for he has nearly died for the work of Christ risking his life to complete what was lacking in your service to me.
Pursuing Christ means entrusting your plans hopes and dreams to God's Will and this takes form in into things that will be here. One Christ is Lord over all the pause plans and then secondly Paul's heart is so bound up. So intertwined with the Philippians progress and joy in the gospel. Remember the main point of this letter it we find in chapter 1 verse 27 that they are to let their manner of Life be worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That's it right there. What's his letter about that that they would live in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that whether Paul comes to see them or whether he is absent that he might hear of them that they are standing firm in one spirit with one mind right striving for the gospel of Christ are striving for the faith of the Gospel soap Unity. Unity comes through letting our life be worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And that's what Paul's concerned about. He's deeply concerned about their spiritual warfare and spiritual welfare and their progress of the faith. He says, I love Jesus so much. I'm ready to go be with the Lord right now. I also care deeply about your spiritual well-being for your joy in the face for your progress in the faith. What did hear what he's not saying? He's not saying I hope everybody has a good day. He said whatever your day, let it Propel you in your face. You have a rotten day. That is part of God's design for your life. So capture it don't waste that rotten day and let the lord lord Jesus by his Mercy Propel you forward in faith. Give a difficult relationship. You're not what sure what to do with a certain relationship. How does God want to reveal himself to you and others through this particular circumstance, how can God sustain you in a confusing season reconciliation in a relationship, right? You need to forgive somebody you need to forgive somebody and a reconcile that's part of it. What's going about it by your own human wisdom, you'll never get there. I promise you'll ever get there. EBay patched things up a little bit. You may be cordial with one another if you're not going to get toward healing and Reconciliation that glorifies God if you're going about it viral, it's none of us will but if we go about it through God's wisdom through God's planning and according to God's means and methods. You'll get there by his grace. You'll get there by his grace now, each of us in this room can only be responsible for our part of what that equation looks like. So what do we do what we take it to the Lord in prayer? What's the Lord help me to see the blind spot in my own life and help me to live in a manner worthy of the gospel. And what's the gospel? Well, it's the good news that came after the bad news that Jesus Christ came in the world to save Sinners and I'm at the front of the line.
That's why I received Grace that I don't deserve. and if someone else that Maybe I feel like they don't deserve Grace for me. But you know what? That's me in the Lord and he gave it to me every time and so we follow suit we walk in faith. We forgive others, or maybe we're the one that needs to be forgiven for something wrong. What we follow God's methods and we go to that person. We make it right we do our part. to humbly lay our lives before there's
Got a fearful medical diagnosis. What do you do when you take it you go to the Lord you say father. I don't like this. I want you to take to get to get rid of this situation in my life. I don't want to have to deal with this and the Lord says my grace is sufficient for you. Paul said three times or take away the store and take away the store and take away their store in the Lord said no, my grace is sufficient. I will carry you through so that you can live a life in a manner worthy of the Gospel verse 19 says I hope in the Lord Jesus and you see this gospel standard dripping throughout all of everything that Paul writes right? I hope in the Lord Jesus. Do you see how he's focused on God's will right there. There was a day and age when older Generations would say I'll see you tomorrow at church Lord willing member that so if you remember that, right, I look forward to seeing you next month Lord willing that used to be a part of ongoing conversation. We would do well to regain some of that and say I'd love to see this happen at our church Lord willing. Boy love to take it to be able to see you in a month or two Lord willing. I love to see how God would use my life for the Gospel of Jesus Lord willing. I want to follow God's will whatever it means for my life. I know I'm going to need help in the midst of it but I sure would have follow God's will you ever been in a conversation? We're both of you. Are you start kind of on the main point and and then you sort of divine drag you file a rabbit trails and you get to the point of your conversation where you kind of forget where it what you're even talking about. You don't mean right you had those covers that sometimes it's it's it's it's not at all and I'll be there quotes there. So sometimes it's a it's a discussion that maybe Mom and Dad are having her grandma grandpa heaven and and you get two other little mini discussions that lead you down rabbit Trails me like what am I even talking about again? And then somebody says oh we started talking about this so that we could result right is that so that that's what Paul does right here is called a purpose Clause. He says I'm writing this to you so that let me tell me the purpose for writing it whenever you're reading your Bible. You see therefore you see so that boy Circle that and look at what's happening right there because that tells you why he's writing. I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon so that I too may be cheered of your new of news by you. I have no one like him. So that's what he said. I want to send Timothy to your wife so that he can Boomerang back to me and I may be cheered by good news of what's happening in your life. Paul wants them to see good circumstances hard circumstances confusing circumstances all of it in light of the Gospel that there's a specific trait phrase that continually ties us back to chapter 1 verse 27, which is the main point here, right? And so he's saying that you might have to go back up one slide here. He says from chapter 1 verse 12. I want you to know brothers that what has happened to me. Can you go back one side? Actually going to go back three slides. I think that you up there we go. 112. I want you to know Brothers at what has happened to me or in parentheses the things according to me that really served to advance the gospel. Now you're going to see Jason Meyer helps us with this sort of his own interpretation here, but it's helpful to see this thread that runs through this part of Philippians and it's important for us 2nd lien in chapter 127 that I may hear of you or that I may hear of things concerning you and that you were standing firm in one spirit and with one mind driving side-by-side for the faith of the gospel chapter 2 verse 19 where we are today and I hope in the Lord to send Timothy to you soon so that I too may be cheered by news of you or buy things concerning you as I hear about them, right and then lastly says, it's similar phrases Universe 25 No One Like Him Timothy who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare or genuinely concerned about things concerning you you see the idea of these driving on their own. And over and over again, even when I was reading it for the second half of this passage that kind of chuckled when I was reading it the selflessness In this passage is just a parrot everywhere the selflessness In this passage is is apparent everywhere. So he wants to hear that they are standing firm in the gospel despite their difficulty and they're suffering. So he says I'm going to send Timothy 2 Timothy is my my my servant is the Lord's servant but he's like a son to me. I don't want you to look at this dialog here that we see in 19 through 24 Stone to put a slide up here and it's going to help us visualize. What's what's happening here. So Paul says, I hope in the Lord to send $0.02 Timothy to you soon in the Philippians would be sort of like woah by Timothy Wright and then the next the next Red Line. There's no one like him who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. Well, well why is that are or why is that the case? Well pump continues everybody. 609 interests not Christ, but Timothy has proven character, right and they're like, oh right. I think I get it now in a minute. Okay, so back to what I was saying, but before he does that I want to just touch on a few things here. He said Timothy is genuinely concerned for your welfare. Never had somebody come alongside of you genuinely concerned for your welfare and you're like, yeah, but I still don't want anything to do that.
Tzu-yu being concerned for my welfare. I know means living in a manner worthy of the Gospel. I don't know how to get there right now. So I may be going to kind of stiff arm you or maybe it's the Holy Spirit you live. I'm going to stiff arm the Holy Spirit right now, you know or or your children your children that they want to go do what they want to do. They don't they don't want to eat food a day. Just want to play all day long and I can't be bothered with food, but for the betterment of everybody that's going to be in a 20-foot radius around these children, right? We know that their best interest is is nourishment for their bodies and Paula saying I know that the very best thing for you is spiritual nourishment. So that you can live in a manner worthy of the Gospel in Timothy. Timothy shares the same mind of Christ and he wants that for you.
You had a brother or sister in the faith come to you in and try to encourage you in a particular spiritual discipline, maybe.
Maybe it's reading the word or maybe it's striving to it to live a certain way. Peanuts trying to live a certain way often happens on the flip the flip side of that coin not living another certain way. Right, we we we stop one thing. What's Colossus just lays out? So well, we stop one thing and then we'll renewed in the spirit of your mind. We put off the Flesh and then we're to be renewed in the spirit of our mind and it would put on the spirit. It's like changing your shirt, you know him to take off his shirt longer it and then put it back on that laundry is being renewed in the spirit of our mind Romans 12:1 says that we are not to be conformed to this world, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that by testing Testing through trials through tribulation. We may discern mean perceive and understand. What is God's perfect and good will for our lives and that's what pause after here, right selfishness selfishness place every one of us. I'm at the front of that line, but you just have to listen in at my home for 400. Maybe I'll be generous to myself and say a day.
And you'll see Matt seeking his own interest. Probably even on more than one occasion.
But don't ask my family.
Timothy has the mind of Christ and he says y'all need the mind of Christ and I happen to be locked up in prison so I can't get there right now. But but Timothy, well, I hope in the Lord cuz I'm humble. I'm not God God is God, but I hope in the Lord to send them to you soon. And so he says, you know Let it go Let each of you not look to your own interests, but to the interests of others, right? That's early chapter 2 verse 4. And then he's actually not so there is a mind of Christ and then he's actually not saying what everybody else thinks their own interests. Do not look to your own interests. Everybody else. Even Christians are taking their own interest, but Timothy is seeking the interest of Christ, which is your spiritual well-being.
Jesus emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant chapter 2 verse 7. He had the mind of Christ and Timothy Chapter 2 Verse 22. Timothy has a son with a father. He has served with me in the gospel. He's he's served me light like a a willing slave or servant to come alongside me so much so that I speak of him as a son. Hear that that tenderness your that compassion.
and then We get to the so so as I was saying right to explains why Timothy is a good example of this. So I would as I was saying, I hope to send them to you versus 23 and 24 just as soon as I see how it will go with me and I trust the Lord that shortly I myself will come also. Do you see that? He bookends this little paragraph with I hope in the Lord and he says right here so that I and I trust in the Lord shortly that I myself may come also.
You know, he's really think is right here. You know, it's mine what cuz he already told us. He's thinking here. I trust that I will come to see you. What's the other option? Even Lord Frieza. I'm so they continue in this ministry member and he said I'm pretty sure that's what it's going to be because it's going to be what's best for you for your walk with the Lord. But the other option is being persecuted to death been poured out as a drink offering and going to see the Lord because that's that's good. This is that's that's really what I want in my life here that you see here at all through scripture that the Lord Jesus is Sovereign over everything stubborn means to have complete Rule and Reign and decision-making Authority and a power and the might and the resources it comes to back up what your plan is. That's what stubborn means we talked about a Sovereign Nation means there's a nation that doesn't need another Nation to come alongside. And that is the Lord just a few verses for you hear the plans of the heart belong to man. But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord a few vs. Miter the heart of a man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps, and I'm going to continue a memory two more verses here Passage. But here's what I would ask if friends. Is there an aspect of your life that you are not turning over to the Lord? Is there an aspect of your life that you were sort of banking on your own confidence baking on your own understanding of how things are supposed to work? Maybe you're not sure what to do. Maybe, you know crystal clear that it's time to get re-engaged with the ministry of Oak Grove Church.
When you're not sure how to get re-engaged with the ministry of Oak Grove Church. Maybe you're trying to figure out how to get back on plan with God's will for you as a Christian in your neighborhood or in your job. Whatever the case might be. Meanwhile, we going to make it all sorts of other plans. We plan for college meal plan for jobs and plan for trips with plan for vacations. We plan for tomorrow and we don't even know what tomorrow has James tells you who said tomorrow or today. We will go into such and such a peaceful little town and then vanishes instead. You are prefer the world war.
How far back should I go?
I heard it just start over.
How about let's start over with the beginning of this passage?
The Lord will the battery work.
LOL, I was not there yet.
All right. We'll look at James. Again James chapter 4 come down Tuesday today or tomorrow. We will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and try to make a profit. You don't even know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life or your missed? It appears for a little time and and then vanishes instead you ought to say if the Lord Wills we will live and do this or that as it is you boast in your arrogance and all such boasting is evil. And Hebrews 6:3 the writer says and this we will do if God permits but don't we need to bring this back into our vocabulary? I can't wait to do this in my job or go to this college or finish this test with the score if the Lord permits if the Lord Wills that's what I ought to do. That's what I want to see happen this how we need to talk. We need to talk. This way is as individuals. We need to speak this way as Ministry team Men's Ministry. Ladies Ministry deacons Elders. We need to be speaking in This Way Pastor is we need to speak to be speaking as this way as as church members if the Lord Wills I'm going to do this, but I don't know what I need to become a member of the church. I mean, I don't really I don't really want to become a member. Not a whole lot of if the Lord Wills in there. What is the Lord's will for the body of Christ? What we know is to live in a manner worthy of the gospel and that we are members of one another and so Well, maybe I need to follow the lord in membership. Maybe I need to follow the lord in baptism right you go. Well, I I just don't I mean I'm good. I know I'm say that it really need what the Lord says repent and be baptized where believe and be baptized. It's an act of obedience. So what do you do? If you're not sure what to do there. Will you take the Lord of his word and you walk in faith, whatever the trial we talked about finances at the business meeting recently recently. Right? We talked about the fact that that that really kind of our Baseline budget about $255,000 and in 2019. We took in about $220,000 toward our general fund. I want to be clear there was a significant amount of money that was given towards benevolence Ministry and toward the building and those things are wonderful, but we need to give first and foremost to the to the general fund why we're trusting the leadership. The God has brought to the church. And you say why don't know that I agree with this or that will we are members of one another and God has put leadership in place in perfect leadership for sure. So I know that I'm going to do my part and I'm going to give Faithfully what what if I don't feel like I have the money to give Faithfully well, are you trusting in your ability to do the math or working at enough job? When is going to be enough that you have the money to tithe on a regular basis at what point do you stop and say this stuff is mine. But now I've got a little bit extra to give God or do we follow the example within scripture and say I'm going to give a tenth of it 10% of it right out of the gate because it is the Lord and I am the Lord and I will trust the Lord to supply for my name. Tell pastor Matt you're getting. meddling now
I'm exhorting us to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel which is to trust the Lord and faith is not about a dollar amount was not about what you doing Ministry. It's trusting the Lord in faith. Look at verse 25 when he talks about sending app Aphrodite's to to to the Philippians. He said I'm going to send him to you. He is a fellow worker in the end of Philippians perspective is like yes. Oh we sent him to Paul to minister to his needs Paul says, he's a fellow Soldier and the Philippines person perspective is yes, he's a messenger. He's an ambassador and he's a brother in the Lord and the Philippines are saying yes, he's highly honored because he's a he's a family member in the family of Christ who is meeting the needs of a minister of the Gospel. We love him. So as a brother in the Lord, That's why he says I thought it necessary to send them to you my brother work or fellow Soldier you miss messenger and your minister to my need verse 26 for he's been longing for you all and he's been distressed because you heard he was if that's what I was laughing at earlier. When I read this passage kind of caught me off-guard a little bit. Not sure why but but is easier this listen to somebody is sick and it not in a false humility, but stay here. They know that that this group over here the Philippian Church loves epaphroditus, right? They know that he loves him. And so when they find out that he's ill he is ill as his ministering the gospel. They find out that he's able he's distressed by that. I don't want them to be thinking about me. I just want them to be focusing on doing whatever they can do to live for Jesus. I want them to take cap take captive every thought I want them to take out of every moment and live for Jesus so that the gospel will continue to spread out and spread out in Phillipi that so here we go again another conversation. Chris was a little bit smaller on the screen here. But this is sort of help all lines out this. I'm going to read 27 for you through the end here. He says indeed he was it 11 near to death, but God had mercy on him and not only on him but also on me less I should have sorrow upon sorrow in other words if he dies. I am going to be grieved deeply God had mercy on him to heal him and he had mercy on me. You know what they's not saying he's not saying. It better healing so what you saying?
He's saying the undeserved mercy of God toward man. Heal this brother, and I'm so thankful.
And I in the more eager to send him there for that. You may Rejoice at seeing him again see that other centeredness. I wanted to come to you because it's going to bring you Joy and that I may be less anxious.
Why would Paul be wrestling with anxiety here?
Will Paul Paul sort of us on the on the front of a seat on the edge of a seat. He wants to hear that the Philippians are following Jesus. He wants to hear that they're living in a manner worthy of the Gospel to which they have been called in. So he's kind of on the edge of his seat and saying I would have send them to you so that when he returns when Timothy returns heard this Boomerang effect, I'm going to hear that you're doing well in the gospel that will bring me great joy. So receive him in the Lord with all joy and honor him give them to commands there for he nearly died for the work of Jesus risking his life to complete. What was lacking in your service to me Paul. I'm sorry aphroditus was able to minister to Paul bring gifts to Paul to help Paul in his ministry. He says you could have do it not because you were willing up because you didn't want to because we were separated. And so you sent a packer dies as a messenger as an ambassador and that's so good. Let's just look at this train of thought real fast, right? I thought it was necessary just to be on the screen for you here. I thought it was necessary to send a password ideas to you. Why because he was longing for you and he was distressed. Why because you heard that that he was sick. Oh, really? Seriously. Yes, seriously. He nearly died instead. God had mercy on him and on me. So back to what I was saying, right? This is how Paul's conversation chain goes back to what I was saying. I'm eagerly sending him to you. What why so that you would Rejoice Philippians and that Paul would be able to relax Knowing that you are resting in Jesus and following him Faithfully. Well, how do they respond? Well, welcome in welcome them with joy hold him in high regard. He's a messenger who's giving his life for the Gospel of Jesus Christ able to do in Ministry what you're not able to do and that's not negatively held against you. It's just the way that the Lord in his Sovereign wisdom has has set it all up. So what are we looking at here friends? Paul begins this letter by saying I am so thankful. And I I thank my God for your partnership in the gospel and remember and verse 6 of chapter one. He says I'm confident that God who started this great work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ and then it goes on to encourage them and say everything in my life is intended for the advance of the Gospel. If I if I die now to go be with Jesus. Hallelujah But if I stay here and I'm pretty sure that's what it was going to happen. I'm going to stay here for your progress in the face for your joy in the face. And that's good too. Cuz it means fruitful Ministry. My life is not wasted cuz I get too invested in you friends. Listen, this is to be the perspective of every Christian. Why do we get there while we we pursue Unity as we have the mind of Christ right? We're pursuing Christ or pursuing the mind of Christ and that happens to humility. And sacrifice. Here's my question for you friend. What is it in your life? What is it in your life where the holy spirit will want to distract you even right now? even tomorrow write this conversation goes from here just goes back one step in the event of life. And what is it that the holy spirit will want to say I want you to follow me faithful in this way. That your mind May begin to flood. And go oh, we write to list all of the ways where I'm not following Jesus that would become overwhelming to you. If you deeply desire to follow Jesus faithful, you might even despair. That's not the heart of the text. That's not Paul's heart and it's not the Lord's hard. The Lord's heart is that you would understand what God's best. Next step is for you.
Listen, it's not that you would understand how to make it all happen. It's that you would understand what God wants for you next. And then you apply your face knowing that God is God.
And you walk in faith. Not knowing the how resting in The Who?
anticipating God's faithfulness
as we Faithfully follow
Do you know if they wouldn't have ever rolled away the stone might not ever know that Jesus was actually alive.
He didn't become a lie when they rolled away the stone he was alive. they rolled away the stone and he was gone, but he rolled away the stone I guess but
What is it that you need to do in faith next if you're not sure pray as we go to the Lord and communion, I won't ask you to think about this when Jesus allowed his body to be broken. When Jesus is blood was poured out for you on Calvary. We sang this morning. Oh your grace so free washes over me.
That's a wonderful song and it was a costly Grace. costly But given to you who believe. freelee
But then that freedom in Christ propels you forward to Faith to fruitful living to fruitful Ministry. How does the Lord want to move in your life use this time to pray about that now parents gather your kids up pull them together and rehearse the gospel with them or just begin to pray over them just whispered prayers over your children. Now that God would use them for building his kingdom. For many many years to come what? If that's his well, whatever the case might be. Let's pray father that you have given us more than we can comprehend. That you have loved us in ways that we cannot describe and you are calling us to do things that we cannot do. And so how does that all add up? Well, you're the Gap in the equation or excuse me, you fill the Gap in the equation. Because in Jesus everything is yes. I saw the math for our bills. It's yes because you'll provide for us. It made mean in a relationship working through some difficult. Experiences that are the result of the natural consequences of our sin or another person sin, but but you meet us there also, you don't leave us alone. You meet us where we are and you carry us forward. But it often feels uncomfortable because we don't know what's next. We don't know how it's going to work and that makes us feel nervous father. Would you help us take that nervousness to you and in faith? follow you
depending on you Do the tools that you have given us? For life and godliness to live in a manner worthy of the calling to which we've been called. Father we want to see your name exalted and glorified Above All Else. In Jesus name we pray amen.