Jesus is the bread of life

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Each time we meet together for a coffee morning we look at something that Jesus said about himself.
People have lots of opinions about Jesus, but the best way to find out who he was is by looking at what he said about himself.
As we have seen already Jesus made some very bold claims about himself.
This week we will be looking at another statement that Jesus made concerning himself.
This statement is found in the Gospel of .
“Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall never hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
In order for us to understand this statement made by the Lord Jesus about himself first me we understand the things that have just taken place in this chapter.
At the beginning of chapter 6 the Lord Jesus fed the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. The people seeing this miracle want to make him king and so he withdraws from them.
When the people find him they desire to have more of this bread that they were fed with previously.
The Lord knows they are only following him because he gave them food to eat and not because they believe he is the promised Saviour.
In v.26-27 Jesus says “Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. 27 Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you.”
In the following verses they make it clear that they want bread and then in v.35 Jesus makes the claim about himself that we have just read.
The point Jesus is making is this; You people are looking for material sustenance but the one who comes to me with find spirtual sustenance. They will have eternal life.
The Lord is trying to show the people that instead of using Jesus to fulfill their need of bread, it is he himself that they need.
He gives true, everlasting life.
He is the bread of life
Just as it was then, people today can seek the Lord Jesus for all the wrong reasons. They are looking for the gifts but have no desire for the giver.
The Lord Jesus reveals that he is the one who meets our greatest needs.
I want us to briefly look at these words of Jesus under two statements.

I. Jesus is the life giver v.35a

Firstly we learn that Jesus is the life giver.
He is the one who gives life.
He said “I am the bread of life...”
This could be said Jesus is the bread that gives life.
Life comes from him.
The life spoken on here is not the normal life that every living person enjoys, although we have received physical from him.
The life spoken of here is whats refered to in the Bible as eternal life, or everlasting life.
In Jesus defines eternal life as knowing God.
The life that Jesus gives is spiritual life, it is a relationship with the God who created us. It begins now in this life the moment we believe in him and it continues after death in the new heavens and the new earth.
This is the life that Jesus gives.
The life we lost because of our sin, Jesus gives to those who come to him.
Do you have this eternal life that is only found in Jesus?
The first statment Jesus is the life giver.
The second statement Jesus gives true lasting satisfaction.

II. Jesus gives true, lasting satisfaction v.35b

Jesus said “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall never hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), .
Here the Lord Jesus says that whoever believes in him will never hunger or thirst.
The language here is clearly figurative.
The Lord Jesus is not saying that if you become a Christian then you will not need another meal or drink another cup of tea.
He is using two of our most basic needs; food and drink as a picture. He is ultimately saying that our greatest needs are met by him.
He satisfies our greatest longings.
We were made to know God.
Sadly our relationship with God has been lost through sin.
But, the Lord Jesus Christ brings us back to God. He does this through his death on the cross and his resurrection. When he died on the cross he died for the sins of those who trust in him. When a person believes their sin is taken away, they are forgiven and brought back into right standing with God.
When we are brought back into a relationship with God then we find all of our greatest needs met.
Then we find true satisfaction.
Then we have our deepest longings fulfilled. In Jesus there is true joy, there is peace with God.
In Jesus Christ
Ultimately this verse of never hungering and never thirsting is filfilled in heaven.
All of this is found in Jesus, with out him the very opposite is true.


Who is Jesus?
He is the giver of live. I am the bread of life.
He gives true, lasting satisfaction. Whoever comes to me shall never hunger, whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
The people were coming to Jesus for the wrong reasons and therefore they did not receive their greatest need.
He chides them for their unbelief.
The thought for the day that I want to leave you with is could Jesus say that to you?
Yet you do not believe?
Will you come to Jesus for the right reason, will you find in him everything you need?
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