Ephesians 5:8-21
Tuesday June 6th 1944 6:30 a.m. About five thousand ships carrying 175000 Allied troops approach the southern beaches in France for the largest invasion in modern histor. It wasn't on this particular Beach at this particular Fort a time at a Fort here on the Eastern shores of the United States the beach day landed on was right in the heart of nazi-controlled Europe now what we refer to as as D-Day. the men that approach the beach at Normandy were under no delusion that they were going to the beach for a vacation that they understood exactly what they were walking into. a war in the Fifth chapter of the book of Ephesians Paul is going to pull back the curtain on what is happening in life and shows us that we're in the midst of a battle no less stringent with an enemy no less fierce and consequences Gravely more significant even what is Allied troops faced on D-day. Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies in the modern church is that is that many of us have no idea we're even in a battle we approach life like it were a vacation at the beach. like we live on a playground rather than a battleground This why I think so many people I honestly don't make it as Christians that they don't realize that the Christian Life Is War. employs several metaphors in communicate this in and gives us instructions in light of each one of them
8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
he says the world is dark and verse 14 going to say the world is a grave verse 16 is going to say the age is evil. let's look at those one at a time in the midst of a dark world verse 8 paul says we are to walk as children of light trying to discern what is pleasing to the Lord I almost have the image here trying to read in the dark sometimes after my wife goes to bed I try to read and it annoys her or when I leave the bedside light on because it makes her it makes it hard for her to sleep so be the awesome husband that I am I bought one of those little headlight lamps that you strap around your head on the light will only illuminate what's your directly keep your focus really intensely on the words anywhere else. Paul is saying point the light of God's word directly at your relationships at your career at your emotions why you react certain ways if your thoughts in your habits you see you never just do the will of God by accident the Christian Life is Like an uphill Battle Siege and you never just coast uphill you're coasting you're going backwards the world is dark and your heart is dark so to do it intentionality and focus. II metaphor he uses for
he says the world is dark and verse 14 going to say the world is a grave verse 16 is going to say the age is evil. let's look at those one at a time in the midst of a dark world verse 8 paul says we are to walk as children of light trying to discern what is pleasing to the Lord I almost have the image here trying to read in the dark sometimes after my wife goes to bed I try to read and it annoys her or when I leave the bedside light on because it makes her it makes it hard for her to sleep so be the awesome husband that I am I bought one of those little headlight lamps that you strap around your head on the light will only illuminate what's your directly keep your focus really intensely on the words anywhere else. Paul is saying point the light of God's word directly at your relationships at your career at your emotions why you react certain ways if your thoughts in your habits you see you never just do the will of God by accident the Christian Life is Like an uphill Battle Siege and you never just coast uphill you're coasting you're going backwards the world is dark and your heart is dark so to do it intentionality and focus. II metaphor he uses for the grave it says awake o sleeper rise from the dead in Christ will shine on this is a great when you you know how hard it is to get up from a good sleep. my wife is is awesome at this set the alarm goes off and she just bounces right out of bed I hardly ever feel like getting up on that alarm goes off Paul says it is so easy spiritually to Slumber in the sleep of complacency because you're living in a world that's like a grave God's word today snooze no need to volunteer Ministry I just feel like watching TV and being alone snooze no need to have that difficult conversation snooze Paul says get up time is short when life is war you don't sleep you got to get up and get a fight last Leaf Paul says we live in an evil Age first says look carefully it in the Greek it it it says look diligently to look into how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days you are living in our evil, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is the Christian Life is struggle and if we're going to make it we have to declare an absolute war on the gravitational pull of the world a world that is sleeping a world that is in a dark and a World that is in the grave. So how does Paul tell us to engage in Warfare he's going to give in the in the following verses a litany of commands here is the first one look carefully then how you walk. Verse 8 walk as children of light verse 17, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. just basically think through all of your relationships your habits your gouls in the light of God's work when you think about the parable of the sower you know where the sower goes out scatter seeds and the seed represents the different kinds of soil if you look at the seeds that did not survive which is about three-quarters of them on the seeds that didn't survive are the ones that don't go down deep enough it's only a seed penetrate deeply into the soil that they can survive at one of the points of that Parable as we going to drive the gospel deep in our hearts until it gets underneath all of our emotions and and is that gets into the foundation of all our relationships so that our our successes or failures our Joys are pains are hopes or fear all of it we are learning to see through that the lens of God's word and God's word is bearing fruit and all of it to let God's word so flow through your veins that would life when I cut you you bleed God's work Here is the second command says be intentional with your time us 5:16 if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t jsut think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of got alcohol gets rid of worried about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,
“Awake, O sleeper,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”
the grave it says awake o sleeper rise from the dead in Christ will shine on this is a great when you you know how hard it is to get up from a good sleep. my wife is is awesome at this set the alarm goes off and she just bounces right out of bed I hardly ever feel like getting up on that alarm goes off Paul says it is so easy spiritually to Slumber in the sleep of complacency because you're living in a world that's like a grave God's word today snooze no need to volunteer Ministry I just feel like watching TV and being alone snooze no need to have that difficult conversation snooze Paul says get up time is short when life is war you don't sleep you got to get up and get a fight last Leaf Paul says we live in an evil Age first says look carefully it in the Greek it it it says look diligently to look into how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days you are living in our evil, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is the Christian Life is struggle and if we're going to make it we have to declare an absolute war on the gravitational pull of the world a world that is sleeping a world that is in a dark and a World that is in the grave. So how does Paul tell us to engage in Warfare he's going to give in the in the following verses a litany of commands here is the first one look carefully then how you walk. Verse 8 walk as children of light verse 17, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. just basically think through all of your relationships your habits your gouls in the light of God's work when you think about the parable of the sower you know where the sower goes out scatter seeds and the seed represents the different kinds of soil if you look at the seeds that did not survive which is about three-quarters of them on the seeds that didn't survive are the ones that don't go down deep enough it's only a seed penetrate deeply into the soil that they can survive at one of the points of that Parable as we going to drive the gospel deep in our hearts until it gets underneath all of our emotions and and is that gets into the foundation of all our relationships so that our our successes or failures our Joys are pains are hopes or fear all of it we are learning to see through that the lens of God's word and God's word is bearing fruit and all of it to let God's word so flow through your veins that would life when I cut you you bleed God's work Here is the second command says be intentional with your time us 5:16 if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t jsut think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of got alcohol gets rid of worried about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
the grave it says awake o sleeper rise from the dead in Christ will shine on this is a great when you you know how hard it is to get up from a good sleep. my wife is is awesome at this set the alarm goes off and she just bounces right out of bed I hardly ever feel like getting up on that alarm goes off Paul says it is so easy spiritually to Slumber in the sleep of complacency because you're living in a world that's like a grave God's word today snooze no need to volunteer Ministry I just feel like watching TV and being alone snooze no need to have that difficult conversation snooze Paul says get up time is short when life is war you don't sleep you got to get up and get a fight last Leaf Paul says we live in an evil Age first
says look carefully it in the Greek it it it says look diligently to look into how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days you are living in our evil, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is the Christian Life is struggle and if we're going to make it we have to declare an absolute war on the gravitational pull of the world a world that is sleeping a world that is in a dark and a World that is in the grave. So how does Paul tell us to engage in Warfare he's going to give in the in the following verses a litany of commands here is the first one look carefully then how you walk. Verse 8 walk as children of light verse 17, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. just basically think through all of your relationships your habits your gouls in the light of God's work when you think about the parable of the sower you know where the sower goes out scatter seeds and the seed represents the different kinds of soil if you look at the seeds that did not survive which is about three-quarters of them on the seeds that didn't survive are the ones that don't go down deep enough it's only a seed penetrate deeply into the soil that they can survive at one of the points of that Parable as we going to drive the gospel deep in our hearts until it gets underneath all of our emotions and and is that gets into the foundation of all our relationships so that our our successes or failures our Joys are pains are hopes or fear all of it we are learning to see through that the lens of God's word and God's word is bearing fruit and all of it to let God's word so flow through your veins that would life when I cut you you bleed God's work Here is the second command says be intentional with your time us 5:16 if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t jsut think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of got alcohol gets rid of worried about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
says look carefully it in the Greek it it it says look diligently to look into how you walk not as unwise but as wise making the best use of the time because the days you are living in our evil, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is the Christian Life is struggle and if we're going to make it we have to declare an absolute war on the gravitational pull of the world a world that is sleeping a world that is in a dark and a World that is in the grave. So how does Paul tell us to engage in Warfare he's going to give in the in the following verses a litany of commands here is the first one
15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
look carefully then how you walk. Verse 8 walk as children of light verse 17, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. just basically think through all of your relationships your habits your gouls in the light of God's work when you think about the parable of the sower you know where the sower goes out scatter seeds and the seed represents the different kinds of soil if you look at the seeds that did not survive which is about three-quarters of them on the seeds that didn't survive are the ones that don't go down deep enough it's only a seed penetrate deeply into the soil that they can survive at one of the points of that Parable as we going to drive the gospel deep in our hearts until it gets underneath all of our emotions and and is that gets into the foundation of all our relationships so that our our successes or failures our Joys are pains are hopes or fear all of it we are learning to see through that the lens of God's word and God's word is bearing fruit and all of it to let God's word so flow through your veins that would life when I cut you you bleed God's work Here is the second command says be intentional with your time us 5:16 if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t jsut think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of got alcohol gets rid of worried about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
look carefully then how you walk. Verse
8 for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
walk as children of light verse
17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:17, therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. just basically think through all of your relationships your habits your gouls in the light of God's work when you think about the parable of the sower you know where the sower goes out scatter seeds and the seed represents the different kinds of soil if you look at the seeds that did not survive which is about three-quarters of them on the seeds that didn't survive are the ones that don't go down deep enough it's only a seed penetrate deeply into the soil that they can survive at one of the points of that Parable as we going to drive the gospel deep in our hearts until it gets underneath all of our emotions and and is that gets into the foundation of all our relationships so that our our successes or failures our Joys are pains are hopes or fear all of it we are learning to see through that the lens of God's word and God's word is bearing fruit and all of it to let God's word so flow through your veins that would life when I cut you you bleed God's work Here is the second command says be intentional with your time us 5:16 if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t Just think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort. the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of God alcohol gets rid of worry about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your fears alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
therefore, do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is. just basically think through all of your relationships your habits your souls in the light of God's work when you think about the parable of the sower you know where the sower goes out scatter seeds and the seed represents the different kinds of soil if you look at the seeds that did not survive which is about three-quarters of them on the seeds that didn't survive are the ones that don't go down deep enough it's only a seed penetrate deeply into the soil that they can survive at one of the points of that Parable as we going to drive the gospel deep in our hearts until it gets underneath all of our emotions and and is that gets into the foundation of all our relationships so that our our successes or failures our Joys are pains are hopes or fear all of it we are learning to see through that the lens of God's word and God's word is bearing fruit and all of it to let God's word so flow through your veins that would life when I cut you you bleed God's work Here is the second command says be intentional with your time us
if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse 18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t Just think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort. the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of God alcohol gets rid of worry about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your fears alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
if you're going to grow with God you have to choose to set your priorites again you're never just going to drift in the godliness or or maturity it's just too much against the flow it's too much of an uphill battle siege that you got to choose to grow in Godlienss. You say you want to grow with God great how much are you diving into the word of God how serious is your community or your accountability are you memorizing scripture are you growing in your abilities are you working on your ability to teacher her to share Christ may God's priorities the first and most important part of your day here is his third command and check us out verse
18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
Ephesians 5:18 do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t Just think this is alcohol its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way pulse the spirit of God alcohol in the spirit both produce some of the same things in you I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort. the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of God alcohol gets rid of worry about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your fears alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore suppose his turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Commandment sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sang accept these are sermons that you actually remember I also impulse his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing. You should have waited thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances sing that song of redemption. Other people see how it verse 19 says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other how are you today I mean that would be awkward that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in insurance and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God accounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and I've got this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the nude serve one another address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it this weekend. There's how you they got to be able to hear your heart songs and you got to be able to hear your their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit movie to the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around you life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John Doe and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it's at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin I can leave right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coaching back down hill in the end of complacency in a majority are you in the fight
do not get drunk with wine for that will lead to debauchery but Be filled with the spirit you see there are two ways to deal with life's pressures and disappointments that the pain caused from living in a life that is war the first Paul recognizes for many people is alcohol that could be anything we used to deal with life's pressures it maybe it's busyness or porn or relationships or over work so don’t Just think this is alcohol
its however you cope with the pain of Life the second way Paul says is the spirit of God. alcohol and the spirit both produce some of the same things in you.
I hear me out some of the same things they do it in entirely different ways alcohol is a depressant that dulls your senses to reality it makes you less aware of your surroundings that's how it provides Comfort. the Holy Spirit Paul says is going to help you cope with difficulty by opening your eyes to the reality of God
alcohol gets rid of worry about making you forget the spirit gets rid of worry by helping you remember
alcohol gives you Courage by making you unaware of the danger the spirit of God gives Courage by showing you how much larger God is than your fears
alcohol add excitement to your life by giving you a cheap thrill the spirit adds excitement to your life by taking you into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy and Pleasures forevermore
So Paul says turn to the spirit not to something else that's going to do all your sensors or distract you from the battle that is at hand because God has more that are for you than than the ones that are against you here is his fourth Command
19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
sing the song of redemption in your heart dressing one another and songs and hymns and spiritual song singing and making Melody of the Lord with all your heart is telling them to remind themselves and their hearts constantly of God's great work on their behalf he says we are to do this through song good Christian songs are really just sermons that you sing except these are sermons that you actually remember I also Paul says his songs he's talking about more than just rehearsing doctrinal points songs convey emotion. You the way you thrive in hard times just to worship through them to have a joy in Jesus that is that is greater than the pain of your circumstances. So study Jesus not like the semonarions who study doctrine for an exam. but like how you would study a sunset. get into him until your heart sings. here is the 5th command sing that song of redemption to Other people see how it verse
19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
says addressing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs now does that mean singing greetings to each other, how are you today I mean that would be awkward. that means we constantly declare to each other the glory of God of course that occurs in in church and what we call corporate worship but Paul is also talking about how we encourage each other in the normal walks of life as you rehearse to each other the promises of God reccounting answers to prayer that you've seen her or things that the holy spirit is taught you and shown you about himself and about God. this command to address one another in it and spiritual songs as one of the 58 one another passages in the new testament 58 one anothers love one another serve one another here address one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs you can only do this if you're around other Christians Listen for some of you, you have to quit being a spectator at church, for the church to work in your life it can't be just an event you attend on the weekend it's got to be a community that you belong to people have to be close enough to your life to speak into it for you to speak into theirs they have to be able to hear your heart songs and you have to be able to hear their heart songs the blessings of the church come not from the programming that emanates from the stage it comes from the spirit moving through the members and you got to be really connected for the church to do any real significant good in your life otherwise again you'll never hear the songs that are in the hearts of other saints that around that will build up your faith. life is war that's what Paul wants us to see and if you're not fighting you're losing the Puritan John owen and always said it this way he says we're either actively killing sin or it is killing us at every Point your life one of those two things is happening are you killing sin actively right now or is it killing you are you gaining ground or losing ground are you climbing and godliness or you coasting back down hill in the end of complacency and immaturity are you in the fight
1. “Look carefully” on how you walk. Evaluate your way of life in light of God’s Word.
2. Be intentional with your time. Ditch the schedule-sapping activities and choose to grow in godliness.
3. Drink deeply of the Holy Spirit when life gets tough. Avoid cheap escapes like alcohol, and let God fill your life with true power.
Sing the song of redemption in your heart. Let your emotions fill up with the joy of Jesus.
Sing that song of redemption to others. Be around the people of God, and share what you have with your
fellow believers.