Why am I Suffering?
Job’s story also shows us that sometimes the godliest people are called to live through terrible suffering, and it is quite evil to tell such people that their suffering is because of their sin, as Bildad did to Job (8:4).
Some Christians, even if they don’t believe that all suffering results from sin, have an unhealthy habit of sidelining people when they go through messy and protracted experiences, rather than recognizing that God may be deeply at work in the mess, uncovering amazing gifts in the process. We need to recover a Christianity of the cross, recognizing that just as our Lord suffered, so, too, may we. And if we wait with such suffering, we might be surprised what the Lord has wrought through it.
Third, we should recognize that God uses suffering to form his people at the deepest level. In this respect, we can use the book of Job to identify many characteristics of suffering.
one of the reasons that God brings adversity on Christians is so they do not cling to the world. How often we rebel against the Lord, refusing to trust and rely upon Him! We simply try to be self-reliant and look to the wisdom of the world. We put our ‘trust in princes … in whom there is no salvation’ (Ps. 146:3).
God may be bringing you to a closer walk with Him. He may be causing you to realize that your only hope and deliverance rests in Him—‘Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matt. 11:28).