Colossians 3

Winter Camp 20  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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V. 1-2
Here, we are given application on how we are supposed to live this Christian life.
If you have been saved, if you claim to be a follower of Christ, this is what your life should be looking like.
When you are saved, you should be concentrated on the eternal things, not the fleshly things.
Philippians 4:8 NKJV
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
What is true?
Jesus is truth.
While everyone says, “follow your truth, find your truth.” We can say that we know the Truth! Because Jesus is Truth.
What is honorable?
What is worthy of your respect?
What things are just?
What are the things that God would say, “This is good. This is right.”
What is pure?
What things are not impure? You guys knows the things that aren’t pure.
These things bring peace rather than conflict.
What things are positive and constructive?
These objects are excellent and praiseworthy.
As believers, we should be focused on these things, if not, it is easy for our focus to be on the worldly things. As that happens, you lose sight of God in your life, then you start drifting...
Now, is it wrong to think worldly things, not exactly...
What college should I go to?
What job should I get?
Who will I marry?
No, it’s not evil, but it can become evil in your life. When you focus so much on these things, more than you’re focused on God, then it does become evil.
We learned last night that we aren’t the center of the universe… Jesus is the center, and He should be the center of our lives.
So all these questions, you should look at them in the light of Jesus..
What college choice would be more honoring to God?
What Job would I be able to do and still love God and not be carried away.
What would God think of this lady or man, I’m pursuing?
Filter your questions through the eyes of God.
Why should we focus on the eternal and not the worldly things?
Because we have died.
Our flesh had died with Christ.
Before salvation, you are dead in sin.
When you’re dead in sin, you don’t think about godly things, you don’t care about the things of God!
Some of you are in this place.. You don’t care about the spiritual things, you don’t care about God and living for Him. I pray that changes, because there is nothing better than coming to realization that Jesus has died for me and wants me a part of his family.
When Jesus reveals himself to you, and you accept the gift of salvation, you are transferred from death to life.
You are no longer a slave to sin, you are a slave to Christ.
You are now alive in Christ.
We live in a world where sports is someones life.
Music is my life.
Movies, entertainment, women, men, money… all these are my life.
Philippians 1:21 NKJV
For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
We need to have the heart of Paul...
A heart that is fully focused on God.
Where are the Godly people who say, “Jesus is my life?”
At the end of your life… Do you want people saying, “Music was His life. Sports was His life.” or, “Jesus Christ was this man’s/woman’s life.”
Personally, I’d rather be someone who was known for “He loved Jesus.” than, “He was good at this...”
Put to death...
this doesnt mean to try and control these things...
I’ll control my lust for this person… I’ll only look at porn once a week. I’ll only gossip when I’m around certain people. You can’t control sin when you let it in your life.
Jesus wants us to put these sins to death, wipe them out, exterminate them..
Sexual Immorality
Sex outside of marriage.
We see so much of this going around in the world.
People just want to sleep around and not commit to one person.
Sex isn’t love outside of marriage. Sex is just lust.
God made sex for marriage, and it’s good, when it’s in marriage.
If any of you are going through this and your partner says they love you… I’m sorry, they don’t. They’re just lusting after you and lust is not love.
I hope you wait until God brings you someone in the future. Wait for marriage, and you will not regret it. I wish I would’ve waited, but me being foolish was caught up in lust.
If you haven’t waited, it’s okay, because we serve a God who heals and restores. But there has to be repentance, you have to come before God and repent.. Turn away from that lifestyle and seek after Him.
Question for you guys to think about, Are you being pure morally and physically?
The conversations you guys have, are they pure?
The things you’re watching, are they pure or impure?
So, who knows that every believer is a brother and sister in Christ?
We are a family.
So, let me ask you, are you looking at your brothers and sisters lustfully?
Are you looking at their heart? or are you looking at that body?
Evil Desires
What are the things you’re desiring?
Are you desiring the things of God or the flesh?
Are you desiring revenge against someone? Are you desiring death upon people? Are you desiring people go to hell?
Or, are you going to desire that people would come to know Jesus and be free from sin.
This is greed and idolatry!
Every godly man seeks his happiness in God, but the greedy seeks his happiness in possessions; money, cars, clothes, etc...
What is it that you desire? You can say you desire a closer walk with Jesus, but if you aren’t taking the steps of putting this sins to death in your life, then do you really want it?
But Marcus, it’s hard.
I know it’s hard. Nothing in life that is worth having is easy. You have to work for it. You have to suffer for it. You have to get over yourself if you truly want it.
Do you think Jesus would walk in these sins?
Not at all! So, why do His people choose to walk in these sins?
These sins are the way of the world… not Jesus.
So, everyday, you have to ask yourself… Am I going to follow Jesus or the world?
V. 6-7
Because of sin, God’s wrath is coming to earth. Read the book of Revelation, it’s crazy.. There are locusts, blood, meteors, destruction, its insane… Oh, and these locusts can sting people but the people won’t be allowed to die, bruh.
Annddd, we have demons on earth now. There are angels and demons everywhere. However, when God pours out His wrath on the world, there will come a point when the Bottomless Pit is open and the even worse demons are let loose on earth.
Do not want to be here for that.
But, we also God’s wrath take place way before this… Any guesses?
ON THE CROSS! God the Father, poured out His wrath on God the Son, for us… TO make a way for salvation for us. THat’s beautiful.. We are so unworthy, yet He still chose to do so.
Those who don’t have a relationship with the Jesus of the Bible, they will have to go through God’s wrath one day… Either on earth or in hell.
I pray that you all come to know who Jesus really is, and believe in Him.
IF you claim to be a christian, you shouldn’t be walking in the flesh! You should be different.
I tell my kids all the time… If you are saved by Grace through Faith, there will be a change in your life. You won’t see things the same way.
You can’t claim to be saved by Jesus, and be comfortable with living in sin.
It’s time for a heart check… You have to ask yourself, do I truly believe...
V. 8-9
Paul is telling us what things you need to put off, if you have been risen with Christ.
Q: Do you know that it is a sin to be angry?
Ephesians 4:26 NKJV
“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,
There’s anger and there’s righteous anger.
How many of you guys get angry at your teachers, coaches, parents?
Anger produces Jealousy, hostility, slander, gossip, and disorder.
Righteous anger is when your youth pastor gets angry at the things you are doing because it is wrong.
Righteous anger is when you get angry with the things that God would be angry with.
God gets angry with sin, and we should too.
Extreme anger
You intend to do harm to someone?
Talking bad of people
Trying to cause division
Filthy language
You guys get this...
Is your speech edifying to God or just filthy?
V. 9 -11
The old person is a liar
Since we are a new creation, we should stop lying and be honest with one another.
Guys… You can’t walk this christian walk alone… You will fail, completely.. You aren’t God!
Your youth leaders ask you how you’re doing because, get this, they actually care how you’re doing!
Too many times we ask, “Hey how are ya” then we just give the christian answer, I’m blessed… I’m good...
We want to know how you’re doing spiritually and mentally, we care about you guys. If your leaders didn’t care about you, they wouldn’t bring you to this camp.
Yeah they may yell at you, but it’s probably for good reason.
You’re leaders care, so don’t just lie and say everything is fine when it isn’t… Be honest with them, they are leaders for a reason.
As you become a new man, a new creation, you are now a part of a family that favors no class, no race, no ethnicity, only Jesus.
Jesus is favored because in this family, he is all.
V. 12-13
This is how our lives should look as Christians.
Thomas touched on this…
We are chosen in God!
If you are true believer, you have been adopted into the family of God.
It is so cool and humbling to see that the God of the universe would choose me and wants me to be a part of His family.
As a believer you are made holy and you are dearly loved by our creator.
Who has been told “I love you” and the person leave you?
God loves you so much that He dies for you and He still chooses to love you when you leave Him. His love for you is perfect.
In a world where love is said too much… The love of God is the only love that lasts for eternity.
Since we are holy and loved, we should put on....
This list Paul gives us, it all deals with relationships.
A big measure of our christian lives, is found in the way we treat others.
If we can’t love others, then there is an issue.
Do you have concern for those who are going through suffering and hardships.
The christian life should be one of compassion.
are you a kind person?
I think everyone struggles with this..
Do you think more of yourself?
Do you think you’re better than everyone else.
God hates pride.
As a new man, we should be living a life of humility.
How you react to certain things?
I will dominate! I will win this argument!
I will always be right no matter what!
Or do you enter each conversation humbly and gently?
We live in a society where we want everything now.
We want results now
We want to see people changed now!
As a new creation, we need to be patient with others.
We can’t be impatient, short, or have anger toward other people’s weaknesses and sins!
How many of you guys have tried to change people?
Want some advice?
STOP! YOU CANT CHANGE PEOPLE! Only god can change people, he works on his own time not yours… SO, get out of His way, and let him work… Be patient.
Bearing with one another
When another believer does something wrong to you…
Maybe someone has talked bad about you to someone else.
MAybe someone stole your boyfriend, who wasn’t really your boyfriend, you just thought he was..
Jesus is telling us to live a life of forgiveness
When we remember that jesus has forgiven us our debt… It’s easier to forgive others.
God knows we’ll sin again and yet still chooses to forgive us.
When we come to God, He forgives us and allows us to be a part of His family..
If God has done all of these things for me… The least I can do is forgive others.
Above all these things...
Love is the essence of all these things.
Out of love all these things occur,
We are called to love our neighbors and our enemies.
Is it easy? NO, but you can do it through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Since we’ve been loved soo much, the least we can do is love others.
If we can’t love others… We don’t know Jesus.
V. 15
Peace should rule in your relationships..
The closer you are to God, the more peace you’ll have with Christ.
Be thankful
We need to have an attitude of thankfulness in everything..
We are living this out right now!
We are teaching the word!
We are worshipping together!
God takes delight in our worship
As we go home tomorrow, let what God has taught you this weekend ti dwell in your hearts!
Dwell on it… Let it strenghten you and encourage you!
Whatever you do, do all for Jesus...
When you worship, do it for Jesus.
When you do shool work, do it for jesus.
WHen you play sports, do it for Jesus.
The new man does everything for God and He lives His life for God...
Let that be us!
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