What is a Worldview? - New
Worldview • Sermon • Submitted
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· 4 viewsA Worldview is a conceptual lens (pair of glasses) through which we see, understand, and interpret the world and our place within it.
Main idea: As a Christian, we must think hard about Jesus Christ in order to know him, to defend our faith and to make Christ known in this world.
What is a Worldview?
What is a Worldview?
A Worldview is a conceptual lens (pair of glasses) through which we see, understand, and interpret the world and our place within it.
German - Welt = World + Anschuung = view or outlook - Immanuel Kant - in describing an individual sensory perception of the world
German philosophy 18-19th century
The roots of Worldview is in Philosophy.
What do you think of when you hear the word philosophy?
Thinking hard about something
Philosophy is a way of thinking about the world, the universe, and society.
“Everybody operates upon a philosophy of life, a worldview that defines for them the way the world works and how they know things and how they ought to behave. So Philosophy is ultimately a practical reality for all of us. In this sense, everyone is a philosopher; some are just more aware of it than others.” - Brian Godawa (Intro to Christian Worldview -ICW)
How Does a Worldview Work?
How Does a Worldview Work?
A Worldview Must Answer Life’s Big Questions?
A Worldview Must Answer Life’s Big Questions?
Our Nature, This world, The problem, the solution?????
Who Am I? - origin - identity
Accident - collected matter - cosmic evolutionary accident.... or
Am I Created in the Image of a Creator with intentionality and meaning, value
Why am I here?
Weather - Power -consumption - comfort - I decide
To do what I was designed and destined to do - My creator decides.
What is wrong with this World?
a better environment, Lack information, lack education - lack gov, lack the means...outside of myself
I am - I am bent toward undermining my own greater good and the good of others. - I don’t do what I am designed to do.
How can what is wrong be made right?
Nothing after this so live it up or do the best you can
God has a plan to fix the problem in me and bring me back into right relationship with Him and empower me to do what I was created to do.
God will one day bring absolute justice to bear on this world and to every individual.
A Worldview has either Stories and/or Propositions
A Worldview has either Stories and/or Propositions
"The Christian story provides us with a set of lenses, not something to look at but to look through." - Lesslie Newbig
Breakout session -1
Starting point God: Natural & special or Man is the starting point
Creator - Man - Who am I & Why am I Here
Fall/Sin - What is wrong with this world
God’s view of Sin & Mans responsibility for sin
Redemption - How can what is wrong be made right - God invades the natural to redeem us, to bring us back to God - to make things right relationally
Glorification - Is this all there is? What the point? When will what is wrong be made right
How can I test my Christian worldview?
How can I test my Christian worldview?
The Tests of Truth
The Tests of Truth
First and foremost, truth is objective and absolute.
What true is true for all people at all times, in all places, whether you know it or not, believe it or not, and like it or not. (70)
Relativism about truth simply cannot hold up under rational scrutiny. (71)
Relativism about truth simply cannot hold up under rational scrutiny. (71)
No absolute truth! Is that True?
Three test: Correspondence, coherence, & pragmatism
Correspondence: Holds that something is true if and only if it corresponds to the way things actually are in the real world.
Example: There is no absolute truth - Test it! Is this consistent with the real world
Getting on a plane - going to the doctor
A 2 liter of water - how do I know its 2 liters. How can I test it? Standard of weights and measures that all 2 liter are measured against.
Coherence: A belief is true if and only if it coheres with other beliefs one holds. It must fit with what one already holds to be true
Grade in school: An “A” is between 93-100 - That the grading standard
You take a test and get two answers wrong, get your paper back and you get a “C”
That’s wrong . Teacher -I have my own grading standard.
How can you prove she does not really believe that? Let her try it when she takes her paycheck to the bank or goes to the store.
What she live at the grcery store must be consistent with how she acts as a teacher.
Example - consistency - Tell a Lie about your friend but then next week she lies about you and you say thats wrong.
Pragmatism: Whatever works or whatever is fruitful is true.
Example: Can a doctor live out his postmodern beliefs on truth when he prescribes medicine?
Evolution: no God - no designer for us - we are here by accident with no purpose unless we give ourselves on. At death is lights out. no future life no justice in the next life. no reward death is meaningless
Question: How can one life with hope and purpose? if theres no purpose in my beginning or my end, can I really live in joy in my middle.
The Test of Logic: Laws of Logic
The Test of Logic: Laws of Logic
Laws of Logic
The law of non-contradiction: Something cant be "A" and "non-A" at the same and in the same way
Example: An red apple on our teacher’s desk can’t be both be an apple and a non-apple (peach)
1+1 =2 & 1+1=3
Matter has always existed and matter had a beginning
Matter is an effect without a cause
Proposition: There is no absolute truth. Test that proposition?
The law of gravity is it absolutely true
The law of identity: something is what it is.
If look like a red apple because it is a red apple
If the universe looks created, finetuned, irreducibly complex is it logical to reason it was created?
The law of the excluded middle: Any proposition must either be true or false.
There is not apple/peach there’s no middle of the road in the test for truth
Truth cant be sometimes absolute and sometimes relative
Ex: Sexuality - I identify sometimes as a man and sometimes as a woman - Test that proposition
Most people have never examined their worldview and it is entirely possible they are embracing logical contradictions. (ICW,81)
Example: Every effect has a cause. True or False?
"The Christian story provides us with a set of lenses, not something to look at but to look through." - Lesslie Newbig
Starting point God: Natural & special or Man is the starting point
Creator - Man - Who am I & Why am I Here
Fall/Sin - What is wrong with this world
God’s view of Sin & Mans responsibility for sin
Redemption - How can what is wrong be made right - God invades the natural to redeem us, to bring us back to God - to make things right relationally
Glorification - Is this all there is? What the point? When will what is wrong be made right
So What?
What is my Worldview important?
- This life is important
- Knowing God is important
What have I embraced that is inconsistent with a Christian Worldview?
Do I know the story of the Bible?
The goal of studying what you believe is to know Christ and to make Him known to others.
- Lead other to know the Lord is our mission
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.