Acts 24
Last year Anna and I watched a 10 part dramatization of the OJ simpson Trial staring David Swimmer and John Travolta and Cuba Gooding Junior. Now if you have never heard of the infamous trial it was perhaps one of the biggest murder trials in Amercian history and was Broadcast live around the world. It was so big that some sports channnels even cancelled their coverage of the the NBA live finals just to broadcast it.
Now if you have never heard of the infamous trial it was perhaps one of the biggest murder trials in Amercian history and was Broadcast live around the world. It was so big that some sports channnels even cancelled their coverage of the the NBA live finals just to broadcast it.
At the time Simpson a former American Football superstar and is currently serving time for armed robbery, was accused of murdering his former wife and her lover, but dispite concrete forensic evidence OJ was actually declared Innocenet.
Today most people, believe OJ got off with murder.
In 2007 he wrote a very inflamatory book called, “if I did it” (which was more or less a boastful confession)
How did this happen? well there are many factors at play, not least issue of racism. The LAPD department had a histlory of racial abuse, and many people thought OJ was framed by the police department because the officer who was first on the scene was a known Racist.
But another factor that surely influenced the trial and public opinion is that OJ had assembeld the most elite, skilled, powerful, shrewed and rhetorically capable legal team in the country to fight his corner. Make no mistake, even the best justice systems can be played by those with the power, ability and influence to do so.
Which is why we as Christians, must always remind ourselves that whaterver injusticies or false accusations we face in life, there is a Higher Court, and there is a Higher Judge, his rulings are always just, always right.
Make no mistake, justice systems can be played and swayed by those with the power to do so.
All the
In we see Paul on Trial Again. Paul It seems is up against it.His prosecutors bring in the Big Guns in the form of a highly educated rhetorically gifted lawer called Tertulius. And The is a Roman Govener who is infoumous at the time for his corruption and injustice.
When it comes to the trial of Paul, who is inncocent an inccocent man, His accusers bring in
His prosecutors bring in the Big Guns in the form of a highly educated rhetorically gifted lawer called tertulus, and The barrister is infomose for his corruption and injustice and was looking to grant a favour to the Jews.
What does paul do? He trusts in God, makes his defense and preaches the Gospel, Reminding Felix that there is a higher court to wich we all must give an account.
In Context, The Reason that Luke the authour includes these accounts of Pauls trials is that he wants his readers to understand that Christianity, dispite the protest of the Jews accusing Paul is actually in continuity with the Jewish faith, and he wants his readers particulaly Theopholis who commisioned Paul to write Acts to know how poeple in positions of power react to the Gospel.
The Reason that Luke the authour includes these accounts of Pauls trials is that he wants his readers to understand that Christianity, dispite the protest of the Jews accusing Paul is actually in continuity with the Jewish faith,
when Luke included these sections, he must have intended to teach something about the reactions of high officials to the gospel
Big Idea;
Big Idea;
Luke presents Paul as a model of how to share the Gospel in the face of opposition and injustice. It is something we can and should learn from
Aim of Sermon - My aim this morning is for us to see what Christian Testimony involves in the face of aligations and trial.
Why you should Care?
Why you should Care?
Perhaps you are someone who has been on the end of false alegation, on the recieving end of some injustice. Undserstand, God knows, Like paul you should rest assured there is a higher court. No one understands injustice and false accusation like Jesus does, take to him in Prayer.
So we will approach this text in three sections.
A false Accusation (Tertulius)
A Faithful Answer. (Paul)
A Foolish response. (Felix)
A False Acccusation
A False Acccusation
In verse 5 we see Turtulius (the lawer) bring charges against Paul accusing him of being a troublemaker, one who stirs up riots, a ringleader of a Sect and as someone who desescrated the Temple. But how trustworthy is this Lawer?
In verse 5 we see The Lawer bring charges against Paul accusing him of being a troublemaker, who stirs up riots, a ringleader of a Sect and as someone who desescrated the Temple.
Well notice he engages is rhetorical flattery, O Felix “Acts 24:2-4
When Paul was called in, Tertullus presented his case before Felix: “We have enjoyed a long period of peace under you, and your foresight has brought about reforms in this nation. Everywhere and in every way, most excellent Felix, we acknowledge this with profound gratitude. But in order not to weary you further, I would request that you be kind enough to hear us briefly.
The problem with this flattering appraisul of Felix is that it is patently false, Tertulius is a liar, The truth is Felix and his predessesor were hated by the Jews, The Roman Jewish historian Josephus tells us that revolutionaries had escalated under Felix’s corrupt, repressive administration, which brought neither peace nor reforms. There was a long-standing argument as to whether Caesarea was a Jewish or a Greek city, and Jews and Greeks were at daggers drawn. There was an outbreak of mob violence in which the Jews came off best. Felix despatched his troops to aid the Gentiles. Thousands of Jews were killed; and the troops, with Felix’s consent and encouragement, ransacked and looted the houses of the wealthiest Jews in the city. The Jews did what all Roman provincials had a right to do—they reported their governor to Rome.
When Paul was called in, Tertullus presented his case before Felix: “We have enjoyed a long period of peace under you, and your foresight has brought about reforms in this nation.
So this Lawer through rhetorical flattery is being very disingenuous In order to try and win Felix over. But are the accusations true? Lets turn to Paul.
But Turtulis is a lyer
and Felix sees through this. Turtulius begins with Flattery
A Faithful Answer
A Faithful Answer
These charges
When the governor motioned for him to speak, Paul replied: “I know that for a number of years you have been a judge over this nation; so I gladly make my defense. You can easily verify that no more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship. My accusers did not find me arguing with anyone at the temple, or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city. And they cannot prove to you the charges they are now making against me. However, I admit that I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect. I believe everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets,
Notice inVerse 10 That Paul unlike Turtulius, doesnt engage in false, disengenous flattery because he is not a troublemaker. He simply acknowledges and Reminds felix that he is a judge over the Jewish nation and therfore responsible for administering Justice. Tutulius and Paul are very different people. Who is the troublemaker?
Paul refutes the accuations brought against him, as his opponents are unable to proove them but Paul faithfull and freely admits that he is a follower of the Way, they might call it a sect but it is actually The fullfilment of the Jewish Religion, Paul is on trial because he is proclaiming the Ressurection of the Dead! You might think Paul would want to refute thier accusations and keep quiet about the ressurection as thats what got him into trouble in the first place. That can be our temptation cant it, keep quiet....say nothing, there are powerful people here. But Paul is Faithful In his witness.
Court Gets adjurned
There is a note in verse 22 that Felix is well aqainted with the way (thats important remember that). Felix therfore knows that Paul is just not a dangerous threat (as the Jews are saying) therfore he gives him a measure of freedom while he is under house arrest (23)
Court is Adjuned
Several days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He sent for Paul and listened to him as he spoke about faith in Christ Jesus. As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.”
Acts 24:
Here we see Pauls Fasithfulness don’t we? There is a boldness about Paul Paul could have used the time to protest his innocence and complain against the great injustice of him being in these chains, which he will do later on but for now he is making sure that Felix gets the message, that Felix hears and understands the Gospel. To a man a judge, whom historians say Was infomous for his corruption and underhanded ways, a man who though underhanded ways Paul discourses on rightousness, self control and the judgment to come..
There is a boldness about Paul - Hugh Latimer, the English Reformer, often preached before Henry VIII and on one occasion offended the king with his boldness. So he was commanded to preach the following weekend and make an apology. On the next Sunday, after reading the text, he addressed himself as he began to preach:
Paul knew that there was an even greater Judge than Felix To whom he must give an account So Pauil gives a faithful witness.
but no, Paul contiues even in court to proclaim it, that was the boldness that he had.
A foolish Response
A foolish Response
As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it convenient, I will send for you.” At the same time he was hoping that Paul would offer him a bribe, so he sent for him frequently and talked with him.
The Christian gospel, it is often said, is designed to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. N.T write has said that “Paul was good at the former, as his pastoral themes in letters make clear. But it would be fair to say that he specialized in the latter.” And boy was Felix uncomfortable. He was afraid. Fear can make people reract in one of two ways, they can face up to their problems and predciciments, or they can bury their heads in the sand, Felix did the latter.
Acxts 2
What goes, to Paul on account of his faithful witness, he remains in prison for two more years. But God is still working out his plans and purposes for Paul, plans to prosper Paul.
Dont be afraid when talkiing about the judgment of God. be tactful be loving.
Expect Awkwardenss - It goes with the territory.
Challenge (love them)
Challenge (love them)
D.L Moody.
The Judgment seat of Christ. - We all must stand - There is no condemnation for those who are in Chr
Dont presusme on tomorrow. (Illustration D.l Moody)
but no he wants to continue talking about the ressurection.
Tonight we have seen what a faithfuyl witness in the face of trial and injustice looks like. Rightousness we haved none we need a saviour, Self control (This is a gift of the spirit) and Judgement to come
Rightousness we haved none we need a saviour, Self control (This is a gift of the spirit) and Judgement to come
Expect Awkwardness, Expect Rejection, Remain faithful.
What goes, to Paul on account of his faithful witness, he remains in prison for two more years. But God is still working out his plans and purposes for Paul, plans to prosper Paul. Paul will go to Rome and testify before Ceaser. I often wonder what paul must have been thinking in that prison for two years. “Here we go again” I’m getting too old for this” Bitter about injustice” It wasnt supposed to be this way”. No Paul knew what the Sirit of Jesus had promised, he would testify before Ceaser. He could intrust himself to a higher court, a better judge.
Wrong will be right when Aslan comes in sight.
Trust God, Wrong will be right when Aslan comes in sight. Dont be afraid when talkiing about the judgment of God. be tactful be loving.
Expect Awkwardenss - It goes with the territory.