amen Well, we are flying through the Book of Genesis together and we're going to finish chapter 4 this morning super excited about that.
super excited next week Genesis chapter 5 genealogy
You're going to like it. I promise. It's going to be good. But this morning we're going to finish up chapter 4 the story of Cain. We want to think this morning about the reality of the seats. We have this incredibly important verse that we saw in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 regarding proclaiming. Condemnation and curse to the nakash the serpent this Divine rebellious Throne Guardian. God says this I will put enmity. strike Warfare Revolt Revolution absolute hatred that there's there's not going to be any coming together. I'm going to put enmity between you and the woman between your Offspring your seed and her Offspring and he will bruise your head and you will bruise his heel. This is this incredible promise that God is not going to allow sin to have the final word though. This divine creature has about the mankind imagers on the earth have rebelled God will not let it stand. God's not going to give up God's not going to another plan God's plan to rule over his good Creation with mankind. His images will be fulfilled. It's not going to happen instantaneously. God is going to work it out with and through his people and Genesis 315 really is absolutely the starting point of the story of the scripture. What God says here in and it it's it's it's it's big. Intentionally, it's it's it's hidden its mysterious but but God plants a seed here that that that lays out the storyline of what's going to happen. If there's going to be a conflict between those who trust in the Lord and those who turn from the Lord. There's going to be a conflict and God is going to work through it and ultimately one day he's going to bring one. Who will set things right? We saw last week in the story of Cain that win Eve had her first born. Can she thought he was it she thought this is the one this is the Fulfillment of the promise. This guy's going to make this happen right away. She she really couldn't have been more wrong. Kane was not the promised seed it would crush the Serpent's it Kane himself was a seed of the serpent. We see right here from the beginning. mankind Who is created as God's imagers who's been given a mandate to rule over creation to join God in his work of bringing order to chaos?
Has an internal broken. That is going to manifest itself over and over and over again. Until God can do something. Get your Bibles. Let's pick up in Genesis chapter 4. verse 17 Cain knew his wife
She conceived and bore Enoch. When he built the city he called the name of the city after the name of his son. Enoch Cain kills his brother Abel he refuses to repent and acknowledge his sin before the Lord. In fact, he accuses the Lord of being unjust and unfair in punishing him, even though he murdered his brother, even though he hardened himself rejected the council and wisdom of God accuses God of Injustice. God is incredibly gracious to came. God God makes a promise to him. God gives him a mark many have wondered what the Mark is. There's been lots of debate and lots of ideas thrown around. I like one of the oldest ideas with many of the ancient Jewish rabbis considered The Mark of Cain to be revealed in this verse verse 17 the fact that she went and built a city that this was a place of protection and refuge as we keep going in the store. When we when God makes a covenant with the nation of Israel and establishes the Loft within them one of the one of the important parts of that Covenant is that there are established within the nation Cities of Refuge. What are those Cities of Refuge there places where people can go those who have committed murder accidentally intensely people who are trying to avoid the Vengeance of family member can go to a City of Refuge and find safety. The grace of God in Genesis chapter 4 just continues to blow me away in the midst of mankind rejecting rebelling falling failing. God pursues. God provides. God is gracious. God is faithful even when we are faithless.
I came in was a hard man. Many of you are familiar with the poem by William Ernest Henley called Invictus. unconquered
I think it's drenched not only with the spirit of our age. the spirit of Cain does this out of the night that covers me black as the pit from pole to pole? I thank whatever Gods may be for my unconquerable soul in the fell clutch of circumstance. I have not winced nor cried aloud under the bludgeonings of chance. My head is bloody but unbowed beyond this place of Wrath and tears looms but the horror of the shade and yet the Menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not now how how Strait the gate how charged with punishments the scroll? I am the master of my fate.
I am the captain of my soul.
That's the heart and spirit of tame. The rejects the wisdom glory and counsel of God and goes off on his own. The rest of Genesis chapter 4 is now going to give us a little insight a little glimpse into the legacy of Kain the one who in his pride rejected God. So you knew his wife babe or Enoch Enoch has a city named after him. It's a little unclear in the verse weather team built the city or Enoch but doesn't matter they built the City verse 18 to Enoch was born irad and I read fathered mahua gel and my father fathered
names matter especially in the early chapters of Genesis because these are names that are given to give a theological point. irad means wild ass It's what it means. So excited I get to say that from the platform.
That's what I mean by all means blotted out by God.
methushael means Man of Steel
think about that. Think about what is being emisphere anak anak is his his word means founder. What's the founder of this city? And this genealogy his son I read is a wild-ass kiss son.
official means man of she old man of the underworld He fathered Les Mack. Les Mack just means strong young man.
strong young man an image of pry an image of strength of the South an image of Independence
and Les Mack lamech follows in the footsteps obtain in his willful and Reckless disobedience. And rejection of God, we see in the very next verse took for himself. Not one, but two why? The name of the one was out of the name of the other. Zillow For the first time recorded in scripture. Anyway, a man takes for himself to why there's something in that language and imagery of taking of claiming of laying hold of something as his that's not rightfully his this is clearly not the design and intent of God's God in God's intense for a man and a woman to come together in one that's his images of a picture of representation of who God is
The lamb actors strong young man this man of Pride and willfulness. decides that he wants what he wants when he wants how he wants Ada Zillow their names are interesting that they made me Dawn and dusk but I think one means Jewel. In one means to tingle or tinkle the idea of beauty not that single. Come on people.
I mean, I expect that in the children's ministry, but I want more from you.
Jewel the idea of beauty visually tinkle the idea of musically limax off these two women. I can't choose. I'll take them both.
Let me talk to wives a name of one was out of the other Zillow table. He was the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock what we're going to see you in the next couple of verses is that God's original mandate for mankind to be his imagers to reproduce to bring Rule and order is not abandoned even though they've been removed from the garden. They're still as she's imagers doing that multiplying spreading bringing order. So jaybull, he becomes the father of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. He's a animal husbandry. He's all about breeding and developing and an aggregate Commerce, right? He is the founder of those
Make money and exert creativity and order in the world. livestock his brother Jubal he was the father of those who play the lyre and the pipe. Jbos, he's doing a Greek Commerce. Jubal is the first rock star?
Use that you know younger brother the bad haircut. He's the fight. It's unclear whether they're saying that he invented it. But he's the one that develops this idea of the Arts.
mankind even in his broken this even in the lineage of Cain Is exercising their their god-like Imago Dei and they're creating and developing and producing.
Jabo livestock
the Arts Villa The Other Board TUEBL I'll rhyme intentional. For tubal to bowl is known as too bold pain. Named after his great-great-great granddaddy. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want the name pain. If my grade, what's he known for? Murdering his brother. What do you known for rejecting God's being cast that was enough. TUEBL Pete's on the name of Kane to tell us something about himself to what was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron he was a shaper of metal and I'm sure he helped with tools for farming animals, but you can't You can't miss the idea of forging. metal and stone into weapons weapons that take life rather than Prosper Li sister of tubal-cain was named.
Jewish scriptures love symmetry. So one daughter had two sons. One wife had two sons the other wife had a son and a daughter. We don't know anything about name out. Her name is just means Pleasant there beautiful.
La Mac then gives us a little love poem This is not the first poetry in the scripture cuz Genesis chapter 1 is poetry but it's the first scripture composed by man. It is first poetry composed by man in the scripture Lennox hanging out with his wives. And he just gives them this beautiful love poem.
Otter Zilla hear my voice you wise of lamech. Listen to what I say. I've killed a man for wounding me a young man for striking me if pains revenge is Sevenfold then lomics is 77 full. But your hearts just a flutter.
How heartbreaking is this thing? Think about this here is a man who has taken for himself to why now in in an intimate setting he gathers with his wife and he bullies them. He threatens them. He shamed them pay attention here. Ladies. Let me tell you what I did today a young man kicked me. A young man wounded me I killed him. Are you getting the message lady? You you can't read this and not think back to Genesis chapter 3 when God in announcing the consequences to Eve's that your desire will be for your husband, but he will rule over you but something in the nature of sin had broken. The way that men and women are designed to relate to each other and men will use their strength not to protect and provide for women that men will use their strength to dominate women.
Larry Mack is this this is early you guys were seven generations in Seven Generations out of the garden and we got a man who's taking wise for himself who is indiscriminate Lee killing. And boasting of it.
boasting You're supposed to see a progression here. Do you see it? Adams and Eve picking the fruit doesn't seem so bad now doesn't I mean it's bad. It's tragic, but they didn't know. They didn't know they didn't understand. But their first son I think about this they took fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. And their first son.
Kills his own brother. No came at least had some level of Shame attached to what he did. He refuse to repent he refused to turn to God's pit at least he knew what he did was wrong. Now just a few short Generations later his grandchild lamech the proud young man is in discriminately killing and taking wives for himself and rather than any sense of Shame is boasting. RP strength and right to do what his might allows him. He's living out that cliche of Might makes right.
Cain's Revenge Sevenfold in lennox's 77 full
Is boasting in the Sin of his ancestor? Change genealogy is so ironic. The genealogies are about life. They're designed to celebrate life and accomplishments by tracing the continuation of family from one ancestor to the next but canes genealogy involves the cessation of life. Is represented by the murders of pain. and then llama
God is the god of life. This is genealogy. death
lamech lived with a understanding that the he knew the best and right way to live and nobody certainly not God would tell him differently.
There are many good things in our culture.
when I step back and try to objectively see and think about What kind of spirit we have as a culture?
She's so much the spirit of Les McCann us.
We do what is right in our own eye and no one can tell us differently. We boldly call what is evil good and what is good evil? And refuse to back down. That is the spirit. Lima
it's not the spirit of Jesus and the kingdom. The spirit of Jesus and the king of itself radically difference. Jesus did not come to be served but to serve and not to take life but to give his life as a ransom from mini. I will do what I want. Jesus says I will do what the father. Lamech says if Kane is Avenged seven times. I will be Avenged 77 times Jesus offers us. a different way
Many of you know this passage, maybe you haven't connected it to Genesis or Peter came up to Jesus one day and said Lord. How often will my brother sin against me and I forgive him.
How often should I do that?
As many as seven times Peter probably thinks he's been generous.
fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice only seven times. I'm going to go all the way up to 7.
Jesus offers a different way and that the numbers are important or significant. He's referencing. Lamech said I will avenge myself 77 times. Jesus says no, I will forgive 70 times.
beauty of our savior Glory of our King
the opposite of the pride of man
Jesus comes to redeem Jesus comes to reorder. Jesus comes to do and undo what we have on done. Jesus is the better lie Mac, MN. Go back to the story now Adam. Adam Ant showing up for a while. Adam knew his wife again and she bore a son and called his name Seth. Or she said God has appointed for me. Another Offspring instead of Abel for Tame killed him. Just like in the naming of pain even explains. Theologically the choice of Seth's name. That means granted. It's the idea of mercy and Grace God. Doesn't owe her anything and yet God has granted to her another son. It looks like the serpent one in round one. Cain kills Abel Abel can't bring about the seat canes disqualified himself, but God's plan will not be stopped. So God gives another seed. God has gifted me. God has granted me another offspring. Instead of Abel for Cain killed him was also a son born and he called his name enough. Not enough is another word for man. Just like a Dom literally means man. Anosh is another Hebrew word. That means meant but it's a word that's used when it's describing the week the vulnerability the mortality. That's the failings of mankind. This is theological Imaging in the name. Here is now another man.
little man knows he is weak. A man, who knows he is mortal. A man who is living in broken screen off. son Seth grandson of Adam
the new man man of weakness Frailty
last part of the birth of the chapter at that time people began to call upon the name of the Lord.
cursory reading there's some issues there. What do you mean at that time? They began to call upon the name of the Lord. Have not Adam and Eve been talking to God in the cool of the garden had they not Cain and Abel not brought sacrifices unto the Lord.
Some interpreters and commentators will say what this time. What happened? Is that Seth and enosh they they instituted religious ritual and prayer and much like the sons of Cain brought about animal husbandry and music and arts and for Gene that the descendants of Seth it they bring about religious ritual. I don't think that's what's going on here. The most ancient Jewish commentators saw this first in a radically different way. The Hebrew word there at that time people began to call upon the name of the word therefore call can mean to call out but it has another meaning it means to pollute. It means to destroy. In other words the verse would say this at that time people began. To move away from the knowledge of the one true God. And create gods in their own image.
At that time in this time.
Certainly, that's going to be born out in chapters 5 and chapter 6 in this time. It's going from bad to worse to worser.
It's getting ugly. Inclination of man's heart by the time we get to chapter 6 are constantly continually Evil all the time.
What's what what's what's being set up for us in chapter 4 mankind. in the line of Seth they're both made in the Imago Dei. They're both made as images. There's good and bad and ugly within all of them for what they are doing to me like to lie together.
Turning away from God and increasing evil upon the face of the Earth.
the points Genesis chapter 4 Is that when we reject God and his wisdom and his wife when we embrace the pride of pain?
when we try to do what the temperature tempted us with which is be like God. When we try to take the place and the wisdom of God unto ourselves what we create and produce.
has moments of beauty
an incredible broken in depravity
So there's this picture. Be painted for us. This story is being told of humanity that needs help.
the needs God intervene We need a seed who's better than cane. And we need a seed that's better than Steph. We need a seed that will come and rescue us from ourselves.
Point of Genesis chapter 4 is to make us hungry and thirsty for righteousness. The point of Genesis chapter 4 is that help us recognize that by ourselves there is a way that seems right unto a man but in the end it's way leads. to death
Genesis chapter 4 makes me hungry for Jesus.
Genesis chapter 4 and its darkness and depravity are a beautiful backdrop for the Brilliance and beauty of Jesus.
the one who came the undo and redo all that was broken. and lost there's a scene in the life of Jesus that I want to close with. It's one of them. harshest moments in the life of Jesus one of the times when Jesus speaks bluntly and critically against the religious leaders of his day and there are incredible references directly and indirectly to Genesis chapter 4 in this interaction. We find it in Matthew chapter 23 Jesus is bringing a word of curse.
The role of a prophet is twofold he can pronounce the blessing of God upon the righteous.
in the curse of God
What a prophet blesses you blesses. I bless you. when a prophet curses he says woe to you. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites. Are you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous? You love your ancestor. You take pride in who your daddy and granddaddy was you build monuments. You decorate that I am I'm a descendants of Moses. I'm a descendant of David and Elijah and the prophets.
Same if we had lived in those days, we would not have taken part with them and shedding the blood of the prophets. We would have done better.
Thus you actually witness against yourself that you are the sons of those who murdered the prophets. Be careful what you're posting about.
Does this fill up then? the measure of your father's
fill out then the measure of your father's what is the way of their fathers? It's the way of blood sugar. It's the way of Pride it's the way of rebellion. It's the way of rejecting God for our own path you.
You brood. a Viper
You think you're the seed of the righteous one, but you're actually the seed of the serpent.
You demonstrated in your actions all day long? How are you to skate being sentenced to have therefore I send you prophets Wiseman and scribes some of whom you will kill and crucify you will fog in your synagogues and persecute. from town to town so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of berekiah who murdered between the sanctuary and the altar
Did they murder Abel? Did they murder Zechariah? No, but Jesus says they did. They stand in the way of the seed of the serpent. They stand in the line and lineage of pain. They live in the pride of The Flash and the world rather than in humble submission to God.
It's all their guilty of it all.
Truly I say to you all these things will come upon this generation. Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
Jerusalem city of peace city of shalom city of Wrath city of God's Wrath Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem the city that kills the prophets. And Stones those who are sent that you see the irony.
How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings?
But you are not willing.
You are not willing to Pride.
separates us Logic and naturally from a willingness to surrender what God.
It was a choice. Am I going to live God's way are going to live my way. Who am I going to bend the knee to who's in charge who defines right and wrong who leads me? Who is truly got Jesus Jesus said all I wanted to do is gather you together as a hen gathers her brood on her way to a beautiful metaphor and imagery just want to touch you. I just want to hold you. I just want to love you and provide for you. I just want to be with you, but you We're not Willy.
memories not talking to the irreligious He's not talking to a secular atheist fake group of people. He's talking to the religious leaders and rulers of his day. Those who claim to speak for God, but they speak for God's in their own. Pride
That I wanted to do is hold you.
But you continually stiffen your arm. skip in your heart
your house you left to you desolate.
fry tell you you will not see me again until you say blessed. Is he? comes in the name avalor
in those days men begin to call upon the name of the Lord.
But they called upon the name of the Lord according to their own understanding. According to their desire crafted and shape a God that met their Sensibility.
can't check Facebook.
Without seeing some story some post. some Christian saying something like I I love God and I love Jesus, but I'm not comfortable with.
I don't believe in a God who could be X Y or Z. We make these kinds of statements these kinds of Declaration. We're not doing anything new.
Was simply standing in the spirit of Cain? Harden and sell rejected the counsel of God strove to go his own way.
The reality of going our own way. Is so powerfully deceptive that we can do it in the name of the lure. We can convince ourselves and others that were actually serving God when in reality. We're working directly against him Jesus says you're not you're not going to see me again. So please say blessed is he who comes in the name of our when did that happen? It happened shortly after when Jesus riding a donkey entered into Jerusalem. They cut down Palm leaves. They shouted suppose Anna Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and days later? They called for his blood.
There's truly nothing new Under the Sun.
the way of Cain has been my way.
I was born into the way of paying I live in a culture of Cain.
I followed in his footsteps.
left to myself
That's all I am.
But thanks be to God. That he gave us another son. That he provided another sea praise be to God fit at the right time at the fullness of time a son was born to a woman. And his name was Jesus. For he would save his people from themselves.
Genesis chapter 4 paints a picture of man's incredible ability to destroy God's good creation. and poinsettia to the grace of yaa-hoo in spite of our rebellion and broken. This is absolutely committed to bringing us to Restoration isn't God good. More than we deserve. Amen. Church let's pray together.