Femininity Part 1 (No Audio, Powerpoint only)
Week 4: Femininity
Initial Considerations
● Women have greater dignity than the world ascribes
● Women have a greater problem than the world
recognizes – and a greater Savior
● Women have a greater leader as God has provided his
Word to instruct as to how to express femininity
Biblical Foundations of Femininity
● Women have the same ability to connect and
interact with God.
● The fall afflicted Women just as much as Men.
● To live as godly Women, it is as simple as pursuing
godliness. We are all heirs with Christ.
● There is something distinctive that Women bring to
the table.
● Even though Scripture often talks about Women in
the context of marriage, femininity is not limited to
Biblical Foundations of Femininity
● Genesis 1
○ Man and woman are both created in God’s
○ They have the same standing, value, dignity,
honor, and worth before God. -- Gen. 1:26-27
○ God gives them both the same tasks and
mission to accomplish together. -- Gen 1:28
Biblical Foundations of Femininity
● Genesis 2
○ Man was put in the garden first and began
exercising dominion but it was not yet “good”…
-- Gen. 2:15,18
○ With the Woman to help, they could both
exercise dominion and also be fruitful and
multiply. -- Gen 2:23-24
Biblical Foundations of Femininity
● Genesis 2
○ “... the woman was made of a rib out of the side
of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over
him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by
him, but out of his side to be equal with him,
under his arm to be protected, and near his
heart to be beloved.” ~ Matthew Henry
Biblical Foundations of Femininity
● Genesis 3
○ Adam was supposed to lead and protect Eve;
instead he follows her idea to eat the fruit. Eve
was supposed to follow and help her husband;
instead she is the one who leads him into
temptation. -- Gen. 3:6
Biblical Foundations of Femininity
● Genesis 3
○ Consequences of the Fall impact relational
elements for Women -- Gen. 3:16
■ Painful labor in childbirth
■ Desire towards Husband / Husband ruling over
his wife
○ Draws out the emphasis of:
■ MEN = occupational disposition
■ WOMEN = relational disposition
Wrap Up
● Basic guidelines for Women = Helping + Nurturing
● Women make mistakes too...
● We have the same need for Jesus
Where We’re Headed Next
● Femininity - 2nd part