Sunday February 2, 2020
I am glad that you were there to be able to.
Help Bowen Parker. True this time. and that our Lord is always there to bring comfort and encouragement. And he brings. Knowledge out of our troubles we can always learn something and we can always grow through our struggles. Thank you for sharing.
we have this morning before us we last week if you were here, and if you were not here, you might want to go to our Facebook page for the Burlington Church of God and Andre hear the message from last week
the name of Jesus but we're getting to know the name of Jesus and just by way. Our kids are dismissed down to go to Bible Adventures. We didn't have that slide up earlier, but this is a time for them to leave at this present time. There they go.
Getting to know Jesus. a name above all names
We've been through a series on the names of God. Culminating the in our time together at Christmas, but now we're looking at the names of Jesus.
And specifically we looked at the name Jesus last week.
But this week getting to know who Jesus is what is special about godson?
What is special about this person the second person in the Holy Trinity? Jesus let's together. Say that thing. Jesus once again Jesus, there's something about that thing.
We're going to look at a first scripture before we get to Hebrews in chapter one. I want us to go to John and chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 in the beginning. There was the word.
And the Word was with God and the Word was God. as many theologians have done than this I would ask you to do this morning if you would just
Take the name the word and replace it with the name. Jesus to better understand what the Apostle John is writing here in the beginning was Jesus. And Jesus was with God and Jesus was God. He Jesus. What's with God in the beginning and all things were made by him and nothing was made without him Jesus.
in Jesus There was like and that life was the light of all people.
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. You understand that God used the profits to talk about him and his relationship.
with us his people
Any use the profits?
the kind of
Unwrap unpack all that is in God's word.
in many times and in many different ways
But now in these last days, isn't it amazing that the Apostle Paul is talking about end times? last days none of us knows when our Lord is going to return. I've looked at my own feet. Maybe you've looked at yours. There's no expiration date printed there. We don't know how long we have been certainly. The Lord himself said it is for my father God.
To tell us when the end of the time we'll be but it will come he said as a thief in the night, no one will know when he's coming back. So we need to act and live and be in preparation for when he comes again. Amen.
Be ready had cut my tickets. My bags are packed. I'm ready to go. Whenever he says but now in these last days God has spoken to them back.
In these last days. I move my hands if he's Penny's last days. God has spoken to us through his son. What is he saying here? In these last days. God has revealed himself. Through the prophets. But through his son. God has chosen his son. to own all things and other translations that says put everything under his feet.
but in plain language He's given everything that is in creation because who created it. We just read in the beginning the word. Jesus created all things all things came into being by him and apart from him. Nothing has come into being that is you and I are created in God's image
by his son. And so he's put all things. Into his son's hands. Given to Jesus God has chosen his son to own all things and through him Jesus. He made the world that we read that in. John chapter 1
the sun reflects the glory of God. It's amazing how how the Sun reflects the father Jesus told his disciples when they asked show us the father and it's enough just just show us the father and will be satisfied in Jesus says I have been with you all of these. months to years And you don't know if you've seen me you have seen the father. To look at me. It's look at the father. I see that. In our first born son Joshua. He's kind of a cross between Dale and I Looks a little bit like me little bit like her but maybe more like her. our son Peter Persnickety Peter
He came out. bright blonde hair
We called him our little towhead but I remember asking him one time to come and bring me something I said, hey my little toe head but you pick that up. I'm not a towhead. I do not have a toe for a head. Excuse me.
That little blonde haired boy.
It's so much different then. Then any of our other kids but he is so much like his mom looks like his mom. But then comes to our third-born son Andrew and he is just a little clone to bed. and you've seen that some of you have Children who are the spitting image of Mom. Look exactly like Dad or a combination of of all of you. And grandkids can have similar looks.
But to look at the sun Jesus is to see the father reflected. He looks like the father when you've seen me you've seen the father if you saw the father than you'd recognize the son. It's hard to mistake the family resemblance.
So the sun reflects the glory of God and shows exactly what God is like. He holds everything together with his powerful word the word of God holds everything together.
If you were to let go it would be like gravity just left then we would all just
I'm glad God has it all together. Sometimes I don't have it all together. I confessed that but I know who does hold my my hand and he's got it all together. With his powerful word when the sun made people clean from their sins. He sat down at the right hand of God the father when he made all people clean is when he died on the cross for you and me and a little later. We are going to be sharing at the table of the Lord our communion time together. And it's for us to reflect back that when Christ died on that cruel cross when the blood is sweat float down. from his Brown when they pierced his side in the blood and water flowed he was giving his life for you and I and he made us clean as we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. We become a part of his fourth ever family. Amen. You are a part of his family because he died for you. You might be able down to live for him. the sun-maid people clean from their sins by his death and his resurrection and now he is sat down at the right side of God. The great one in heaven the father is the great one in heaven and the son is with the Father in heaven and he has bestowed upon us his holy spirit is our comforter are encouraged picture our teacher and our hope in him. He is with us always through the Holy Spirit. But God the father and God the son are in heaven. Seated next to each other and listening to your your prayers always the sun became much greater than the Angels than God gave him and here's where we joined with last week's text. The sun became much greater than the angels and God gave him Jesus a name that is much greater than there's a name above all other names higher than the heavens themselves to you gave him the name Jesus.
You sure.
Our Savior and our Lord What a name. What a beautiful name it is. What a wonderful name it is. What a powerful name. Jesus say it with me. Jesus there's something about that thing.
He's been given this wonderful name and this is because God never said to any of the Angels you are my son today. I have become your father found in some 2 verse 7 nor did God say to any of the angels. I will be your father and you will be my son. God said 2nd Samuel 7:14.
And when God brings his first born son into the world Jesus. He says let all God's angels worship him know if he was just an angel.
Why would we worship Him? Let all of the Angels worship Him. Jesus has some 97 7. This is what God said about the Angels. This is what he said about angels. God makes his angels become like wins and makes his servants the Angels become like flames of fire some 104 verse 4. But God said this about his son Jesus God speaking to his son God your throne will last forever and ever and you will rule your kingdom with fairness. God called his son God there was equality.
my God last week we said but Jesus. in Philippians Paul riding Jesus being found in the likeness of God did not consider equality with God a thing to use to his Advantage. But instead he emptied himself.
And became like us. a man
But here God says God. Of Jesus your throne will last forever and ever and you will rule your kingdom with fairness. He's a ruler of a kingdom.
I found it. So interesting that when pilot is confronted but Jesus or Jesus is confronting pilot if you will. Pilot says they speak of a kingdom. Are you a king? Do you indeed? Have a kingdom?
And Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world. If it was up this world my servants would rise up. And crafts you. But my kingdom is not of this world.
And pilot says then you are a king. And Jesus said you have said this. But God said your throne will last forever and ever hits you will rule your kingdom with fairness.
You love right and you hate evil. That's true of God, and that's true of his son Jesus. He loves what is right and he hates. What is evil? So God has chosen you from among your friends from all others is what the translation is. And is set you apart with much joy, so I'm 45 verse 6 through 7.
God also says about Jesus Lord. In the beginning you made the Earth. And your hands babe the skies? And they will be destroyed then you will remain all of this world that we care so much about what did Bennett so much of our lives are about acquiring stop things possessions. But God clearly says here. Jesus you made the Earth you made the skies, but they will all be destroyed and only you will remain.
They will all wear out like clothes and all of us. Do we all wear out eventually here? But if you are in Christ. A born-again Believer and accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior when this body which is the clothing of my spirit when when it dies here. Will a decide? like our old clothes But I'll still be here in my spirit. Well actually not here. I will be there. And if you're there I'll come and see you. If I'm there ahead of you you come and see me. Okay. They will all wear out like clothing and we have seen in Paul's writings that this tent this outer self is going to pass away. But our spirits will remain. And you will fold them like a code then like clothes you will change them. But you will never change you will never change and your life will never end. that found in Psalm 102 verse 25 and 27
and God never said to any of his angels sit. Buy me at my right side. Until I put your enemies under your feet under your control. He never said that to one of his angels, but he said that about his son Jesus Christ.
Psalms 110 verse 1
all of the angels are spirits who serve God. And are sent to help those who receive salvation they are but the Servants of God the angels are but servants, but the sun is much more than an angel he is. The Son of God he is God fully God, but on Earth, he was fully human as well unique in all of creation. He was the god man, and he is the name above every name. I wanted to close today, and I hope the teaching has helped you in. In some small way to understand who Jesus is.
Dr. David Jeremiah wrote these words, and I thought they were fitting for today and today's lesson.
The phrase the angel of the Lord with a capital A for the angel. The phrase the angel of the Lord with a capital A A Pierce 52 times in the Old Testament. 52 times in the Old Testament, but not once in the New Testament not once
Also the phrase an angel and I am an angel lowercase angel. Angel of the Lord appears 11 times in the New Testament but not once in the Old Testament in dr. David Jeremiah says this what do these pieces of information mean to us vs. Angel capital A of the Lord appeared numerous times of the Old Testament and it depicts Christ appearance.
an angel of the Lord when he appeared was a a presence of Christ and what we is theologians call a theophany a revelation of God himself in a pre incarnate Christ so that when the angel of the Lord appeared to Abraham
and Abraham called him Lord it was because he was seeing the Lord God in Jesus in his free printed and every time the Jesus appeared to those in the Old Testament. They called it the angel of the Lord Gideon saw the Lord. But he thought it was an angel. He wasn't sure what he was seeing. But when the Lord spoke to him. He said I have seen God and did not die.
The angel of the Lord is just another example of God's control of care and its presence as he made ready the revelation of Christ to come. And we are constantly looking after we are constantly looked after lead and protected by God himself.
God is aware of your needs. God is always after your well-being and your good. And he sent his son Jesus as an offering. A price had to be paid innocence. had to pay
for the crime of the sin of the world when Adam and Eve fell
we understand that God made a plan in the preparation from the foundations of the world. from the foundation's he sent his son Jesus to be the propitiation or the price that was paid for our Salvation so that it's we take communion this morning is it is to remember The Hebrew words the car means to remember with these two implications you remember so you don't forget you remember what he's done for you so that you know that he is the same God with the same power to do for you again what he's done.
remember, Jesus said Whenever you take of this bread in this cup remember me, remember what I've done for you.
Reflect upon that remember so you never forget he's the same God with the same power the same love that. He cleansed us from all our sins and our table is open to all of you who have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior you are welcome to partake of the Lord's table. Let's bow our heads and pray. Are gracious and loving Heavenly Father? As we approach the table of the Lord this morning. It is to remember who you are.
And for us to remember whose we are.
You are God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit.
A Jesus that you have a name above all things but it's a very name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord. You made us we are your creation. We are the Sheep of your pasture and you were the Good Shepherd. Father come and lead us come and Feed Us. Coming by your hand. Give us a New Hope and a new life in you in Jesus name we pray. Amen.