Staffing up for the Work

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Timothy  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:15:14
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Today’s teaching is fundamentally a master class in hiring or appointing folks to positions of leadership in a church. In fact, it is often used to guide just this process. CCLI Streaming License CSPL085064.

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I told Ava anytime that happens from him or neither boy, you cry aloud and punch him in the nose. And then from here on out. That's what you need to do. So. Glad that you all are here. I'm glad that Ava is here and feel stand at this time. We're going to sing together song called Jesus Messiah.

That outlines the fundamental tenets of our faith that Jesus is our Messiah.

Jesus Messiah








Jesus Messiah

that's it.

Rescue Bots

Jesus messed up

Bluff City

the Rescue Bots

You know, sometimes I think we need to see those truths of God a little bit more. I don't mean it harshly but a little more strongly guess sometimes this song that is that pretty May kind of gloss over in our mind and heart a little bit too profound words that were singing what it cost Jesus to be our Messiah the fact that the Bible says that when he comes back every knee Every knee is going to Bow and every tongue is going to confess. Nobody's going to be distracted by their device or by their life or by their lies. They will all fall on their face before God. And then he'll separate those that have followed him for real and those that don't there's no middle ground. So sometimes only sing a song that is that gentle. It masks in our mind and heart the truth of God. In the necessity we have for a savior. I'm so glad you're here. We're going to talk about that a little bit today to greet one another to say hi and hug your neck if reduce yourself if there's somebody you don't know and during the grading time. If you need to text somebody and invite him to lunch invite them to lunch today will have food for him.

Steve Harvey

The song is true.

Will you sing this make this a prayer back to God? This is a song from you to your father.

You're breaking down the way.


What song is this?

Nobody Loves Me Like You no boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife or even mom or dad loves us as well and completely and unequivocally as our father loves us. What a beautiful thing to find comfort in today. Nobody loves us like he loves us.

For I spoke a word you were singing Over Me.

You have been so so good to me.

Or I took a breath you breathed your life in me.

11 minutes or so kind.

Could you show us?

When I was Your foe

You have been so so good.

When I said no, I paid it all.

You live in snow so Cal.

I couldn't earn it. I don't deserve it.

Nobody loves Big Town.

Is there a shadow you won't light up?

Ariel cake


I love that song. I know I know there is a good argument against the word reckless and the way that many of us understand that word as in some people might think it to be haphazard or or unintentional. But if you look at it as lavish and overwhelming generous, it makes sense in that context. So I don't mind singing it that way and then understanding

and never

place Krispy Kreme

Lodi NY


at the cross my life.

Where my heart has peace with God? and Fuji

Not yet.

Down at the cross at the cross I Surrender my life.

Hope your My Hope. bosshole


you say Hotel

Just one more.

You know that Ricky think about that.

I need your house and your car and your job? We we go okay, and we would hand it to him because he would be present in front of us. The challenge as a Christian to saying is staying to God. So anyway, even without the physical presence of Jesus in front of us that we do in fact o everything to our God. Maybe one to lay it all down. To pick up our cross. And be sacrificed daily if he asked us to do so. All worth it was all worth it.

Oh, and while I was gone.

Frozen 2

Jesus is God.

Where is Bob.

Oh come to the song.

Where is the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.

Would you play with me?

Father even this morning, we've got lots of stuff on our hearts. I know some people have heavy lives right now hard things are going through and some people are just full of joy. They're just bubbling over this morning. And lots of people in between the file we try to lay aside both. Are emotions that are based on circumstance? In our ignorance of you and just dwell in your spirit today Father help us to be. People of wisdom and discernment is your word is exposed to us today. We want to be changed by the study. Any consideration in the preaching of your words? We want to leave here the same people we walk in Father. We want to be nourished and guided and directed. As I pray that this is not time wasted time on your people that we are attentive to your spirit I give you. Thanks today for the pleasing Aroma. That is the food that people have given the pleasing Aroma. That is the dedication that people are showing I pray father that you find joy in your children today. Thank you for letting Gather in Jesus name and we offer these prayers and petitions.

in his name amen

All right, if you are a young person they've got a really cool Sunday school class in there for you. I think it is the one the only mr. John Rossi and Miss Faith Rossi there. Are you guys doing class today? Okay, so you have a professional comedian and a professional educator right there. And and they brought in a lot of Meatballs, which I hope they would eat until later pretty excited about that will good morning. That was really really sad to me. Good morning. All right. I just wondering if you were just not wanting to speak to me or if it has not been a good morning so far, but it is beautiful weather. I'm actually grateful. We've skipped winter this year. I wouldn't mind like a really good snowfall like really hard on a Friday night. What we got six inches of snow all day Saturday mail Saturday night, so I don't get off at school and I don't miss church. I just need a Saturday snowfall so I can stay bundled up with my family and enjoy that but I don't miss the icy roads and the danger and traffic problems. I don't miss trying to figure out how to have school around all this and make up work. So I'm really glad personally that we haven't had a lot of that now I did tell someone I think that probably right the week before spring break for going to like this epic blizzard come in probably its it may still come so up to this point. I'm grateful for what we have. And I'm grateful that I have a four-wheel drive to get around if I have to in the in the snow later on. I'm also grateful for those who that got up and prepared food today. I genuinely hate thank you for that. I anticipate our first Sunday that smell this food. I know my wife is cooking something delicious. I know so many family members are thinking of this what I hope is that you find joy in that and not drudgery. I hope that as you prepare food. It is something you joyfully offer and isn't a pain to do so because the rest of us are grateful for it. We've been studying the And I'll try to get through this message so that we can get through the worship of eating together in a bit. And only if we're going to get there. We need three or four tables gathered together. Not just I just by ourselves we have to go to three or four tables together that are written specifically from Paul to Young Timothy. I sent a gift to us such a gift to us absolutely believe that while Paul expected that his letters and words more public in that area around that time. He did not the Well church in Oklahoma City in the year of Our Lord 2020 would be opening up his words and reading the words to Timothy. This is such a beautiful thing that God does the gift us through the words of Paul to Timothy This Is the personal letter. This is a personal directive to a young leader in a church that we can learn a tremendous amount from These are foundational documents in the way. The church has to be established in God's Direction in the first century country. At least. I hope we do you want to make sure that our country is operating in line with our what our constitution the foundational documents that were written by the United States of America are still expected to guide us today the Declaration of Independence the Constitution of the United States in the Amendments and laws, which follow these are essential to who we are as people And to go back to study those and to make sure that our elected officials and our laws and our nation is running according to closest very very important. Tanya has given me she's giving me a yeah name it and I haven't even got to the sermon for you. But it's essential because if we don't go back and revisit these primary source documents we move from this and we lose our way and we begin to make up things that are never as our Founders intended same thing happens in church back probably more profoundly in church, we gather together and we come up with things that sound like good ideas. But if they're not directly tied to it God has in mind for his church, then they're not something we can be promoting. So let's make sure that we're paying attention to this in light of our own church because what am I? Servant child is Staffing up for the work today. And I want to talk a little bit about that in just a moment. You'll be looking at the words of Direction and insight give it to Timothy as you began this work and epiphysis and it appeared at this church in Ephesus had an almost epidemic of the same type of problems that are endemic just two churches nowadays. Where do most of the problems in church today come from

the people in the church, right? So I figured out that if you can eliminate people from any organization organization will function appropriately if I can set it out just keep it running and go on its yai and the robots will take over the world and is probably not a bad thing. Right as long as they're benevolent because they will not mess it up as much as us something very simple that we going to have to come to terms with is this idea of autonomous carbs autonomous car self-driving vehicles. I told my children while back it is unlikely that you will have to teach your children how to drive cars. Unlikely, my grandchildren will probably learn because we will teach him and grandpa be cool like that teach him how to drive but most of the vehicles that they have will be autonomous vehicles, you know, the main reason that we will and should have autonomous vehicles. Because people crash into things in each other. The number one reason we should have autonomous vehicles if we kill ourselves at much greater rates and vehicles than autonomous vehicles will look like I don't think so. I don't trust them robot. I'm just telling you right now that the robots won't be texting one another they won't stay out late drinking. They won't be trying to put on lipstick or eat a hamburger while driving they will pay attention all around the vehicle. Not just their favorite part of the vehicle there music won't be up to loud. All of those things that keep us from being a good driver will not be an issue. The autonomous vehicle out of the equation. You see we're flawed barrasso brilliant design in God's image. And so God said I choose to use my most glorious creation. To bring me Glory the human being and I want them to gather together in my name is called the church we go study that today, but when you put people together, we have a tendency to crash the vehicle once in awhile. That's a go back to what we should be doing in our churches and make sure we're lining up with what the scriptures say recently in our school. We've been in the middle of a really interesting and challenging process of establishing academic vision for our school is called the AOA 2023 because we use a lot of acronyms a lot of numbers in the military in the mission field and certainly and education we use when we can just say the words. We just abbreviated it means adorable of grade level for all students by 2023 of particular time goal in three years. We went all of our students in her school to me. And then we go back inside. Well, if we know where we want to be, where are we now or just until the Gap analysis? We determine how far we are from the goal and then within that we're developing a strategic plan by which we will try to reset this means that I need to make sure within that plan that we allocate all of our resources accordingly and that we staff up accordingly. If we don't know our purpose is an organization and what are desired outcomes are we just hire people and buy things that sound good or feel good to us, but they don't lead us to our intended purpose what Paula done with Timothy was say, this is the purpose of the church. I've established in Ephesus and I'm going to help you to staff up around this Purpose with the kind of people in positions that you will need to ensure the work of the church has done. So they're very clear guidelines on here. In fact, it's almost like I said of interview questions or criteria by which people in Your ship should be interviewed or tested to serve in the church. So Timothy is giving some very explicit guidance because you see people are and always will be the key. They'll be the key to success or the reason for failure to embedding our work and getting the right folks who are the right heart with the right skills to lead is essential and making sure that we as a people of got are those people is what we're about in our discipleship. I want to give you a a glossary of words and terms that you might need as we work through this passage suggests. Some of you may say these things are very obvious and some of you may say I've never heard that word but these are essential words to cut a bear down on as we look to this passage in the morning. I'll go quickly through then I'm not trying to patronize you but as I was reading your thoughts, I really need to know what that word in that context meant. That's why I spend some time thinking about these are not alphabetical. They're just as I was reading through a thinking about them. They appear to the first where is a spire? Aspire when you aspire to something, it means the direct one's hopes. Or Ambitions toward attaining something when you aspire to something. It is directing or you actually left it blank. Thank you Mike. It's pretty it's pretty slick. I expected it would all be up there pretty I don't give him any time to do any still figured I had to do it the direct one's hopes or Ambitions for detaining something II. We will need to think about his overseer overseers used in Polish writing and one who supervises others is often the same as a leader or Pastor or Elder in the church. So there's two distinct types of people were going to look at in the church again leadership one is an overseer. The next one is a deacon. Deacon. Some of you when I say the word e can you get a cold chill in your spine? Right? Because we've had some experiences with deacons and also known as evil overlords in some of our past experience right the idea that some people in some Churches assumed power in a position that was never given power to begin with the Deacon means essentially servant or one who originally there were seven deacons at the church it exploded in some distant because that's Greek Jews in the Hellenistic Jews said, they're not treating us the same way and the apostles who like man. I'm trying to finish my Saturday night throughout the week. I'm trying to write something babies crying something's on fire to it. I'm like, I'm trying to finish my sermon. Can somebody help me somebody help your mom. I understand that feeling. I understand that feeling the Apostle said we have to do what God told us. There was just to prepare and preach the word of God. We don't have time to sort out portions and what will give him to the Greek dressing to use Holy Spirit moved among them and said that you appoint seven men of God who been tested who are the men of God that you can trust and give them that tassel the apostles can be free to do the work of Deacon then was the one appointed to do the work of the church this sir a trusted person. The next word words would be above reproach above reproach. To conduct your life to make people lie about you the literal meaning as such that no criticism can be made about you. You live above reproach man. I don't even like him but I can't think of a reason to not like him which is sometimes a reason that people don't like you because they can't think of a reason to not like you but be above reproach temperate temperate temperate climate Greece, which is always a pleasant temperature. It's not like up and down like open Oklahoma and a temperate person is one who is moderate or showing restraint. They're never too high or never too low the characteristic did Paul ask for a new church leaders temperance. Next word is managed to manage specific on this case to manage the family which literally means to be in charge of 2 administer or to run the family. So think about that sweet that passage it speaks of another phrase. I'm dishonest gain dishonest gain to the word is literally Mammon this idea that human beings are motivated stuff and the money to buy stuff. In fact, it doesn't even become a stuff anymore. It's just the money is the motivation to have more and many times that motivation to get more help. You start blurring the line. It's not bad to have a good paying job it bad to cut Corners in to try to get what you want to dishonest gain. It is not an honest way of gaining. Tested is the next word to be judged or measured by means of an examination. It is a specific act that they're talking about to test someone the word Vindicated is in the scripture as well, which means clear of blame or suspicion clear of blame or suspicion. Someone who is or has been Vindicated cannot be blamed for something and in line with that then is the word noble noble which means righteous virtuous or good don't you be thinking about maybe some other words that pop up in here that you wonder about but it's essential as we study the word of God word by word in the word of God that we know what each word means because they have a carefully-chosen impact. We need to pay attention to those. I'm going to make a statement. I want to see if you agree with it. I would imagine you do but you may not good leadership is critical to the stability and performance of any organization, which is otherwise is made up of us humans good leadership is essential to the stability of performance of any organization that is made up of humans. In other words. We need someone or sometimes someone's Google guide directions support the work of the group. Do you agree with that? There was this really cool school in California that heard about it was so excited about this school in California. They were a an Administration left school. They had decided they would not have a principal. It would not have any administrators. They would put all their resources into their Dynamic teacher leaders to run their school and they open the doors with no administrators who was a team of people working toward the same in to build a grade school. Christy just went now Traders as administrator at school would love that school because all of the stuff that an administrator does it's clear the way for teachers to be able to do what they do someone back a year later with checking on the school and what they had done the next year was assigned lead teachers major roles of administration. They had to do this work of the school. And then they reduce the teaching load to give that teacher more time to do the administration by the second-year what had happened? They gone back to a principal. They could not survive without somebody being in charge of and caring for the things that needed to be care for. They didn't want to have a principal you spend money on a principal. They set it off. If they lose the teachers can handle all this they can do this with a teacher's figured out they could not they couldn't pay the bills and answer the phones and write the curriculum in do the reports and deal with parent issues are so much that had to go on but even more importantly than that, they needed somebody to refine and maintain their Vision because when nobody was in charge everybody has their own little rayshun of this and there wasn't one person keeping that Vision together leadership is critical in any organization is critical in any family. I want you to begin with this in mind though. Didn't Jesus is always the leader and head of the church. The Bible is explicit on that. It's not a man or a woman. It's not a committee of Elders. It's not a bunch of deacons getting together the leader of the church both Global and local is Jesus Christ Colossians 1 17 through 18 makes us explicitly clear. Speaking of Jesus. He is before all things. And in him all things hold together love that he is before all things and in him all things hold together to chase a little rabbit here physicists are really struggling these days. Don't you just feel it for them? Are you just overwhelmed with star over there struggling because they're really trying to manage. this catastrophic truth That flies in the face of evolution and in the idea of The Big Bang Theory as well. And and what does basic idea. Is that the Universe never move? from disorder to order it never moves from disorder to order. And you can think about this in the most like simple way think about just no joke. Think about your bedroom. Are you living room? Is it almost Eerie how easily it gets messed up?

How in the world did my closet become that disorder my my living room? I kitchen Houghton the world the things that were ordered and have places and we're organized become so unorganized on the other hand a more profound question. Why isn't there a tendency for things to order themselves? Even if there was disorder? Why doesn't it often happen that you walk in the house is now clean. That your room is now organized. We don't go from disorganized thoughts to order with that intention and design there is accidental ordering in our world. But think about this Jesus was before all things and in him all things are held together. They used to think that the Universe has a big bang head exploded and the universe began to expand and soon it would reach this point at which it begin to come back. It on itself and eventually the universe would collapse on itself infinitely expanding and it's expanding faster than it was before. Which means it's getting more and more and more and more disorganized. is continuing and that it at its Inception physicist say it must have been perfectly ordered There is no explanation for the Big Bang other than there must have been absolute perfection in the order the universe. There's no other way to describe it. When we know that in our universe order never comes from just order these guys are pulling out their hair trying to sort out and how from the beginning when are math models require absolute or did this occur first Colossians? 1 17 through 18 He is before all things in him all things were created. Everything was created in Jesus Christ is held together by the power of Jesus himself verse 18th, and he is ahead of the body the church. He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so that in everything he might have the supremacy it it identifies his is absolute sovereignty over the physical world and his absolute power over the spiritual world and said he has absolute Authority as a head of the church. So make no mistake. We have a liter. We don't need to be in charge of anything. We need to follow the leader and there's never a time when Paul or any of the other biblical authors teach another or any other truth than this. Jesus is our head our leader our ultimate Authority and anyone who says otherwise is lying to you was Jesus is a good man. He was a good teacher. He was a prophet. He was a god anyone that says any of those things other than Jesus is God Jesus is the only way to Salvation is lying to you if you just 1 22 through 23. Absolutely reform just to get and God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. Can you imagine we are the body of Christ the fullness of him who fills everything in every way? That's who we are today with the body of Jesus Christ. The original order of all things is intentional. Perfect. And ultimately we believe what will be restored for eternity. God will reorder his creation beginning with his people made right and him through Jesus Christ that relationship made perfect in him that was destroyed by sin to reorder all of creation all of the physical world and the metaphysical World. I'll just spiritual world will be lined up and made perfect again in him. And we can either be a part of this right ordering at the end of time or we will be cast aside at cross-purposes with our creative. There is no middle ground. I'm just going to hang out here. If you don't mind. Will you Christians go do your thing and you non-christians go do this thing. There is no middle ground. There is a absolute declaration that we are either God through Jesus Christ, or we are not there is no other way 1st Corinthians. 12:27 gives us this personal understanding now, you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it. each one of you each one of you that's why Christian is so crazy about that idea of life. It's why we oppose you both euthanasia and abortion. It's why we say we should bring the refugees to our nation. It's why we should adopt the children who are fatherless because we value life, but we don't discard those with mental disabilities are special needs for those it would devalue any human being based on their race or their gender. God has made its each a part of the body we get that in our mind winter says God's prioritization of people. In what are critical roles of leadership within the church in the New Testament and all of them are necessary. We see specific guidance in relation to the two rolls of this overseer and Deacon Parks now understanding that Christ is the head of the body and where all the essential parts of the body helps us to know that we do need. In fact, the leadership roles that are outlined in Timothy 2 areas where we see specific leaders, like Timothy who would be considered leave pastors or even Bishops in an area. But today we're going to look at these two ideas and deacons and overseers 1st Timothy 3, if you'll bear with me, we're going to go over a few versus here now. Process here is a trustworthy saying. Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task, there is some of our words of the day right the aspiration to drive toward or having ambition towards something to Aspire towards something by like the idea of aspiration. To Aspire for something means it's something that's hard to get to you. Don't aspire to walk out the door today. You might aspire to run a marathon. So it implies that the two aspires to be a leader, is it difficult talent and Noble thing it something it says this is an important task. This is not something to be ignored. It is not ignore it is in fact Noble. Now the overseer has to be above reproach. What does above reproach mean?

What's up? Nobody can criticize you but they have to lie about you. Right so you give them nothing nothing true for which they can really tell you not to be above reproach.

faithful to his wife What does that mean?

I'm asking because it seems to be somewhat confusing in our society right now Christy. What is it mean for me to be faithful to you? No other women that's pretty straightforward, right? one man one woman for life

the outline here was he should be faithful to his wife. Why do you think he had to state that?

Cuz they were having the same problem since we do they believe that relationships are different people wear disposable. I will hang out with you as long as you give me what I want, but when you stop giving me What I want I can go find someone else. This has been our plight since day one. We do not love as Christ first loved us.

Faithful to his wife temperate which means mild-tempered not prone to highs and lows self-control. Sometimes you just get this when you get older it takes too much energy. To get too high or too low. It takes too much effort to lose your temper and you just a little bit calmer least in my experience respectable hospitable able to cheat. What does it mean to be hospitable?

You welcome people your home if they need it to recognize your stuff is just stuff at your place, you know, people like that who that get to hospitality walk in their house and I can just live here. These people are so nice to know. They probably don't want you just to live there they were eventually but have you ever been in some place where you feel like you couldn't touch anything in their house?

That you can't touch anything or in her house. No, she's very hospitable.

We just throw it away and get something else. They could break Tuesday at a hospital. And by the way, my wife worked on that she wasn't originally like this. This is not her heart and It's your your mom thought you would her heart. Now. She goes as many people in here. It's possible. She said her book that she made everybody sign it ever came in her house. She has like three volumes of it. She finally gave up on it. Cuz people show up like 30 and 40 at a time like yesterday. So she did make him sign the book anymore. The gift of hospitality is one that requires some sacrifice to be hospitable respectable able to teach what does it mean if you can't eat

The people learn stuff, right? I mean that's that's the only true assessment of whether not your teacher. Did somebody learn something if they didn't learn it? You didn't teach him so you're not a teacher.

Let them know something about a teacher content knowledge. You got to know what to begin with. Not given to drunkenness not violent, but gentle not quarrelsome. Not a lover of money. He must manage his own family with his children. Obey him. And he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect essential. There are times that I've been around fathers who manage their families. But not in a way that engender respect. I watched a man in my office when time strike is child in front of me. and anger and in violence I was appalled. Now this boy was that a lie his boy needed correction. His boy needed to be guided but his boy did not need to be backhanded. Hard in front of me the father hit him so hard that it the fingernails left a mark on his black shirt, and I remember staring at that. It hit him so hard that the fingernails have left this kind of white shadow on a shirt and I thought What a horrific thing to see if father because that was clear my spirit who was abused. It wasn't correction. It wasn't respectable. And when Paul says you need to make sure that you manage your household you do so in a manner that is worthy of respect easy. But it's different than abusing your children into obedient. Then he goes on to say just in case you don't know this but if anybody can't manage their own family, how can they manage the church? He was not be a recent convert or you may become conceited and fall under the same Judgment at the devil that the Judgment the devil came out. Why did the devil? Why did the devil get judged? Pride right. And so why would that be a danger for a recent convert?

Do you think you can do it? It's a somebody Taps you in a point you I was speaking to a friend that was telling me about how he came to know his local church. He and his family moved into a small town and they were looking for a church and the mom had been raised in 1 face background the father and then raised in another with a really looking forward to church. It was just kind of people mom found it at a time to people and it was in her heart language which is different than her husband and he said I'll go with you to church if you find one that's in English this kind of people and so she went out with that in mind. She found one in English that was kind of people they went there. They both got saved it within 2 weeks were asked to be the youth leaders in their Church.

That's probably because if they waited three weeks it is known as they know but I mean in 2 weeks. Was way too early if I could was in direct violation of a scripture like this right where you take someone who's a new convert now, there's a lot of danger in there. If you don't know what you know, it supposed to know you teach things incorrectly. Maybe you build a big following and people follow you in your head gets puffed up and you fall according to the scriptures the same way that Satan would through Pride. Just be careful that the people you put in charge or not new Converse. 47 he must also have a good reputation with Outsiders so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap in the same way Deacon. So you have over steers and then deacons deacons are to be worthy of respect since fear not indulging in much wine and not pursuing this on this game. I think it's an interesting thing to see how these two lists compare but fundamentally many of the same basic expectations are present name is keep hold of the deep truths of the face with a clear conscience. They must first be tested if there is nothing against them let them starve as Deacons. I wonder what this look like. Have you ever taken a deacon test?

How do you test a deacon?

He's a voltmeter. Do you test them like they used to test to see if you're awake. You done come and see if they float or sink. How do you tell you do it?

now if you do it, right Mikey and I've been through some of these testing things but essentially what you want to do and see if if their belief and their actions line up with The truth of scripture. I think you test them. I think you literally tested me sit him down and you give him an oral exam you say. What do you believe about Jesus Christ? What do you what do you believe about the marriage of the the holy church with? Was Jesus Christ when he believed about the conduct of the Believers in the church, how are you supposed to walk through life you ask people. So if someone is to become a deacon in a church or a servant they should be tested according to what Paul says not believe that he was going to be establishing how you do that Tim. This is how you do it you test these guys ask them the questions of the day to make sure to ascertain that they know and if there's nothing against them let them serve as Deacon in the same way. That's a tricky verse the same way. The women are to be worthy of respect not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. So I want to ask you a question and I'm going to let you vote on this and you're going to all have to vote. Nobody can abstain got it. Got it. Because like I don't know about that. I'm going to ask you a simple yes or no question can women be Deacons?

It was deviance in Korea. Right but there's another way of interpreting that in the great they can be well, maybe not thinking maybe a servant of the church.

What? it is formal leadership position and Verses 3 through 7 seem to indicate through their personal pronouns and it was a male, right?

permissive will

If this body had to take a boat right now, this is going to make a boat right now. And we said could women be deacons could women be deacons scripture to back it up?

Well, this is one of the central passages. There's a couple others that you can read about this as well. But this is one of the central passages that directs us into overseers and deacons.

So back to what miss my status and men are doing their job. Then the women wouldn't have to be Deacons.

What's that?



So it even though of the original Seven deacons a couple of them became teachers are pastors. It didn't necessarily mean that the role of Deacon was one of that leadership is that Deacon as defined according to its or any comparison to what we just read in Timothy doesn't disqualify women from serving as deacons or Methodist.

So I'm really not going to make you vote. But here's what I am going to tell you. Here's what I'm going to tell you that there is ample scriptural evidence. To support both sides of this argument ample. In fact, the very same scriptures are used to support both sides this particular verse that we just read in the same way. The women are to be worthy of respect not malicious talkers, but temperate and trustworthy in everything. They say that this could either be the wives of the deacons or women who are Deacons They would have to fulfill all of those other guidelines and these things that are particular to some of the women that he was talking about and so can be this particular verse can be sort of nuance to support. Either way. I want to tell you right now, then it seems to be that in the most conservative churches that have a particular interpretation. And those that are more I don't mean liberal in the negative sense the more liberal in their interpretation of scripture. They have another idea but in almost all denominations, they've had the same kind of squirmy conversations about whether or not women should serve in the role of deacon. I can tell you right now. I believe this scripture would support either say Where's 12 a deacon must be faithful to his wife and manage his children and his household. Well the same kind of idea that you expect any physician leadership those who have served. Well gain an excellent standing and great Assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus those who serve well in excellent standing and greater Assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

Is that okay to get in excellent standing because you served?

They probably got the excellent standing already, right? These are people men and probably women who are excellent human beings they love well, they conduct their lives while in the course description the perfect human beings that they strive to be Disciples of and followers of Jesus Christ and do so on a consistent and excellent basis making certain that they are above reproach and living as well as they can.

I want to give you the last section will close with this is an interesting Section 1 cover just briefly and Paul says although I hope to come to you soon. I'm riding through these instructions so that if I'm delayed you'll know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household. I just love that phrase. When you go to somebody's house when you were a kid, what would your mom or dad tell you?

I mean appearances feel this way when we go to your soon as I do not break anything. Don't run to the house. Don't punch your sister. I mean, it was all these things that they didn't want you to because it was that helpful, right? How did you go to Just you want your people that act like it's somebody else's house and they go there today to represent your family well and think about this a household of God.

It makes sense. When you ask kids to behave themselves in church for adults to be attentive in church for people not to be hateful and shirts. You're the household of God. This is God's house. But it isn't just a place. It's a household is the family of God because a household can be just about anywhere. It's not necessarily a building or structure. It's a relationship that you have the household of God, which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and foundation of the truth beyond all question the mystery from which true godliness Springs is great and I'm going to give you a couple of Clues if I had to read this last section in 1st Timothy, it's possible that this was already ashore chorus or saw more him the church was going to sing they slip this into his his letter right here or he wrote them one which I kind of like that that version of a tooth. He wrote them a beautiful for the doxology pieces Accredo piece right in here and it has these components Mike if you have those components about Christ in car. Jason Resurrection. Okay, will you put those up? Before we read this passage only to be looking for these these things within this closing context. First of all, we see Christ's Incarnation embedded in here and the words. He was manifested in the flesh Christ's Incarnation God in human form second. When we see Christ Resurrection in the words of Vindicated by the spirit scholars believe in Jesus being raised from the dead Vindicated by the spirit. We see is Incarnation is resurrection. We see Christ appearances after his resurrection as seen by Angel We understand Christ gospel in the word proclaimed among the Nations. We hear of Christ followers in this passage in the words believed on in the world. And then finally, we we recognize in the words taking up and Glory Christ Ascension. So in this very simple passage, which we might be tempted to sort of read quickly through we see profound truths of scripture and Jesus himself to read this with Keira throughout this up. He appeared in the flesh. Was Vindicated by the spirit was seen by Angels was priests among the Nations was believed on in the world was taken up in glory. What a beautiful way to in that chapter to Tim. This chapter reminds us that the work of the church is our Central work as followers of Christ and it must be rightly ordered led by men and women of God who are dedicated to its purpose and to the worship of our God not to those who are dedicated to Growing their own kingdom on Earth little K or promoting their own books and shows on television or filling the coffers of the church with money. They can be spent on the church. The church alone, but by men and women who are dedicated to his purpose. And in the end by what standard will we likely? Be judged will we be judged on how well we've done our secular work? Will we be judged by God on how well we have done our academic work how much money is in our bank account or how highly we have been esteemed in the society that are in I doubt it. I doubt it. We will be judged on how well we have performed the work in front of us through the body of Christ the church. It is therefore desirable than that. We are known for our faithfulness or propriety our kindness our service. Our compassion our generosity our love for others. In our life on striving to be more like Christ. if we are known for anything else it is anything less than what God has called us to how we've been faithful to the work and the resources and opportunities in front of us. Is what we will be held accountable for. I would encourage Justin to press on church to work at the work at hand father. Thank you for letting us gather today. For letting us speak into this intimate letter written a couple of thousand years ago to Timothy as he was. Undoubtably struggling and needing leadership from his mentor Paul and how to rightly order the local church a thank you for its Echoes and its impact even now. I thank you for the real deacons and the real overseers that are in this little group. We have here people who don't need a title, but who do so out of the abundance of their heart is the direction of the spirit. I think you for the word. It keeps us grounded and centered we become so used to it we become so maybe callous to his truth that is hard to focus with Father. It is so good to have your truth in our language and in our hands. We thank you for this time for your direction in your guidance in our lives. May we be the church you call us to be? May we be the hands and feet that you want us to be may we be the parts of the body that you've designed us to be. Hey you reorder your world in your name? We pray amen.

Well, I'm so glad you're here to eat with us today. We have plenty of food as we always do in the next few minutes. We'll put some tables together and then we'll wait until we hear it's a time to eat. I will have already blessed the food and so we will just eat there is no House Church at our place tonight any other announcements?

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