Untitled Sermon (5)
First three chapters focus on what Christians should belive and second three explain the implications of God's grace for the church.
So, the letter was written from Rome about the year a.d. 62. Though Paul was on trial for his life, he was concerned about the spiritual needs of the churches he had founded.
Hetty Green - 100 Million Dollar Story - She ate cold Oatmeal because it cost to heat it.
It may be that you don’t know what you have.
This is the treasure house of the Bible.
Who you are?
You have a bank that you have to tap into
We are not just -
Grace - Used 12 Times
Glory - Used 8 Times
Inhearanteice - Used 4 Times
In Christ Jesus or its equivalent- 14 times in Chapter One alone
Riches - Used 6 times
Filled -
Chapter 1:
Verses 3-14 is the longest sentence in the Greek NT it is as if Paul does not want to take a breath until he has explained everything the beliver has from eternities past until eternities future.
Who we are in Christ Now..
Chosen before the foundation (Predestinated)We where chosen, God picked us. This should intesify our worship.
The First to Hope in Christ. When we believed we were sealed by the holy spirit, which was our down payment and inheritance.
Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places - The blessings we have for our spirit and soul are of heavenly insurance nothing earhtly
His Love - Love desires relationship and God is Love who also longs for relationships so his choosing of us was not because of our abilities or status but because he flat wanted to be with us and pour out his Love for us. (deut 7:7-8)
We are vessels of Mercy -
Our Lord Jesus
Chapter 2:
Who we were walking according to the ruler of the authority of the air.
v4 - But God being rich in mercy!!
v5 & v8 - For by Grace we have been saved.
Having no hope without God in the world have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Tearing down the wall of hostility via the Cross.
Chapter 3:
The mystery of Christ has been revealed. We the Gentiles are now fellow heirs.
He was given Grace to proclaim Gods riches.
Chapter 4:
Exhortation to live worthy of the calling with which were were called.
To live worthy of the Gift of Grace.With humility, gentleness, patience, and loving one another.
The church has been established in a manner so there is unity not division. And he gave what was needed for the equipping.
v18 - Warning to stay away from those who walk in the futility of their mind.
Do not Grieve the holy spirit - rebellion will greive the holy spirit.
We are to put on the new self. For we learned Christ in truth.
Chapter 5:
Be an imitator of God. Become like him..
A fragrant smell is when the believer is obedient. Jesus was obedient and became a fragrant smell to God.
Walk as children of light... 1 John
v7 - Paul did not say that we were “in the darkness,” but that we “were darkness
Absent of light and illumination.
v9 - Goodness is love in action..
To “walk as children of light” means to live before the eyes of God, not hiding anything“all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” ().But walking “as children of light” also means revealing God’s light in our daily lives. By our character and conduct, we bring God’s light into a dark world. As God’s lights, we help others find their way to Christ.
v14 - Paralell -
v15 - See that you walk carefully, with exactness” is the meaning. The
We cannot leave the Christian life to chance. We must make wise decisions and seek to do the will of God.
v16 - How foolish would it be to waste time when we have so much freedom to share Jesus without persecution.
v18 - Be filled with the spirit..
Be filled with the Spirit” is God’s command, and He expects us to obey. The command is plural, so it applies to all Christians and not just to a select few. The verb is in the present tense—“keep on being filled”—so it is an experience we should enjoy constantly and not just on special occasions.
Husbands should love his wife like Christ loves the church...Nourish and cherish it..
When the Christian wife submits herself to Christ and lets Him be the Lord of her life, she will have no difficulty submitting to her husbandThis does not mean that she becomes a slave, for the husband is also to submit to Christ. And if both are living under the lordship of Christ, there can be only harmonyThis is why we should not be unequally yoked:–18If the Christian is submitted to Christ, he will not try to establish a home that disobeys the Word of God. Such a home invites civil war from the beginning. But something else is important. The Christian couple must be careful to submit to Christ’s lordship even before they are married. Unless the couple prays together and sincerely seeks God’s will in His Word, their marriage begins on a weak foundationLove your wives “even as Christ also loved the church.” Paul was lifting married love to the highest level possible, for he saw in the Christian home an illustration of the relationship between Christ and the church