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First touch on Kobe Bryants death
First touch on Kobe Bryants death
When you heard the news how did you respond?
And then my mind went immedietely to where is kobe now? Was He ready to meet the Lord or is he in hell right now?
41 years of age
you know because of the superstar status.
Then i thought about his daughter, Giaana. Did she know the Lord
26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?
Tell the Story about Professor Taylor
Tell the Story about Professor Taylor
A few years ago we lived in Lufkin and I was a youth pastor. And Lukin has a Junior College called Angelina College. I sent a fair amount of time on the campus, talking to student, trying to engage them in spiritual discussion. I had this crazy idea I was going to do a real live debate on evolution verse creation. I found this bright college student that was a self proclaimed atheist. So we set up a debate there on the college campus. The day came and it was a packed out house. Standing room only, and boy was I nervous. The debate lasted for about two hours, and it didn’t go as well as I was hoping. The guy that I was debating
So then because of the success I began to look for a professor of Biology. A professor that was known as to have an axe to grind. You know one of those combative professors that as soon as they find out that any of their students is a Christian they begin to attack. Well I found one there on the college campus. A 29 year old Professor named Taylor Hall. Bright guy, had a pretty little wife and a couple of young kids
I got to know him, and came to find out that he was raised in a Christian home, but he had renounced any sort of faith he had when he learned about evolution. And he was a very focal atheist. And we had several meetings, discussing science, discussing the debate. And to be honest with you he intimidated me. Very sharp guy. We tried getting our schedules to line up for the debate. And one day I was out riding around on a Friday afternoon, and I heard very clearly from the Lord, Go to the college and witness to taylor. Andf I argued with the Lord about it, but grudginly obey. And He drove a little red Toyota Corrola. I only half way obeyed I zipped through the parking lot, didn’t see his little red car there and told the Lord, hes not here. Didn’t think much about it, but the following Wednesday night when we were starting our youth service we took up prayer request. And one of the college students asked prayer for their Biology proffessors family, because the night before he had been in a head on collision and instantly killed. When I asked the name of the professor.... Taylor Hall
Completely wrecked me. I almost had to cancel the service that night
And I often wonder, what if taylor had met a level headed Christian that could answer his science questions. This is the importance of you knowing why you believe what you believe. Because college is already wild enough. And then you are going to come across those professor that have an axe to grind. And intellectually it is unfair, when you have a 30, 40. 60 year old professor that has spent that many years refining their arguments, making them roll off their lips like butter
set up a meeting with him, and we began to talk science, and talk about this debate. He was very interested in having the debate
Why apologetics is important and why you need to know why you believe what you believe?
There are honest skeptics and there are dishonest skeptics. An honest skeptic is one that says I don’t know but I will go wherever the facts lead me. A dishonest skeptic is one that says I don’t know and it doesn’t really matter where the facts lead. The dishonest skeptic does not find God because he or she does not want to find God. Its like a crook who can never find a policeman. They don’t want to find God
Let me let you in on a couple of facts
When we are dealing with origins,,, there are only two theories. Not three not 4 two....
Theory of the big Bang and evolution-
Used to be that people just simply thought the earth and the universe was eternal. Just something that has always been
Because lives are literally at stake
Tell a story about Taylor-
1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Genesis 1
For thousands of years there were two different camps of thought. One with the jews who recorded how Earth was formed
1. God created the World out of nothing/ which didn't make sense right, how do you get something from nothing
2. Two matter has always existed therefore the universe has always existed. In fact in other religioins the ones that have some kind of creation story, what you have is just a reassembling that which is already here.
But in 1908 a mathemaician using Einsteins theory of relativety found out that space and time are joined together. Therefore time is not eternal because matter is not eternal
This caused scientist to come up with the big Bang theory
The Human Genome/ Noahs Ark/ back to Adam
Back in the year 2000 the Human Genome Project successfully mapped the Human Genome, and one of the lead scientist a biochemist-geneticist Dr. J. Craig Venter and scientist at the National Institutes of Health recently announced that they had put together a draft of the entire sequence of the human genome, and the researchers unamisouly declared, there is only one race- the human race.