The problem with stubbornness
The Israelites had joined themselves to idols and so God had rejected them.
The world is always twenty minutes ahead of one man in Coventry, England.
“In 1922,” he said, “the clocks were advanced twenty minutes. I never accepted this. Nobody was going to take twenty minutes out of my life.”
So he kept his watch set for the old time. He is twenty minutes late for every appointment. As a result, the determined man has been fired from half a dozen jobs.
“They won’t beat me,” he declared. “I’m going to die twenty minutes late to show them I was right.”
1) The Israelites are joined to idols (4:15-19)
The thing about cows is if you push them, they push back. So if you want a cow to move left, you push right and she will push back to the left.
2) Therefore, God will withdraw from them (5:1-7)
If the question were put to Israel—“What are you doing?”—they would say, “We are seeking Jehovah.” They probably would point to their flocks and herds dedicated for sacrifice as proof of the sincerity of their intentions. If the question were put to many people today, they would claim the same thing: “We are seeking God. Look how religious we are.” But God says that they are not seeking; and the reason he knows they are not seeking is that they are refusing to abandon the sin that always keeps a person from actually coming to him