Out With the Old, In With the New Part 4

Out With the Old, In With the New  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Random Acts of Kindness: This Saturday, at church at 4:00, going to SpringHaven and help them unload donations. Should be back at church between 5:30-6
DNOW: If you’re going, I need to know tonight. Money is due next week, but I need to know if you’re going so I can get the shirt size etc. Cost $30, If you bring a friend $15 for both of you and if you bring two or more, you go free and each friend is $15.
Bible Study every Sunday night starting at 5. We’re looking at different world religions, This week we’ll take a look at Islam
Prayer Request
Random Facts with Zoey

Out With the Old, In With the New Part 4

Before we get into the last part of our series on Revelations, I want to introduce someone to you that you already know. This is brother Charlie Edlin and His wife Devonda. He’s a deacon here at Immanuel, and his area of responsibility is the student ministry. I invited the Edlin’s here for a reason. In most churches there tends to be a generational gap. I want to help build a bridge between that gap. So each month, we’ll have a church member come in, introduce themselves, and give us a testimony of their lives. My prayer is that you, and the other generations within the church, will see that you actually have more in common than what you think. Remember, we are all one body of Christ. If one part of the body doesn’t understand, work with, or help another part of the body, then it’s hard for us to function. So please give your attention to Mr. Charlie and Devonda.
Now we’re going to take a quick look and close out our series on Revelations. Open up your Bible to and for times sake, I’ll read it out, but please follow along with me.
For the last three weeks we’ve looked at Revelations on a very broad scale. First week we did the introduction. Second week we looked at the seven churches. Last week we looked at Jesus, the rapture, and the seals, which was a lot I know. This week we’re closing it out by looking at the end.
First thing I want you see is what this series is called. We’re not out with the old, and in with the new
Verse 1, John said, Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had past away and the sea no longer exsisted
So up to this point, the earth has existed with all of it’s sin and destruction.
Now there all things have been made new. God has officially hit the rest button on the world.
What does that mean? It means all of the death, all the destruction, everything evil that sin has caused is now gone!
The world’s now looking like it did back in when God created everything to begin with.
Everything that God created when the earth begin as good.
says “Then God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land earth and He called the gathering of water seas. And God say it was good.
So obviously we’ve missed a few things since where we stopped off last week. Just to give you an idea of what all has transpired from where we stopped
There were two witnesses of God that shared the Gospel for 42 months. They were protected from everything for the 42 months.
After that 42 months, they were killed and the entire world watched their bodies and partied for 3 days.
God raised these two witnesses back to life and everyone went from party to scared.
There was a fight between the angels and a dragon, which is the devil and he was cast out of heaven.
More judgement was thrown at the earth
7 bowls each had devastating effects just like the 7 seals and trumpets
Satan was defeated along with all of his demons
Satan was bound for 1,00 years
d]her the 1,000 years he comes back and then defeated again by being thrown into the Lake of Fire
The Great White Throne of Judgement
The Lamb’s Book of Life was opened, and all had to stand before God in judgement.
Those without their name in the Book of Life were held accountable for their actions
Those with their faith and trust in Jesus, who professed Him Lord and were saved, their names were found in the Book.
Now that there is a new heaven and a new earth, something amazing happens, God walks amongst His people again.
Verse 3 says “Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: “Look! God’s dwelling is with humanity, and He will live with them. They will be His people and God Himself will be with them.
Are you starting to see a connection here? We’ve come full circle from the very beginning.
Going back to after God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden, we see that God was actually in the Garden with them.
How do we know this? , right after the fall, says Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze.
So God was with Adam and Eve from the beginning up until the fall. He enjoyed being around what He created.
So not that all of evil has been defeated, sin is gone for good, God can now walk amongst His children because we will all be clean and holy, We will be able to be in His presence.
God reaffirms that everything has been made right because in Revelations 21:6 God said, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.”
Everything that God originally designed is back.
Last thing to close with tonight, is it’s sooner than what we think.
says “Then he said to me, ‘These words are faithful and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent His angel to show His servants what must quickly take place. Look I am coming quickly! The one who keeps the prophetic words of this book is blessed.”
We do not know the day, the hour, the minute, the second that God will say enough, but we do know things are moving that direction.
We see things that point towards the end times, God’s warnings to us. There are wars and rumor of wars all over the place. Earthquakes in random places, things that are said in that are pointing towards the end.
Are you ready? If God showed back up this very moment, are you in the right place with God or should you be concerned? Do you have your faith and trust in Him? Are you showing it by trying to live like Christ?
Remember that Satan believes in God as well, but he’s still in rebellion.
So with every head bowed, and every eye closed, where do you stand with God? If you want to talk more off to the side about how to become a Christian, or if you’ve accepted Christ and need to tell someone, raise your hand.
If you haven’t taken part of believer’s baptism, them lets talk. It’s not a requirement for salvation, but it’s a step we take towards our walk with God.
If you have some unconfessed sin in your life, then take this moment to confess it. Share it with God ask for forgiveness and make things right.
Lets pray.
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