The Leadership we must expect & support for a Good Future
Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
As wemoved from the first 3 chapters of this letter, the essentials to reclaiminga gospel-ministry - gospel, prayer & Word in worship, godly leadership and then godliness that arises from abiding in Christ; in chapter 4 we hit the hinge of the letter, where this idea of truth unto godliness, is applied to various specific problems Timothy was facing in a problem ridden church. False teacher’s and their ascetisism, personal focus on Timnothhies own training in godliness, remember that 3rd trustworthy saying . And from last week remember with denying of marriage, and the down playing of the gospel itself, church disttracted, as if family drops out and social welfare of widows takes over. All these problems can be compared to cells in a body that are to be working well for a healhty vibrant church. But some cells like a cancer. Individually, but also as whole church. IN the mdidle of this whiteblood ceels don’t seem very important, sluggish, slow not doing much - but then jab a metal needle into organizsm - that immune system jumps into action.
Well congregation Paul has pointed out hwo the family ought to be wroking, how church members ought to be living, but now he place his finger on the one critical part of GOd’s gospel-coomunity system that needs correction, perhaps more than all the other specific practical areas. Do well, to listen carefully, even if you are not an elder, maybe especially if not, because this is the only place in the letter Paul quotes Scripture and teh words of Jesus, and its the only palce in the NT where someone says, listen to what I’;m saying,
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.
almost like an oath - literally in the preence of The God, of Christ Jesus, he conects them. Chrhist is present here and He is the lviing God, but also in the presence of THE elect angels. Those angels in the heavenly court chosen to serve in the final judgment of your works and mine, those angels that will be with Christ when he erturns to judge the living iand the dead, pay attention church to these very specific and clear instructions about how the leadership system is to work. We’ve seen the instruction we’re to have in family care, and widow care for those without family. Seen how church family relations are to work, and the special work even of
now he place his finger on the one EP: Stewarding the gospel together requires elders ministering among us and a congregation who supports them.
Stewarding the gospel requires elders who rule & feed, and a congregation who supports them.
Before we get to the elders and their work among us, though, we need to piece together what the problem was in Ephesus in regards to leadership. And doing this we ought to conisder our own need for leadership, for spiritual leadership in our own lives, here.
A. A Leadership Vacuum fills a church with error & sin.
It is all nice and neat and tidy in theory to say - we’re all leaders and we don’t really need anyone guiding, overseeing, encouraging us from a persepctive you are here, and we need to moiving here. In previous grade school, wanted to give out leadersihp awards at every assembly - all these kids recognized as leaders - lie all of them. I had to say, you know what what we need to be recognizing is servant-hood. But wel live in a culture where everyone is a leader. Kind of like the movie the Incredible if everything is great, everyone is great, no one is really great. If everyone is a leader, then functionally we really have no leaders. I wonder spiritually if you can say there are leaders in your life. Of course Christ alone is the great shepherd, but he exercises his leadership as the LIving Lord from heaven, through those ordained in his name to lead. So interesting to hear as the world mourn’s the tragic loss of Kobe Bryant - how after retirment from the NBA - so busy leading, mentoring - young and old to the next level. People in the basketball world recognize need to be led! Do we in the hcurhc, and do those like Bryant with ihs skill to naviagete both basketball and life, do we with the gosopel, with godliness, do we offer ourselves to mentor, to lead others in Christ’s name!?
That was the problem in Ephesus and we don’t begin with the ledre task bbut Timothy and the Christian’s in Ephesus’ failure. Right there in the centre of our text are several DO NOT’s directed at TImothy. And just like the Do no neglect the gift you have, which was given you by… council of elders! THis is a comand in Greek that says, you’ve been doing something again and again, its continuing upt o now, but you got to stop it. This is not don’t ever do this, its bad, its you’re donig this now and its got to chagne. What was TImothy doing and why?
Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.
Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
The why part, we need to understand what happens when a church languishes with false teachers, replace the gospel, tolerate not only false teaching but also living that copmoroimses the freedom of the gospel, bondage of aseceticism, rituals, man made laws as spirituality, and also living that is blatantly sinful - God’s law doesn’t apply to me any more I’m saved. When that is tolerated in a church , especially in its leadership, you are going to end up with people making all sorts of accusations - I don’t like that leader look what he does, I hate that part of this ones teaching , like that one, leveling accusations, almost competetion based on personal likes and dislikes.
Just like with the problem with those younger widows, influenced by false teachers, going house to house not to really help in gospel care or gospel minsitry, they go and gossip, and instead of soving prolbems as busybodies cause problems. Paul says don’t bind them from marriage let them find calling in marriage or among God’ people for good. SDo too here, Paul commands no gossipy, quick accusation, careful and calm gathering of the facts is needed.
But because someones doctrine and someones lifesttyle not taken seriously - everyone feels they can hold whatever teaching and adopted whatever lifestyle - and its no cocern of the church.
But eventually a line is crossed and peole know this leader’s got to be removed. But some of those with the teaching, some of those with the sinful behaviour that are unrepentant live init, don’t want to go, and actually nice people, deep family connection here - so remove the ones don’t like, prejudge , favourtisim - consistory becomes old boys club, That’s the second stop doing:
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.
But now they’ve removed some - simply not Christian in his teaching, or like many members would say - tolerate everything, exccept if they - say one exerteem of culture then last straw. interesting sliding scale always moveing. Well Hymaneus and … had been removed. And maybe some others with them. And guess what Timothy has to replace these elders, but the eldership has become more of a figurative position, kind of like the governor general in Canada, sign off on making decisions - but no real influence and service in the knitty gritty. SO they are being hasty in throwing anyone into this leaderhsip postiion of elder, and Paul gives the third do not:
Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.
Now it would be appropriate to acknowledge that its easy to fal linto this mindset in a structure where we appoint elders to serve every single year, that many church struggle to the point that they say any warm body wiling to come to meetings will do. It’s approporaite to say that in a time in Western church history eve n in the CRC where biblical literacy, and theolgoical litercay, in an age where we give way more time to entertainnment than serious study, in an age where alternate lifestyle and preference replace the biblical categories of sinfulness and righteousness - that the danger is ever present in CRC congregations to end up where Epehsus is here in terms of leadership.
Leadership - I don’t llok to them for support and enoucragement for correction and insight interm s of what we believe where, and how we hold truth to our world, I don’t look to our leadership in terms of the tricky work of Christain living in a post-Christain world - ethics of my work life, or the challenges of dating, or the struggles of marriage or sinlgnees. End up with a congregation where people don’t look for this kind of parakaleo - walking besdie of compassionate godly leaders.
And that brings us to postive command to the whole congregation, and to Timothy to make sure this how we think of elders - that they are deemed worthy of honour, double honour.
B. The Congregation Must Respect & Support Elders in their Leading & Feeding
In just the same way the Paul called for this honouring elderly men and women, and then even materially supporting those who were truly widows. In the same way, in the first half of this chapter, he outlines not only who are widows worthy of support, but within that class which ones the church is to enroll in the service of visitation; so too he here points out the ened for honour to elders to do their work, but also a class within the elders who must be materially supported as well.
Paul has already given the qulaifications for elders in - that’s the office of all elders and teaching elders - there he uses the word Episkopos - overseer. Which in the pastoral is always in the singular - what an elder should be like or do. But here he uses the word Presbyters - a word that means old, mature, which highlights more the function and character than the office. INterestingly, we should note that this word is alway in the Plural in the New Testament, even standing for the consistory, concil of elders as a corporate body.
What is that body to do among us? It is to rule well. TO lead with authority. All elders are called to this task - from the time of Moses spiritual elderss in and God gives a portion of the Spirit that was on Moses to equip them from the task, to the syngagoue functioning with a coroparte body of elders, have a wisdom in the word, sought for a variety of perspectibves, and through deliberation to discern God’s will.
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.
A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention.
Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.
Presbyters are the title given to the council of elders in Jersuaelm, but also the body that deilveate in the church apostles and the eldres, with James. Paul and Baranabas welcomed by the elders. Local syngagoues, and even Spartas council. As Paul goes to the gentiles, churches in Asia Minor appoint elders in every church. As the apostlic age ends, a church order slowly evolves and emerges these Pastoral Leteers the handdbook for the centuries to come. SImpole clear leadership body, called the elders. and the church’s direction and decisons to be a coroproate decison making, vision setting body.
What else are you to have elders for? Ruling includes that overseeing. Pastorlal role like householder in home, know and in contact with the members and guide, encourage, direct - heart of eldership is shepherding. Peter writing to Asia minor also say this to the elders: Yes authrotiave leading the flock. I exhort you elders… as fellow elder =
shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.
that oversight of life and doctrine of memebers. Our elders are to oversee, the reception of members into communicant cmembership - to examine each faith and life - prfooession of faith. THey are to test the faith and ife of each nominee tothe eldership. That’s there job for the health of the congregation. Does in volve disipcline with goal to restoring when we stray to reeturn to Christ and His ways. It involes mercifully dealing with doubts. It involves guarding the flock from false teaching. Every eldr isn’t called to preach but all are to be skilled in God’s Word - able to refute false teaching and explain and aplly God’s truth. To the church at Crete he tells Titus appoint these Presbyters and then in the same breathe says they are oversseers and look what an elder must do:
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
It’s important if we want to see thgospel flourish here, and in our own lives, to have others more mature in the faith, deep love for God’s word and for Christ sheep - that we honour them, how. Honour a mother or father by recognizing in position to do noble task of mothering and fathereing. When a child recognizes that - consdier that person wrthy to walk beside me, and even rule over me. Would you let that happen spirituually with an elder comiong tino your home, into your decision, or your struggle. Do you repspect corpporately that these elders called to lead the church through problems and trails, into a direction for passionatorae gospel minstiry.
Wellthat’s kind of the base-line teaching behind Paul’s command, but the command itself speak of the elders who labour in praching and teaching as not necessarily a separete office, but a class within the office of elders. There are those in Ephesus’ church, maybe house churches, and the area, and theri are those elders in our churches, who are to be sold out in the misntry of preaching and teaching. We call them mnisters of Word and Sacramanet, others call them teaching, as opposed to ruling elders. And its these that Paul is inglingn out as wrthy of double honour. What does he mean?
C. We must give ample support for the Preaching and Teaching of God’s Word and those Who Devote Themselves to It
I have not watched the TV show the Crown but apparently one of the better shows on TV. Read an article about Prince Phillip in 1969 just watched the moon landing, but he was in church - why do we do this Queen Mother week after week - Old Vicar tired homillee. That wasn’t a sermon it was general anesthetic. {Perhas right that it wasn’t the living wrod being preached but at that point Philip is sayin better to do somne action then hear God’s wrod. preached. But soon realizes not just more technolgy modern world needs, but need more faith! Queen’s apprach interesting, young vicar make a workshop ofr tired disillusioned vicars.
Well, what if we have the same crisis in the church today. Irrelevant no power, dead thing. COuld be beecause all we have is the pbucli reading of Scripture and teaching but missing that vital middel compoenent. Rember what Paul said to TImothy
Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.
It is enouh to fill hour days weeeks with reading and teaching of Scripture, like a bible lecture. But you know what preaching is - living word of God bearing upon his people, liee the boof Revelation - This iwwhat the Spirit is saying ot the Churches, the understand of tthe word with application to your soul and to your world. It is really Christ coming along side and calling out by His Spirit. And Paul says that is what some elders, ordained like Tmothy not just to rule well, but odrained like Timothy laying on of hands, ipmartign of the spiritual gift to proclaim God’s word - they are and the word is utterly tiredd themselves out with this knd of preaching! In my preparation I get to satuartion point - read, up studyied, prayed up - got to get it out. thaen preach it - exhaustion like I suppose delivering a baby. Well you heroic mothers know that kind of labour in phsycial snese, pastor is to delvier God’s wrod regularly like that, but just like in the delivery of a baby, it takes a whole family supporitng that mother for the birth to happen well. Back home some ar tidying up others, making food, spot for the baby, in the hosptial there’s the husband - doing the breathing trying to shout encouraging theingsAnd therei is the fanmily doctor - trained and paid for.
So too, for a minstry of God’s wod, say Chrystsotm - like the tithe in the OT given so that the Levites free from worldly wage arning concern, free to study and proclaim and apply God’s word, so too in the early church titehs used so the one who Presides the body of elders, so he can devote Himself to preaching and to teaching. I don’t says these things so you all congratualte me as the preacher, blow up my ego. I say these things because not the person but that task is so vitally critical to the power and health, and stablitiy of a church and gospel minstiry. LIke the rest of the team in the birth of a bbaby, - pray and rpeapre yourself for God’s wrod to come agian each service. And like the team that paid for the cordtor to saely deliver thegoods, youtoo are to support the trainign of at least one given to full time iministyr ofWord and Sacrament. Liek th family at home, see that God’s leadership and Crhist’s shsepherding comes through the wrod. - and are to be in our homes makeing ready and altering things for that word to have a palce in eour every day life! You are to expect who ever fills this pulpit, and hwoever teaches our catechism and profession of faith - to devoet themselves to knowing and living the truth! And Paul using the words to describe how soldiers of special honour were recognized, says you pay that person so it can happen. Don’t make them rich, but see that they have no need that woudl take them away from the task!
Paul quotes the OT where God says that an ox thressing the wheat -
For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”
its oging to get fed like other beasts, but here is the principle - let the beast partake in the grain the fruit even while empolyed in the labour. So too, your teaching elder, your pastor, minister of word, honour that work, provide for it in the labour to keep it going. My conern in preaching this tonight is not to ask you to pay me more, I am thnakful for support in proclaiming Gods word, here, but just like need work of the ruling elders expected and honoured for a bright future here, so too need work of the preacher expected and honoured here. High standard one exmained, talked about, constantly seeking to grow in how I do this. But you too need to keep a pulse on the preaching and teacing of this church.
But now we come to Paul’s last instruction reagrding the expectation and suport of elders in Christ’s church. And though this applies to the type of leaders to be selected the principle applies to all of us.
D. Purity is to be our Standard Sought & It’s Pursuit or lack there of Will Find Us Out
This is wher ethe most curious part of our text comes in. The part about dirnking wine with your water. But that really ins just by way of illustration of the more serious point about our sin or our good works finding us out. It comes as no surprise to either Paul, or to Jesus that there will be many in the church who are false believers. Hypocrites. Weeds among the grain. Neither Jesus nor Paul is under the allusion that any of us are so strong or so good that we won’t struggle with sin, that like Timtohy in our weakness and timidity we will fail to live up to God’ standards and plan for the church. But his tone with weakness is remarkably gentle, like our Saviour’s. Firm but mild. That’s because failing to live up to standard isn’t hypocrisy, but pretnending to keep that standard when inwardly don’t dcare about it all, just ply acing when you don’t belive - doin git for your own benefit that is hypocsiy. And Paul last Do not , about the drinking of wine, is so tied to this call keep yourself pure.
Paul sees that Timothy has been pretty unhealthy, with aeethismc of false teachers, perhaps stopped drinking wine. Or more liekly, because as acient historian of Ephesus put it -their wine was remarkably bad. Or perhaps to avoid the sin of drunkenness, of being like those lingered lng ver their cups os wine - drinking for the pealseure of the wine and giving themselve s, TImothy descied to stop partaking in one of the three staples of Ancient Worlds’ Food Econdomy of wehat, olive oil, and wine. Most meals with red wine. Usually mixed two parts water one, fermented wine (no distilling of that alhocol utnil middle ages). And that fermnetation prdcued the aloghol, which was good for your health, as a lot of bad water, and dysentry - and the alochol killed the bacteria causing the dystenty.
Paul says, don’t think purity is about keeping man-made rules. It is real life repsentance in the ways of the LORD, don’t be keeping man-made rules , aseceticsm as mark of your spirituality. And then hegives his closing teaching on the matter in mirror image form: Sins of hypocrites will be shown either right away or later. But be sure - their unrepentant sin will find them out. He says of this type of person, when they are an elder - may have to establish the facts, but hen pubically, whether in consitory or in the whoel congregation, name that sin - warning to others and retoring to person turning, but if that person won’t turn back to way of the LORD, even though he said never rebuke, but paraakelieo older brother, now when unrepentnace -
As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.
THis is the teaching of Jesus in and of Paul in , privately name it confront it, two o ro three, then the elders - then the whole church. When repentnance no need to go fruther. Buthat is the critical matter with purity, not perfection. Do I persist in my sin, when comes home to my conscience, or do I turn, however imperfec my turning may be. And that is wehre the encouraging high note of the passage ends. This isn’t just true about persistent sinnners, hyopciriatclly living Christ’s church with no real repeantnce. The dynamic is also true in postiive way, for all who moved by the Holy Spirit, htough not perfect, repent of sin and turning to the way of VChrist do the opposite - who are zealous for good wroks for others.
So also good works are conspicuous, and even those that are not cannot remain hidden.
I am thankful to serve with leaders who like me don’t have pefec tlives. But they are seeking after purity. Who over the long haul - though sin and doubt, even false teaching may errupt from time to time, over the long haul - their repentance , their commitment ot Christ, their life of repetnance shows through. SOme more visible than others, many whose good deeds quietly out of the public eye, won’t be shown until that final day. But know this wethehr elder or other member,
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
Conclusion: Francis Chan - parts of the body, not an appendix…
is the position, but unlke overseer (episkoopos), presybter always used in plural empahsizing - corporate function - church not led by individuals… like Moses in - with elders given same spirit as Moses, like Sparta - older men, body, - like insitution in Israel’s synagogues,
Church in Jersualem , Peter gives manner of to elders in churches in Asia Minor, emerging at end of apostloic era, When James takes leadership in Jerusalem church happens first, Paul andBaranabas apostles and whole group of elders… when sent out - laid hands on by elders… P
Word order - emphasis on RULE WELL , not same word as women managing their house hold - but to stand = rule manage, am concerned about, CARE FOR,
and empahsis on LABOUR in preaching…
4 stop doings - TImnothy had to replace some bad elders from the false teachers, but hastily, some bad choices, as if leadership didn’t matter, avoid as many conflicts, just get it done, BUT RECIPE FOR FUTURE DISASTER IN A CHURCH..
Rihgt people on the bus and in the right positions.
Plurality of elders should lead…
Why so important held in honour double honour = as the leaders go, so go the nation, the church…
WELL = fittingly - only one who can do that is one who submits, can’t lead if you’re not following yourself, as one under authority - heart captureed by somehting great, call others to have their heart captured; not drivin gthe sheep , but a little ahead of them , leading them… Rule well = 10 things…
All overseers, elders to do … with care of X, feed, guard from false teacing, Titus, able to teach - all … oversee faith and doctrine, appoint other leaders… judge the fittingness of those nominated for elders..
appoint other leaders… judge the fittingness of those nominated for elders..
Labour - not a one day a week job, but from toatlly given to - cosume and exhaust - people of the book - take our children not the word, How the Irish Saved Civilization - especially those full time given to mnistry of the gospel - make sure compensated, taken care of, like Levites by tithes Chrsysostom says free from worldly provision care.
Only Scripture qyoted in 1 Timothy - Deut way Jesus used it, used in Corinth - elders who labour ins preaching and teaching - train these new disciples, regularly exhort believers in worship. Not elderly elder who became bishops, true later bishops, presbyter given special role in leading an area o f church, but always own congregation …
Double honour - paid support - ont to magnify myself, but job called to - expect for the future…
The Four Do Not’s - things doing and need to stop , like 3:14 don’t neglect gift… have been.;
1. Allegations and charges, expect church discipline - context of love, goal of resotartion - but not quick thing, only careful eestablishment of facts, right to a hearing..
Expect leaders to meet iwht one of two outcomes - repentance, or continuing in sin = ie. living in sin, vs. fell into sin and repented, ven if pattern, if say repent to forgive… but if no real fruit of repentnance, if no contrition - told not to rebuke older man, but now context of an elder , and unrepentant - THEN TIME TO REBUKE - publically - not private affair but public whole body - serious profession, and warning to others who would stand in FEAR…
Most soleon vow, else where God and Christ, no where else and the elect angels, like Intertestaental , Josephus? type vow, like OT the council room of God , reference to angels who unlike Satan and demons - chosen to seerve didn’t fall, angels who be with Christ on return to judge living and teh dead, test each man’s work
God and Christ with one article = the same person and the angels with other article - like Jesus says of church disicpline in immediate context, as bind or lose - there I am in your midst - when two or three gathered for disicpline action f the church.
not just these rules regarding elders, but without prejudicing, partiality … not hasty, not buddy club
2. Do not be hasty in laying on hands. Like with Moses, like comissioning of missionaries including Timothy; this is ordination - taek step back - think we make our own rules , procdures, but simple church order based on Paul’s last instruction to post-apostlic church - not to be hasty … other elders in chrage of those nomninated… their is a test of doctrine and life… Timothy wasn’t doing this think no big deal.
BUT actually taking part in the sin of the leaders he hsatily put in place.
3. With comand to keep yourself pure - being an example in life faith purity… Stop just drinking water. Unusual possibley aseciticism, avoiding wine, Actually Ephesus infmaous for really bad wine, and wine was staple at meals Palestine and Asia Minor and Roman EMpire. Not distilled until Medieval period, but fermented especially if left on gvine for sugar content. Already spoken of sin of drunkenness… steer clear. But staple with olive oil and grain. Often 1 part wine three parts water - Timothy often sick weakn, Paul saying your health, your body matters and take care of it, not for enjoyment of wine, and danger in Ephesus with their feasts of drunkneness, wanring not long over cups of wine. But total abstiatinaince not only not comand, but Paul commandsa advices for TInothy moderation for health
Conclusion: v/24-25 sin will find you out; and has leavening effect. Passover meal, unleavened bread, not necesarry but as take mela listen to what Paul says:
Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—
Let us therefore celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.
But he’s talking of those who claim Christian yet refuse to walk in the way. Leaders like that ineffect and bring judgment on whole congregation. But look a the encouragment good works are conspicuous, even hidden ones come to light for the good of the congregation. What we need, yes, qualified men , yes tested, but those given to good works in the lives of people they are charged to …
Francis Chan - all the parts of the body of Christ, you know each ahs a purpose, but one part that you can’t be in the body of Christ. Weak part, need help part, but all given a task and calling. Francis s Cahn, cannot be an appendix in the body of Christ. What do you do nothing, just blow up!
As the leadership of a church goes, so goes the congregation. People following submitting to Christ, watching his lead, knowing HIs word, and his way of correcting, encourageming, rebuking, - lead liek the master shepherd.
Pastor’ come and go. DOn’t minimize the task at all, and the imporance, but the helom of the church godly elders who know the Spiri tand Word of the Shepherd, they will have huge, huge impact of the future of the church. I am thankful for continutiy of elders here, I am glad have a break, but that tested, over time, not perfect but repentnant and submissive, love for God’s people, I am thankful for new office beareers, but heed Paul’s command, and our church ordre - pray for these and expect real involvement and leadership, encouragment, guidance, expect those who will be men who know the times - who can test and spiritual discernment of false teaching,
This week amazed at how simpole text email, open door to really praying into my kids lives. I challenge you who are elders, including myself to be praying into our pepole’s lives like that - aask question, be boservant, be discerning what are the test and trials in this persons life where is the growth point. And you who are called to shpehereded by elders - do you know your elder. Challenge you - ask them for prayer, let them know you pray for the. I chalenge you to ask them what they think of teachigns floating inthe church, how whshould ew repsond. ANd you know why I think we need to do this here? Because there’s a lot of Timothy in us - timid, quickly just do the motions, You know Timothy was in a mess in Ephesus that’s what happens when wander form the gospel priorities, and he knows that sheep can bite and that hurts, so, takes his foot off the gas of gospel minsitry just coasting. Paul says, o no in the presence ofo God who is Jesus Christ and is in our midst, and of the elect angels here is a chrage like the greatest mislityary leader - telling this congregation - Elders do your job, congreagtion expect and support your elder in doing it! - you know what I hear when they are asked, when they do show up - that was really wonderful -
This week amazed at how simpole text email, open door to really praying into my kids lives. I challenge you who are elders, including myself to be praying into our pepole’s lives like that - aask question, be boservant, be discerning what are the test and trials in this persons life where is the growth point. And you who are called to shpehereded by elders - do you know your elder. Challenge you - ask them for prayer, let them know you pray for the. I chalenge you to ask them what they think of teachigns floating inthe church, how whshould ew repsond.