Pursuing Righteousness
Boundaries next week
Analiesa -
Righteousness circle - Righteousness is relationships primarily vs simple standards
Standards & motivations are linked in true righteousness
consequences of dividing
Your motive is all that matters
Your behavior is all that matters
not subjective - objective personal relationship
If you do anything I don’t like, the relationship is bad… the older you get, the more you should realize that’s not true
Check your motivation
Check your motivation
consequences of dividing
Your motive is all that matters
Your behavior is all that matters
not subjective - objective personal relationship
If you do anything I don’t like, the relationship is bad… the older you get, the more you should realize that’s not true
Seek to please your Father - Matthew 6:1ff.
Pleasing my wife - oneness/loyalty
private piety - doing things to love your God
mixed motives are always present - do things to demonstrate your higher loyalty - we often try to gain both rather than just one - this takes wisdom to do well but it’s also freeing
that’s laying up treasure in heaven
that’s laying up treasure in heaven
that’s laying up treasure in heaven
Hoard your treasure
Hoard your treasure
Check your focus
Check your focus
Check your focus
Check your focus
Find ways to praise
What you see matters - it shows what you are loving / what you are motivated by
Pray and praise
Pray and praise
Don’t be anxious -
7:1 - Combines motives and focus - Don’t condemn because you don’t know motives completely
division between people
how this helps with multi-cultural / multi-generational church
boldness to love
happiness/peace isn’t comfortableness, it’s seeking oneness by putting something else preeminent
Pray and praise and mercy
Building bridges of grace
What gets me to my reward?
Circle of concern vs responsibility
Timing/Sense of Responsiveness