Something Good is Coming Out of This

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Something Good

Dan ch 3  Intro
I know that right now, some of you are going through the greatest fire of your life, 
 know that right now, some of you are going through the greatest fire of your life, 
and it’s the kind that hurts, and the kind that makes you cry, 
and I know that what I’m going to say to you is going to sound crazy,
but what you ought to be doing is praising God, that you made it (to) the fire. 
You see, church, there are other people that never made it (to) the fire; there are other people that died at the door. 
Do you understand what I’m saying?  
According to the bible, The Kings Most mighty men in his army died at the door of the furnace.
That means: It’s a miracle that you made it this far,
by all rights you shouldn’t be here.
You shouldn’t have lived through that car wreck. The officers on the scene said it’s a miracle, and no one should have come out of that alive.
you know you shouldn’t have lived through that drug overdose; you had enough drugs in your system to kill an elephant. 
You shouldn’t have made it. 
Other people didn’t make it, but here you are. 
Let me speak directly to someone today: I’m talking to somebody right now who knows it’s a miracle that you are not in prison,  or mental institution somewhere
if you tell the truth you know that you’re just as guilty as they are and more so than some people that are serving time right now. 
But God was merciful to you. 
Other people have gone through a lot less than what you went through and they lost their minds, they went off the deep end. 
What are you trying to tell me Pastor? 
I’m trying to tell you that you ought to be praising God that you made it (to) the fire; there are others that died at the door. 
“They died where your miracle started” 
These mighty men in the king’s army could represent the three greatest athletes, or the three most popular, we could say; the three voted most likely to succeed. 
They had everything going for them, if anybody should have made it, it should have been them. 
But they died at the door. 
On the other hand: Nobody expected you to make it: 
Maybe you weren’t the most popular;
you weren’t the captain of the football team or the head cheerleader.
But here you are alive, in your right mind, serving God filled with the Holy Ghost and power.
But you want to complain because you’re going through the fire, when what you really ought to be doing is praising God that you made it to the fire.
 Let me make it a little clearer,
You  could’ve died at the door, you could’ve died in that car wreck or of that drug overdose.
You could be serving life in prison or you could’ve lost your mind but God laid his hand on you. 
You didn’t even know him and he was watching over you,
I wasn’t serving him but he was keeping his hand on me. He sent his angels to deliver me. 
I mean can anybody identify with me? 
I don’t know about you but I didn’t win any competitions when I was in the world
I wasn’t the one expected to make it, but I made it and there’s no other explanation than God. 
That’s why I say ,thank God you  made it to the fire. 
Of course we’re going to get you out of the fire but God  wanted to remind you that he was with you before you ever got in the fire and he’s not gonna leave now. 
As a matter of fact if you’re in the middle of the fiery furnace right now it’s proof positive that you are coming out. 
Because the miracle actually started at the door
and if God wasn’t going to bring you out of it he would’ve died at the door. 
Do you see it I’m saying? 
You wouldn’t have made it to the fire.
In other words it was a miracle that you made it this far
 God wouldn’t Have brought me to the middle if he wasn’t going to bring me out.
 I know some of you were going to the greatest battle or greatest fire of your life.
 For some the Fire is financial 
for somebody else it’s sickness, it’s  a battle for your health. 
Someone else may be going through divorce or marriage problems. 
Still somebody else is going through a fire dealing with rebellious children. 
But I am telling you on the authority of the word of God
something good is going to come out of this. 
I declare to you on the authority of God‘s word that something good is going to come out of this you’re going to make it. 
your not gonna burn up in the fire. 
You are going to come out and I don’t mean you’re going to come crawling out on your hands and knees all beat up. 
When you come out of this you’re  coming out blessed, healed , delivered. 
 with more , joy , peace and a greater anointing 
Our next point in the chapter is this. 
The King Chose his most mighty men
I know I’m repeating myself but it’s for a reason. 
Basically he chose the best, his strongest
his meanest
his best trained soldiers in his army to bind  these three Hebrew boys.
You might wonder why it feels like you’re fighting on a different level
 like the enemy stronger than before. that should tell you something. 
The enemy wouldn’t bring out his best, the meanest  or the strongest
if you were not a threat to him.
so You must be getting closer to your destiny and walking in your purpose. 
And now what he’s doing is he’s trying to intimidate you trying to get you to back down.
Next  point 
“They Bound Them” 
So The first thing that Satan wants to do is bind you Meaning  to restrict you or limit you,
 to confine you into contain you. 
To take away your liberty and your freedom in God. 
One of the Devils greatest griefs is to see the children of God walking and living in their liberty 
expressing themselves in joy and  peace.
 worshiping and praising God without constraint , 
without fear or  reservation. 
So he sends things our way to push us down, to back us up, to quiet us down and we get all tangled up in fear and anxiety and worry. 
Why? Because he knows the power of our praise . 
there’s no prison or furnace that can hold a child the praises 
Psalm 34:3 NLT
3 Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt his name together.
He Cast them into the Furnace
7 times hotter 
Not just a fiery furnace which speaks of adversity, trials, hardships, pain and  sorrow
 but seven times greater, hotter or more intense and more painful. 
Does that describe you right now? 
Do you feel like you’re fighting something you’ve never felt before. 
Like  the attack is more severe 
the enemy is more aggressive
 the pain is deeper 
the night is darker 
the weight is heavier
And the hurt last longer. 
I wish I could tell you that I had an easy button that you could push  all me the bad stuff would  go away 
but I don’t 
but what I can tell you again on good authority of the word of God
something good is going to come out of this.
And then we read these words: 
in the midst of the fiery furnace they fell bound 
If we’re honest with ourselves I’m sure theres been some times we’ve fallen down.
I mean, since you started this Christian walk, you have fallen down once or twice. 
The fact is, sometimes the devil will hit you with something you never expected
and it knocks the wind out of you and you find yourself lying on the ground wondering what happened. 
Well, here in this story the Hebrew boys found themselves lying on the ground bound in the midst of the fire. 
But I’m so glad the story doesn’t end there, because it says that wicked king looked into the furnace, and he was astonished which means: he was amazed.
He expected to see 3 Hebrew boys lying on the ground turning into crispy critters,
 but instead he saw 4 Men UP LOOSE WALKING AROUND and the fourth looked like the Son of God 
And he was AMAZED!!! 
The fact that you are here is amazing.
You are amazing, I am amazing. We are amazing. The devil thought he had me but he didn’t he thought he hurt me when he made me cry but it wasn’t over. 
Yes I went through hell but I’m still here. 
Yeah the devil hit me hard and I went down for a while
 I cried for a while but I’m still here. 
Yes I went through divorce , my heart was broken but I’m still here
 yes I fell down I got in trouble I made some bad decisions
I served in time for it but I’m still here 
yes I had an addiction that robbed life from me but here I am. 
And I have news  for the enemy I am up again. 
See the fire is where we really learn how to fight 
we learn how to praise 
we learn how to shout 
How to dance  dance 
And how to pray
And we come out even stronger now we know the God we serve keep us from evil and the snares and traps of the devil sent for us
Next point 
The Fire Liberated Them
That’s right Church the fire burned off the things that had them bound  
Now I can’t speak for everyone but I found out That when I got in the fire there were some things in my life that I didn’t need. 
Things that were holding me back it  took the fire to actually set me free from.
Truth is it really Is stuff we don’t wanna let go and it takes this season of fire to get it out of us. 
The bottom line is you get free in the fire
 It burned a lot of stuff off of us but it’s also burned stuff out of me
the  fire set me free from pride
fire set me free from pride
 self righteousness 
free from religion and fear of man. 
And I’m not going to presume to suggest that you have the same issues that I had but there’s some stuff that didn’t belong in my life and it took that fire to deliver me from it 
Jalen music 
What the devil meant for evil God is going to use for your good. 
I want to go ahead and get to the most amazing part of the story 
and I’m sure you’re thinking yeah now we get to see that the three Hebrew boys come out of the fire… 
surprise, that’s not the most amazing part of the story.
 I cant really wait so I’m going to jump ahead and just say it. 
The most amazing part of the story is that they actually didn’t want to come out of the fire.
And I know you think I’m crazy and I understand that because I wouldn’t believe it myself if I hadn’t read it myself 
so let’s get it straight from the book 
Daniel 3:26 NLT
26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came as close as he could to the door of the flaming furnace and shouted: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!” So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stepped out of the fire.
notice, then. Not before, not until he called them out. 
He said: come forth, and come hither and the bible says:
Then Shadrach, Meschach, and Abed-nego came forth of the midst of the fire. 
So this wicked, heathen king looked into the fiery furnace and called the 3 Hebrew boys out and publicly declared them to be the winners. 
The king had to call them out of the fire. 
When did they come out? 
After they were up loose, walking around. 
So maybe you’re asking God, when am I coming out of this fire?
 I know this almost sounds impossible: 
But here’s the revelation: (when it doesn’t matter anymore) when it doesn’t matter whether you come out or not. 
In other words: when you’ve learned how to dance in the fire,
praise him when you don’t feel like praising him,
lift him up when you don’t feel like lifting him up.
Give when you don’t feel like giving. 
And when they came out of the fire immediately they were ELEVATED in the kingdom. 
They were elevated by the Fire.
I’m trying to tell somebody: 
Something good is going to come out of this. 
You’re being: LIBERATED, ACCELERATED, and ELEVATED, by the fire, 
by the very thing the devil sent to burn you up,
it’s speeding you up, and lifting you up. 
And I close with this revelation:  [THE SHORT CUT IS THROUGH THE FIRE]. 
I know it’s not something you would have asked for, but my friend:
 The Gold is not afraid of the fire. 
The fire is not your enemy. 
The hotter the fire, the purer the gold.
 I can’t tell you that God is going to put the fire out, but I can tell you this: 
Something good is going to come out of this.
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