3-NT 04 Acts 18-28

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q N. T. SURVEY ACTS 19 -28 2019 Lesson #4 PREPARATION FOR LESSON: Read Acts 18:23 - 28 HISTORICAL PLACE Ephesus - capital of Asia province A religious center known for… Artemis, a fertility goddess. A temple was built in her honor c. 550 BC; it was rebuilt in 323 BC after a major fire. It was made from pure white marble with 127 columns, 60 feet high. It was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world and destroyed by the Goths in the 200’s AD. The image of Artemis supposedly fell from heaven; was kept inside the temple and worshipped. Its scrolls of incantations, spells and hexes; instructions in how to get power from evil spirits. A commercial port which eventually filled with silt. Tourism was then developed with food, lodging and the sale of silver replicas of the temple and goddess. HISTORICAL PEOPLE Felix: Roman governor of Judea c. 52 - 58 AD His Family Background He and his brother were born into a slave family that worked in the Roman palace. They were childhood playmates of Claudius; they were freed from slavery as teenagers. When Claudius becomes Caesar, he brings the brother Pallas to Rome for government service. Felix gets a government job thru the influence of his brother Pallas c. 52 AD. Felix’ 3rd wife is Drusilla; he seduced the 16-year-old when she was already married to a king. His Personal Life: he was ruthless, greedy, ambitious, unjust, misused his power and had no self control. He was a master of cruelty and lust who exercised the powers of a king with the mind of a slave. Tacitus: Histories 5:9 Festus: Roman governor of Judea c. 58 - 61 AD His Personal Life: a good man; this is his first political appointment; died suddenly in office in 61 AD. Herod Agrippa II: (king) Roman governor of north and east Israel in charge of the Temple and appointment of the high priest His Family Background Great grandfather was Herod Great who killed the babies in Bethlehem. Great grandmother was a daughter of the Jewish high priest in the Maccabean family. Half great uncle was Herod Antipas who killed John the Baptist; made fun of Jesus. Aunt Herodias demanded the head of John the Baptist. Father is Herod Agrippa I who killed James the apostle; arrested Peter. Herod Agrippa II and Bernice are brother and sister; they have another sister, Drusilla (see under Felix). His Personal Life Herod Agrippa II lives with his sister Bernice as his wife. She already had 2 husbands; the 2nd, her uncle, died. Now she lives with her brother. Herod the Great Aristobulus Herodias Bernice H. Antipas H. Agrippa I Herod Agrippa II Drusilla APPLICATION Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Tim. 3:12 Paul suffered because he would not compromise his message about Jesus, either for government or religious leaders. In our day, government and religious leaders still want to compromise the message about Jesus. Some are distorting what He did in the past. Some are denying what He is going to do in the future. Others are raising the question, Has God really said this or that is wrong? Some believe Jesus is not even relevant in our society. We as believers in Jesus have to decide: Are we going to change for the sake of tolerance? Are we going to compromise for the sake of acceptance? Are we going to agree with the majority for the sake of unity? Or are we committed to the truths of Scripture and the commands of God. It will not be easy. But guaranteed, God will give us His wisdom, His power and His grace to remain faithful. q ACTS 19 - 28 Page 2 PAUL His 3rd Missionary Trip > > MACEDONIA Philippi Thessalonica Berea > Troas > Corinth > ACHAIA BITHYNIA GALATIA ASIA Ephesus Antioch Iconium > PISIDIA Lystra CILICIA Derbe Antioch > RUS CYP > Jerusalem Paul’s 3rd Missionary Trip His 2 years in a Roman prison in Caesarea 56-58 AD Altho under guard, Paul has freedom to see his friends and they have full visiting rights. During this time Paul makes his defense to the Roman governor Felix and then later to Governors Festus and Agrippa II. His Trip to Rome and house arrest 58-60 AD During this time he writes EPHESIANS, COLOSSIANS, PHILEMON and PHILIPPIANS. He has freedom to teach individuals and groups who comes to see him. Rome MACEDONIA ASIA SICILY MALTA Myra CRETE CYPRUSUS R CYP Paul’s trip to RomePaul’s as prisoner Trip to Rome His ministry after his release 60 - 67 AD He visits Philippi and then Colosse. The next year or so he ministers in Spain. In the remaining years, he goes to Ephesus and Macedonia. From Macedonia, he writes 1 TIMOTHY and TITUS. He then works in Miletus, Corinth and Nicopolis in Crete. His 2 nd Imprisonment in Rome 67- 68 AD This time Paul is put in a dungeon. Just before his death in 68 AD, Paul writes his final letter of 2 TIMOTHY. Paul is in his late 60’s when he is beheaded in Rome in 68 AD. p
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