Experiencing God 18 - God Accomplishes His Work
Reading: Isaiah 46:8-11
From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. Isaiah 46:11 (NIV)
I. Who is Like the Lord?
A. God is not like other gods
1. A word to rebels
a. These words came to a rebellious Israel
b. They come to the rebel in all of us — that part of us that’s wants another God
2. The Omniscient vs. the know-nothings
a. God reminds Israel He knows everything, gold and silver nothing
b. Gold still knows nothing, nor does power, accumulation, or convenience
3. The Creator vs hand made gods
a. Israel was getting it’s gods custom made at the gold/silver-smith
b. God even made the stuff the god makers use to fashion their gods.
c. Joke: “get your own dirt”
B. He is the Only God
1. There is no other
a. God is politically incorrect — He says He’s the only one (v.9)
b. Our faith heritage does not give us a way to God, but God’s way.
2. Other gods aren’t gods at all
a. At best they are just pretty statues.
b. At worst, they are rooted in the demonic: (Deut.32:16; and 1Cor.10:20)
C. He is God of the Future
1. He tells us what will happen before it does.
a. So we know He knows the future.
b. We know He is God of the future
2. He has decided on the end
a. He knows the future, because He designed it.
b. All of history is in His hands—it cannot move unless it moves toward His end
II. God’s purpose Stands
A. No plan can Succeed against His
1. There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD. Prov. 21:30
a. None of our rebellions will hinder the success of God’s plan.
b. Demonic power can’t change His plans.
2. [nothing] will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom. 8:28-29
a. God’s plan is to give His love to His people
b. Nothing can stand in the way of God’s love.
B. God does All He wants
1. Not that God is self-centered!
a. We sometimes talk like this of self-centered people: they do as they please
b. What God pleases is to save His people.
2. What God wants is to bring His righteousness, salvation, and splendor!
a. Jesus brings a righteousness that we receive through faith
b. Through Jesus He saves us from our captivity
c. Through Jesus His people is as a bride adorned for her husband.
C. We can Rest in God’s strength
1. If we oppose God, we have good reason to be nervous!
a. God’s plan can’t fail, so those who oppose it will always fail.
b. It’s just a matter of when.
c. Apparent success only means waiting for the other shoe to drop.
2. If we serve God, we have good reason to be at peace!
a. Since God’s plans can’t fail, as much as we are faithful to Him we can’t either!
b. (Doesn’t mean it won’t look like failure once in a while!)
c. Every apparent failure, is just another opportunity for God to surprise us with His mysterious ways!
III. What God plans, He Does
A. God finishes what He Starts
1. God is always able to carry out His plans.
a. Unlike the gods of wood, stone and metal.
b. Unlike you and I.
2. God is always willing to carry His plans to completion.
a. He doesn’t get bogged down in details
b. He doesn’t give up when a few things don’t seem to be going right.
3. God never gets tired of His plans.
a. He doesn’t get weary of our foolishness
b. He doesn’t get tired of the whole, long, drawn-out process (like we do!)
B. God often works through People
1. The Eagle and the man are Cyrus
a. God had chosen him to order the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem
b. Even though he was a pagan, God used him for His purposes
2. God frequently summons people to carry out His plans.
a. There is no greater honor than for God to entrust us with a part of His plan.
b. Are you a willing tool in His hands?
C. God summons You
1. God has a task prepared for us (Eph.2:10)
a. God summons everyone He gives His grace to.
b. God summons His people individually and as His Church (that’s what “us” is)
2. God is calling you for the purpose he has for you.
a. He wants to accomplish His work through you.
b. As you respond to His call on your life, know that God will work through you.
3. Seek His plan for you and for us.
a. Our first duty is to seek His plan for us.
b. Faithfulness is our response to His call
c. Don’t seek unless you are ready to be faithful.
The Bottom Line:
We seek God’s plan for us, His Church. Seek His plan for You, His child. |
Hymn: R#603 God Moves in a Mysterious Way, vv. 1,4