Elijah Appoints Elisha
I'm sure it was I mentioned when we had the notices that after the service next Sunday morning will be joining with Chanel and say rejoice in the Lord's goodness to them a gift to the son Noah and meet you for a few moments after the service next Sunday date. Thank God for Black 2 bus recently in the church for which we are encouraged about that's next Sunday off to the service and we look once more at 1 Kings chapter 19, and I read from the 15 1 Kings 19 and verse 15. I don't know what set a reminder for 6 to Elijah. Daughter and son on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus. And when you arrive you shall anoint a Seattle to be king of Assyria. Jehu the son of nimshi usual annoying to be king of a hiss trial. And Elijah the son of Shah that you're so annoying to be profit in your place. Adelanto Escapes in the sort of her shell you put to death by slaves in the sort of Jay who shall I should put today? Yes, I leave 7010 is riled all the names that are bound to buy out and every mouth that is not kissy. So he departed from that. I found it like shutters on a chef hat with brown with 12 yoke of oxen in front of him. And he was with the 12th. Elijah passed by him and cost it spoke up on him and he left the auction and ran off a lighter instead. Let me kiss my father and my mother and then I will follow you and he said to him go back again. But what have I done to you and return from following him until the Yoke of oxen a sacrifice them and blows a flash with the yolks of the auction and gave it to the people and they ate and your rose and went on for Elijah and assisted him.
We're looking today at Elijah's recovery and also the anointing of Elijah. The Lord has you seeing if he's dealing with Elijah? You didn't have this particular problem. He was afraid of Jezebel ran from the Lord dealt with him very graciously very lovingly and the Lord commissioned him to continue in the world that he was doing. The Lord my clear was coming to an end, but he was to appoint the one who would succeed him. The lord gave me it's very important and very significant commission. He says go return on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus another song mention on this occasion of an Angel appearing to him and giving him the food that was sustained him through that long journey. the rest of the Bride himself as he continues on that why and Elijah do you need go? You didn't hesitate then do blades didn't argue discuss it with the Lord told him to go and he went on his way. Why even though the Lord and not commission that he given had told him to do certain things that many people would not approve of would not be happy with He was to be involved in the Affairs of the nation in a very real way a very significant why. I think he calls His prophets United Muslim he works with you guys before then and he calls them to carry out the action and he wants to act in accord with all the Lord directed him to do. I'm not a curse. It's the task of every True Believer. None of us are Elijah's. But we all those whom God has spoken to and God has called to be born again if I trust and faith in Christ Jesus, we all those record upon to serve him maybe to serve him and what many people would think I quite me and you and humble toss but that is what God closes today Elijah said many times and he said that one time we mention a he didn't hesitate to stand before I even with all the changes you didn't hesitate to go to Brook cherith. Knowing that the water with dry out you didn't have to tell you tonight at Johnny's Irish Fest. He didn't hesitate to trust the Lord and the Widow's son. I didn't hesitate to go back to Jacob. I might like glorious child Challenge on well, when I going to be doing that.
Rod is placed at each one in particular places. Define telling his school's to make as we're done and the challenges and ever increasing the heat in a society and iih today when so many things I said and done that is so country to the clear direction of God. the lodge was going to do just let me see Melissa. We see clearly called Soft action in The Sting going to be down the God always acts in a Cell freeway, but it's not an accident brain about his purpose. He uses his people. How do I check on a charge that Elijah has been commissioned to do is to anoint to Kings and to anoint one prophet?
And he goes to do that. These two kings. We don't know a great deal about them and I just want to give us a brief comment about who they are. We read. The Lord says the when you arrive Damascus in that area when you arrive you shall annoyed has yet to be king over Syria. Osceola was not in the line to be king. Hashi Alan Frank was a very evil and Wicked Man. He came to Power by assassinating the ruler when he died. Yet the Lord said to Elijah you are to anoint him as the garbage say to him. You are so annoying someone like David or like Solomon some of the other Godly things nugget.
The ghost suffering purpose would be anointed as king actually physically anoint as he did do what God commanded similar situation when Samuel was almost to go to Bethlehem to the home of Jessie and he anointed David as King David has put a formal anointing took place late. Elijah did what God commanded. And then he also anointed anointed king of Israel. He was an officer in the army during the reign of I happen to Horan and he reacted to various things are going on in the house of all Marie and he was anointed king in history that actually took place through Elijah another means but it still was a fulfillment of what God Said to Elijah. And then he was to anoint of course Elijah and this was a totally different thing in the way in which that was to take place that important. I don't know. How you do your Bible read it? I did ask many years ago how many of the church at read the Old Testament and sadly quite a few that has changed but there are believers who seem to think that the Old Testament has nothing to teach very foolish thing and I find prop some portions of the Old Testament and the dining reading so I going for a drive in tickets, why is it hard but we do so but it teaches us so much about God's holiness by the principle of sacrifice and then they need to be totally committed to him. I just pulled into read description reminded or stricture. Is breathe out by God and is profitable for us and what we see here in God's children action. God is totally in control and your appointment. I was to the King on that one Prophet God is totally in control at all times in all circumstances and that control is a control over civil.
Now we politically if they have crew what some may consider to be a very interesting time. I do trust me. I'll just done over the last 10 years particular. When the liberal Democrats and the Soviet pact to place because there was no majority government goblins were just a small majority, but we now see one with a very large majority. How do I get over things of this being a great deal of turmoil that are being all Germans decide which is right and which is wrong. what I'm saying it but God has appointed each of those that have been in power over this nation has ever lost every Other Nation throughout this world no reins without is Brothers I eat invest 15 received by me Kings reign by me Kings reign and rulers decree. What is Princess rule a novels or who Gavin just a president or prime minister are appointed by God.
I never rely upon that in the way that we vote in that sense, bring those people and stuff. But it is God who is
imma need to remember this we got so concerned because so trouble it's because so wanted about some who all in power and it's on Nation to cook. There are those who are very very cruel to a action dictatious and Destroy many good things. But God is still that God is still in Daniel 221. We read this changes times and season he removes Kings and sets up Kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have on the stand. And that brings a big responsibility on us. Pictures we should be praying for our route. We should be praying for those in authority and they pull reminds us in Romans 13 and Trust one. He says that every person be subject to the governing authorities for there is no Authority except from God and those that exist have been instituted appraisal without elsewhere that we should write fractions for those in authority. Because I have a very own risk. But more importantly the most significantly we should pray over us realize the grave responsibility that they have been given not just the responsibility of the Gap in the nation in the right way, but their responsibility for which they have to answer to God that I do what God come on.
Alarm I told refuse to do it. But we need to pray for them. But God would make them realize the significance of that post and how they are to be supported and we know full well if there many of our rulers many by promises, but the fact that $800 is not true. So I'm to remind sister 5S it from that song we read why do the nation's Rage of the People's Party in vain the kings of the earth set themselves are the rulers take counsel together against the law against his anointed saying that has gone bust out Bail Bonds apart and cost a way that caused from He who sits in the heavens law of the Lord holds them in derision and it will speak to them in his Roth and terrify them in his Fury.
I need to realize that they rule by God's permission. And they must rule. Give account to that and that goes through old chest the senior ones, but those who are remote counselors and other places Authority. But we pray much for then. The value V help that they will realize. the owner's responsibility that has in God's grace being granted to I miss we see so clearly from this passage in the Old Testament two men who know what have ever thought the stream would ever become king of Syria and king of Israel. But I did but God acted God what has he always does but God works in the church round. He appoints Elijah. He says to Elijah Elijah. It's a take his place as the prophet in a day. That is Ghost. What actually happened that he did exactly what God had commanded. For the prince would have gotten is clear. The any have office in the Church of Jesus Christ. Appointed by the church. Are appointed by God. Now the truck is involved in it, but the church is subservient to the direction that God. I'm God controls in this and every why once a guy even before they're bored. Otero Moana Troy NY one of us four Now the word of the Lord came to me saying before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born. I consecrated you. I appointed you a prophet to the Nations.
Even before Jeremiah was born. He was appointed to that toss. He's so tall. Give me God. I mean being bored and may God is speaking to him. He said behold our God behold that are not now how to speak Prime only a youth Lord said to me I'm only I use the oil to whom I send you usually go whatever I command you you shall speak. And that was coconuts and your record to office particularly any record to pass your office to Ministry to preaching God's word. It's not that personal qualifications that personal ability. Let me look for in the first instance. We look for that clear Direction and Call of God. Now, it does happen if that God does and his Providence for those working in the ministry. He does equip them physically and mentally for remember Moses when God appointed Moses one of the speech. Rob is gracious said Aaron will speak for you. It's an old school. God Set Man Apart for that office. And he goes on to Jeremiah telling him what that office is going to be like he says in that science chapter one of us knowing the Lord said to me they hold up put my words in your mouth. See I sent you this day of a nation's and other kingdoms to fly cop to break down to destroy and to overthrow to build and to plant the work of the ministry. Dawes on vacations involves the work of demolition of destroying taken away that which is not right. Which is raw. I'm bringing in this place like which builds up that receives the gross vag, which knows the way of blessing. Gosh. This word in history has established a strong and encourages that which is Ryan. and the one who scored of God to do that, but not hesitate and Proclaim in the word of God that has been given he says to his he killed Hugo 207 Anusha speak my words to them whether they hear or refuse to hear a rebellious house the way it's not so please be it is not to make people feel nice. The work of the ministry is a cloud of word of God. And that word of God is so far. It's a totally different toss to anything else that any man could ever do a speech. It's not an erection. Is the Declaration of the very word of God? My responsibility is to receive. actually Pray that it be applied on a plane. Is any of the spirit are going to apply the word of God? Closest to the Galatians 111 if you know that the gospel that was preached by me is not mines, but did not receive it from any mad nor was I taught you? But I received it for a revelation of Jesus Christ. We don't have the same experiences pull. We have the scriptures. We have the Revelation given to Bud. We were trying no faithful Minnesota gospel play me song with the words that God has given And the prayer today? Will be received. What's my pulse Chester Timothy 2 Timothy 4 and Gus to preach the word be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort the complete patience and teaching.
God is sovereign. Go to Joseph Children. Be safe in this passage in his grace and his mercy and applying is purpose.
417 Madrid 1 Kings 19 the one risque from the sort of has he'll charge a who put to death for the Elijah today.
Call Dax. It's suffering gracious judgment. Aubrey Pleasant But I'd like to heat up. these things And of course, we live in a different situation. The new Israel Israel of the Chichen Itza church. We don't got out killing people. Are we doing preacher message that says the God will most certainly charge?
not just necessarily on that last day But he would judge to clean nations in time. I'm not judgment is very powerful. Is Freddy real? read of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 11 best 20 then he began. To denounce the cities where most of his mighty works and being done. Because I did not repent.
I wish I asked you and asked you to respond with its but just to think about to ask you. What is one of the most major sins that we are so concerned about in our society today? I would suggest that y'all answer could well be the LG DBZ homosexuality the in Morality. Jesus says hello cities. the didn't listen to his word verse 23 And your companion to heaven? You'll be brought down to Hades to hell. Where the mighty Works done in you? I've been down in Sutton. It would have remained until this day. But I tell you. Play mulch horrible on the day of judgement. the land of Southern sign for you
We don't repent. No sign of true repentance.
Will be under the most severe. I'm trying judgment.
And that takes into account. old weeder continue in the Matthew 12:36. The Lord says I'll tell you on the diet shot. People leave account for every careless word they speak.
give account every careless word I speak.
That's very challenging.
Lord Does that? We're going to do it.
And I will be the final judgement Lucas. What is a pointed sister Rodger the Hebrews 9:27 is appointed for man to die once and after that comes the judgment.
Do not dismiss Josh. God does jock itch.
But don't believe it just a thought but God also acts in Grace. He says I will leave 7,000 in Israel over the years adult bow to buy of an Aviary mouth is
This is a glorious day. This is a wondrous thing. And I also saw it. How many wineries are so similar as I said before the society in which Elijah was Ministry God has his people The Remnant is always. Angie pool at she takes out. This isn't he says in Romans 11 bus to God is Not rejected his people who me for you. Do you not know what the scripture says Villagio how he appeals to guard against Israel lower than future profits of this morning and they seek my life. And what is George replied to him? I have cat for myself 7000 made with note about the need to buy. So two of the present time. There is a Remnant chosen by Christ. that Revenue I always got people there always the trophy of his grace that always come on Grace and to try.
Quality, right if he shouldn't reminds us for by Grace you have been saved through faith. Not know if your own doing it is the gift of God.
We discussed it briefly and I'll go to find out a bit more about this other young people meeting on Friday. Tom that have been used in the ethics in philosophy class with one at school to 10 Omni benevolent. What it appears to be is that God is all goodness. God is good. But the emphasis there is that it's nothing but goodness and you don't ever do anything is hurtful. You won't ever do anything. You don't ever do anything the reject someone in the Lost analysis. That is just not true. I'm afraid. God will Josh and Josh for all the ternity those who are not his and the only way we can Ensure. Rihanna is
attorney to him through his grace for his Mercy. Knology the HUD is gone. before the sentence before the first of his cross seeking salvation is found in him and him alive.
I got a point in an ocean. I say too much about that now. Lagarde used Osceola waste and the critical sing for each one of us. Is to do I truly know that Grace asking if you remember be baptized asking if you were asking if you tell people about Jesus Christ. I'm awesome. Do you do I really know Christ Jesus as my personal living savior? But that is the only why. In which we can truly know peace with God if I have traveled about that, please talk to me Steve Toth ovens. That we might and God's grace truly resolved that I'm at.