The Power of One
Who's Your One • Sermon • Submitted
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· 305 viewsHow one person can make an eternal difference.
“Betcha can’t eat just one.” 1963 Lay’s potato chips ad.
It’s the power of one…what one chip can do to draw desire for more! $11.7B in annual sales.
In evangelism, it is often one person who makes a difference!
For me, Milton Gage, who took the time to share the Gospel with me.
I’ve been a part of what God has done in the lives of many others as I had the opportunity to be the one for others.
A few things we find to help us move in the right direction:
Be Intentional
Be Intentional
Nathanael was Philip’s one! After Jesus had called Philip, Philip was on a mission…He had to bring others to Jesus.
If we are not intentional about evangelism, we won’t do it.
But, Philip sets the example for other disciples of Jesus, to share what we have received.
Notice that Philip didn’t wait for Nathanael to come to him.
Instead, Philip found Nathanael where he was.
He didn’t even wait until he “came across” Nathanael. He found him. Took effort. “To find after searching.”
Sometimes we think that people will just flock to Jesus. Sign Evangelism. Moralism Evangelism. T-shirt Evangelism.
But, those things don’t work, and they are not the model ever given in Scripture.
We are to go find the lost.
It’s why the Bible calls them “lost.”
And this isn’t just go to them in a geographical sense.
But, we go to those who are spiritually hurting or confused or bitter.
This is why we talk about building community with them.
Approach them in love.
Recognize the Value
Recognize the Value
The Gospel has value!
Jesus is who Moses and the Law foretold!
This is what humanity has been waiting for since Eve and Adam took their first bites of sin.
This is what people have longed for, and still long for, to fill the emptiness in their lives.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Pearls were considered more valuable than even gold. Difficulty to get. Dangerous. Value!
When you came across one, especially one of great value, you would do whatever it took to own it.
Now, Philip understands the value of a relationship with Jesus. But, instead of hoarding it for himself, wants to share it.
As a follower of Jesus, you have access to something greater than anything else.
The Gospel grants forgiveness and life.
Follow the Work of Christ
Follow the Work of Christ
Notice that Philip wasn’t the first aware of Nathanael! Jesus already saw him.
Jesus had already had His eyes on Nathanael!
Whoever you are led to pray for and share the Gospel with…God has already seen them.
You will never share the Gospel with someone that the Lord hasn’t already been aware of.
You can’t mess up so bad that you thwart God’s work of salvation.
You can’t share so good that you don’t need the Lord’s intervention.
Follow the lead of the Spirit.
Nathanael - Giver of God…actually received…but then one received, was called to give.
You have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not to keep it to yourself.
Every believer is to be a giver of the Gospel.
And you can make an eternal difference. You are called to make a difference.