MM00005 Lord, help me to have the heart of a son
Mentoring Manna: “Lord, help me to have the heart of a son”
© 2003 Pastor Keith Hassell
“Lord, help me to have the heart of a son”: We often talk about the need for men to carry the Father’s heart in the Body of Christ. But many seem unable or unsure of how to rise to that place in God. The reason seems to be that we have not first learned how to have the heart of a son. Many times in our walk with God we strive to be good ministers, leaders, workers, and church members. Yet none of these have anything to do with our relationship with God. These things only reflect our relationship with others. We strive to do so much for God and yet we feel so empty inside. The reason is that we are first called to be sons---and daughters---before our Father. God is interested in our relationship with Him first and foremost. He wants us to walk with Him, talk with Him, and commune with Him as true sons and daughters. He wants the cry of our heart to be, “Abba, Father.” We must learn to embrace the love of the Father, the discipline of the Father, and the training of the Father. In this relationship He will share His heart with us and make us secure in His love. Then out of our relationship with the Father comes His ministry through our lives. Once we experience the heart of a son, we can say like Jesus, “Do you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” Only a son can experience a relationship with the Father---Our Father in heaven. Slaves are forbidden. Only as we understand the heart of the Father are we able to cultivate the heart of a son. Only as we have the heart of a son can we accurately communicate and impart our Father’s heart to others. Before we can reflect the Father’s heart to others, we need to have the heart of a son. John the Apostle said, “I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning.” (1 John 2:13). The thing that characterizes a father in the Lord is his intimate relationship as with the Heavenly Father. He has learned to be a son. Before I seek to impart the Father’s heart in the Body of Christ, my prayer is first, “Lord, help me to have the heart of a son.”
Application: If you are like me, one of the most difficult things to do is to allow yourself the privilege of feeling completely loved by your Heavenly Father. In our heart we feel ashamed and condemned before Him. Somehow we only allow ourselves to experience the measure of His love for which we feel worthy. Few are willing to allow himself or herself to experience the full measure of the Father’s love. We are more conscious of our sin than of the cross. Rather than crying out “Abba, Father!” we feel more comfortable addressing Him as “Almighty God.” True, we do not deserve His love, but that is not the point. Jesus did not pay the price on Calvary to purchase slaves. He did it to redeem sons. You may find yourself like the prodigal son. While you are trying to apologize and volunteer to be a servant, the Father will be calling for a new robe for your back, a ring for your finger, and shoes for your feet. You see, He doesn’t want to receive you as a slave but as a son. Let us not withhold through unbelief and shame the love that our Father so desperately desires from us. Put away a slave mentality. Cast off all restraint and run into your Father’s embrace. Dare to look up into His eyes of love and to listen to His voice of celebration. I am sure you will find his loving response too good to be true!
Prayer: “Father, I pray for your children today to know your love that surpasses all knowledge. I pray that he or she will lay aside all unbelief that hinders them from accepting the full measure of Your love. May they lay aside the slave mentality caused by fear and shame, and begin to walk before You as sons and daughters. May he or she feel the celebration of your love over them even now. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!”
Your Father loves you---and we love you!
Pastors Keith & Sheila
Grace Fellowship
P.O. Box 260
Rusk, Texas 75785
(903) 693-6550