My Lord & My God!

John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  52:17
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little little fun fact for you here. See what's what's today's date? Anybody know that? 12 sorry. Yeah. So January 15. A couple years ago, few years ago, many years ago, I asked my wife out on our very first date and a little fun fact for you there and first day, I remember just cause we hit it right off there and I remember on the way to take her home. I remember this. Not Know I don't know if I had the cognitive thought, but I just kind of knew in my heart, that this is the woman I'm gonna marry. Another fun fact what I didn't know at the time was that a, probably a month and a half Previous to that, before I even asked her out, my wife had decided that I was going to be the man she was going to marry. So I'm late to the party as usual there but but you know, that decision to ask her to marry me, was a huge decision, monumental decision in a person's life, to make a covenant like that enter into a covenant like that. And so when you come to that precipice where you need to make a decision, either yay or nay, you really have to consider what it is that you're really deciding, right? Because it affects the rest of your life. If we're to abide by that covenant as God calls us to, then it means the rest of your life. forever changed. Because you are now devoted to this one person to love them as Christ loves them, and to devote yourself to that person as Christ has been devoted to save that person and redeem that person. And so that decision was such a huge decision and, and not one that anybody should ever take lightly. And it's not like buying a house even even though that's a huge decision. And you shouldn't do that on a whim. You can sell the house, right? You can get out of that one, legally. And so, but marriage is a different story. Well, you know, following Christ is, in many ways, like entering into a marriage covenant. And it's why Jesus told his disciples that just like a builder counts the cost before he sets out to build his house, one should count the cost of becoming his disciple. Because once you judge him worthy of being your Lord and Master, it forever changes everything about your life. And the implications of calling him Lord of calling him God. Impact every fiber of of who you are, until the day you die and beyond. And so following Christ is no is no quick snap decision, but ought to be considered very heavily. What is it that I'm going to gain? And what is it that it's going to cost me and to judge? Is it worth it? Well, most of us sitting here have judged that it's not even really a fair comparison to judge the cost to the benefits of being in Christ, of knowing him and having forgiveness of sins. The promise of eternal life. And in today's passage, we're going to look at john chapter 20, verse 24, through 29. Thomas's famous profession of faith in who Christ is one of the things that john by the time the gospel of john was written many years after, after the resurrection many years after Christ ascended into heaven. And one of the concerns that the apostle john seems to have had was that there were people who were were teaching or believing that Christ was perhaps not really true. Flesh and blood, God in the flesh. Or that maybe he was but the resurrection was more of an apparition of vision or spirit being and not really Jesus, the word become flesh and truly risen from the dead. And so much of what john writes, refutes any claims that Jesus is anything less than God become flesh dwelt among us gave his life a sacrifice and true death, being truly buried and truly risen again to true life. That our Lord in fact lives not merely in some spiritual realm, but in true fact it flesh and blood as we are, that that he rose from the dead, that it was no mere vision that the apostles or any of the other witnesses had and Thomas In, in the placement of Thomas and John's Gospel, we can see that this is one of the things that that john uses this as an opportunity to refute once again, that if there are any doubts, that Jesus in fact, rose from the grave, that he in fact lives, then this ought to refute it. We have Thomas whom we often label as the doubter, right? He's the skeptic. And I'm going to cut Thomas some slack on this one. Because if I if I had been so intimately involved here as a disciple of Jesus, and I watch him be taken physically and beaten, and the way he would be treated and then crucified, and then removed from the cross and put in a tomb, I would be pretty convinced that that was the end of the story. Because though he he may have been present that when Lazarus was raised raised from the dead. It it certainly stands without stands outside of our normal daily experience, doesn't it? when someone dies, we say goodbye for a long time or for forever. And, and I think, Thomas his perspective was that the word he started hearing about, hey, we've seen the Lord, he's risen. That Thomas, you know, kind of being a logical guy is saying to himself, you know, everybody's sort of emotionally amped up right now with the passing of our Lord. Perhaps this has something to do with this vision they've seen I'm not real sure I buy it. And so Thomas makes a bold statement about What it's going to take for him to believe. So let's look at john chapter 20, verse 24. Actually, before we do that, would you? Would you join me in John's creed this morning, be one other. I love just saying John's creed together because it kind of helps internalize those profound and important truths that we need to remember that john lays out at the beginning of his of his gospel. And as we come into, to Thomas's profession of faith, this is sort of the climax of John's Gospel, where john builds towards this, this huge confession of faith by Thomas as if to lead the reader to say, as if to say to the reader, now's the time to make a decision. You've seen Jesus. Now, who do you say is and are you going to fall on? So would you stand with me as we say that together In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him. And without Him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was john. He came as a witness to bear witness about the light that all might believe through him. He was not the light became to bear witness about the light, the true light, which gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him. Yet the world did not know him. He came to his own and his own people. did not receive him, but to all who did receive Him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we have seen his glory, glory as of the only son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Thank you may be seated. JOHN, as john lays it all out there in the beginning of his gospel, here's we come to the close of his gospel. It says, if all these things he he just sort of doubles back to who Jesus is. As he begins that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. That's Jesus. Jesus in the flesh. God stepped out of heaven to earth to rescue his created beings. And so, john here just comes to the climax that Jesus is everything that he presented himself to be. And the reader or the here should not disbelieve, but belief. So let's look at john chapter 20 verse 24. Now Thomas, one of the 12 called the twin was not with them when Jesus came. So this is a reference to the passage right before this where Jesus appears member in the locked room where they're all at. And they're in this locked building because they're afraid of being persecuted being arrested, perhaps being even killed, just as Jesus was. Everything still really fresh. And so they're worried about stepping out in public so they locked the door and Jesus appears to them and, and presents himself to them as being their Risen Lord. And here they are gathered again. And Thomas is now with them. He wasn't apparently with this in this prior appearance of Christ, verse 25, so the other disciples told him we have seen the Lord. But he said to them, unless I see in his hands, the mark of the nails and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and placed my hand into his side, I will never believe. In other words, Thomas is saying, you know, that's, you know, exciting that you've had some kind of a vision of Jesus being alive. But I want to confirm that he in fact, is indeed alive in flesh and blood and I I kind of wonder if Thomas truly expects to even get an answer to that question in his mind at this point, that perhaps he may be the one who just can never really believe this as all the other disciples are starting to truly believe fear that Jesus has risen from the dead. And he makes that statement and less I see. Less I see it less I touch him. I'm not going to believe the language that he uses that strong language that unless this, then this kind of language reminds me of what Jesus said to Nicodemus, that unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. The unless there is that we must be born of God, that we're not going to have eyes to see the kingdom of God or to experience it for ourselves. Unless we are born again, by whom, by God, just as john lays out there in the beginning of his gospel that, that we have the right that for those who believe in him they have the right to become children of God children born not of flesh and blood, nor of the will of man. But if God and that's the unless that that the Lord is laid out to us unless we are born a new from him. We won't see the kingdom of heaven. similar language Thomas says unless I see it myself, see for myself and touch with my own hands. I'm not gonna believe what you're saying. Verse 26, Eight days later, his disciples were inside again and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace be with you. A very similar kind of encounter here that we fadh previous and it says Eight days later, it seems very likely given the context of of the gospel of john and how he emphasizes things that we're actually talking about one week later. So as the first day of the week to the next first day of the week, is probably what we're talking about here. What john, the apostle john is saying that Eight days later, in other words, as Jesus rose on the first day of the week, which sort of is also a kind of a way of saying all things are different after this, this is like a new beginning, that Jesus was resurrected. And so on the first day of the week, which just seems so symbolically powerful that here we this is happening here with Thomas, and not just on any other day of the week. But on that first day of the week, again, that this encounter happens with Thomas the third locked again, inside I think we're left to put the pieces together that it's probably for the same reason as that the reason that the doors were locked the week before, they're still afraid. They're still concerned about the the Jews, Jewish leaders and what they might do to them. And Jesus appears them in their midst again, and gives this give gives them this greeting, peace be with you. Verse 27, then he said to Thomas, Put your finger here and see my hands and put out your hand and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe. If ever there was a time where Jesus spoke into a moment, such deep truth that that would overwhelm a person to know that he is in fact, who he has presented himself to be and that he has risen from the dead. It was right here that Thomas had not bumped into Jesus previous to this encounter and yet Jesus knew he Exactly what the issue was. And as he appears, he says, Thomas, Put your hands right here feel for yourself. As if the answer that statement that Thomas said unless I see it unless I touch it, I won't believe in so speaking that we're not actually told that Thomas ever followed through with the touching, with needing to feel the nails, scars for himself, or the sword or the spear piercing in his side. But nonetheless, Thomas responds, Thomas answers him, My Lord and my God. Thomas's response is one of just being totally overwhelmed by being in the presence of Christ, and being just totally smacked with the reality that Jesus is alive. That Jesus has power over not just someone else's death as he did with Lazarus, but has power over his own death, that he indeed justice. He said, I'm the Good Shepherd, that he has the authority to lay his life down for a sheep and to take it back up again. That he has, in fact, proved that out, and stands now before Thomas, who undoubtedly now feels a bit ashamed that he ever doubted what Jesus said and what the disciples were sharing with them. And Thomas makes this just blurts out this response to Jesus, my Lord, my God. My Lord and my God. The way Thomas says this, is it's kind of reminiscent of Isaiah his encounter with the Lord. Where Isaiah is just totally overwhelmed, being brought into the presence of the Lord, totally overwhelmed by the holiness and the presence of God. And all Thomas can do here is submit to the Lordship, and the glory of the Son of God who stands before him and makes this proclamation My Lord and my God. john chapter one we already said to this morning together, but if you want to turn back there to john chapter one, verses one through five at the beginning of John's Gospel, he uses different words, grant you that but essentially says the same Same thing that Thomas says here. In what five words? apostle john says, and five verses at the beginning, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God echoing the first chapter of Genesis. Just making sure that we understand the connection between the word who is Jesus and God that He is God. He was there in the beginning. verse two, he was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him and without Him was not anything made that was made. It says if john is just taking different phrases here to make sure that we get it one way or the other, that Jesus is God. In him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not only Coming. Jesus is the way the truth and the life as later we read in John's Gospel as Jesus says, I am the way, the truth and the life. JOHN gets that here that the way, the way to be restored to the Father, the way to be restored with our Creator, the way to be have forgiveness of sin and eternal life, the hope of heaven. To become a child of God is not through being born in the lineage of Abraham. It's not through keeping the Jewish law, but it's by faith in the Son of God. And Jesus responds to Thomas, verse 29, Jesus said to him, have you believe because you have seen me, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. It seems that perhaps Jesus is giving a bit of a A rebuke to Thomas. But I think, I think I don't think that's really the right way to understand this. I think it's rather than seeing this in sort of a negative spin as if this is a rebuke meant for Thomas, I think it's probably more accurate to see this on from the positive angle, which is, it's a blessing to those who have believed without seeing that Thomas has believed because he's seen for himself. But there's a greater blessing for those who believe and have not seen. Not a greater blessing in that there's sort of a degree of eternal life, but rather that there is a special blessing for those who would believe without having seen and touched for themselves, which represents nearly all of the believers after this point in time. That's you. That's me. It's who Jesus prayed for in john chapter 17. In fact, verse 20, is just a couple pages over there. If you want to flip back there. john chapter 17, verse 20, as Jesus praise to the Father, he says, I do not ask for these only speaking of the disciples, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that Jesus in the flesh, before the cross, as he's praying to the Father, praise not only for the father to sustain the disciples, but also praise for all the believers that would believe in him, not because they saw with their own eyes, but because they believed the word of testimony passed down from the disciples. That's you and me. Right? I don't know who you heard it from the Gospel from the Gospel according to the Word of God, that was give passed on to you from someone who loved you. And undoubtedly loved the Lord, and who you perhaps have passed it on since that time when you first heard that if we consider that for nearly 2000 years, people have been believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Not because he's shown up on their doorstep in the flesh, but because of being convinced that the testimony that they have heard and read is so profoundly convincing that there is no other appropriate response than to believe. And as john is very much concerned that the reader the hear of his gospel knows that who Jesus is the truth of who he is, and that the reader or the here of the gospel would make a decision. Based on what you have heard about Jesus. Do you believe Thomas walked with Jesus virtually every day for about three years. And when it boiled right down to it, Thomas just could not believe that Jesus rose from the dead until Jesus stood in his midst, and then he was so thoroughly convinced that all doubt was removed. And I believe john puts this in his gospel, of course, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that in partnership there under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this is in John's Gospel as if to just preemptively answer the argument. Did it really happen? Sort of what the Apostle Paul talks about the resurrection and the importance of the resurrection, if it didn't really happen, then Jesus's sacrifice was for not, because he didn't really have the power and authority that he said he had. And we're still dead in our sins. If Jesus did not truly resurrect himself from the dead, but because he did, and because here john wants us to understand, it really happened. And the the one, the skeptic of the group is profoundly convinced that it happened. That this is John's testimony that he includes here that if we have the question of did it really happen, or was this just an apparition or a vision was was a really Jesus in the flesh or, you know, mind tricks or something, maybe some very persuasive speech that somebody gave the People thought they saw, this puts an exclamation point on, it really happened. Jesus really died as a sacrifice for your sin and for mine, he really gave his life at the cross, to pay your price, your sin debt against your Creator, he really did that. And he really exhibited his authority to do so when he rose from the dead, that he is the living God. And his is if he has done this, then is there a more appropriate response than to turn to him by faith as Thomas did and say, My Lord, my God. Hebrews chapter 11, verse one, if you want to turn to the right there and the New Testament you go a little ways before Forget the Hebrews, but it's a long enough book that it's not too hard to hit. Hebrews chapter 11 verse one, description or perhaps a bit of a definition of what faith is here. Hebrews 11 one says, Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen. You may have some different words there. The the gist is here that the faith is is it's the confidence of the things that are hoped for. And it's it's that proof of the things that we don't see. faith in Christ, though we believe and have not seen with our eyes are touched with our hands. When we see a person's devotion to Christ and the way they trust him, that that is the evidence of the things we cannot see in touch. That, that Jesus Christ will display himself in so many ways. But he has chosen to do so through those who believe that as people follow him by faith, the character, the love, the peace, the grace, the mercy of God, is put on display through those who walk with Him by faith. And faith is that perhaps in measurable quality, that is the proof of what we aren't able to see with our eyes yet. And in fact, Hebrews chapter 11 is, he goes on the author of Hebrews goes on to say Talk about the many believers who have come even before the time of Christ, who believed from afar. They didn't see Christ either. Did you know that that the disciples were in a very, very limited point in of time there, there were, there were. There were many. But there were there were many people who saw Jesus in in the flesh, right? And were convinced and passed on this testimony to others after them. But did you know that there were many who believed in him? before he came to Hebrews 11 lines up for us that they were believers like Abraham, and Joseph, even the Old Testament that look forward to the promise of the Messiah. Though they did not know what he was going to look like sound like or what it was exactly how it was going to unfold. They knew that God would be their provision And they trusted in him, though they had not seen and that's what Hebrews 11 is all about that there are many who have believed in him, and trusted in him. And we have this hall of fame of people who have been faithful to Him. And so when we, when we, perhaps are doubting are struggling in our own walk with God, we look back to those who have even given their lives for the sake of Christ. And we're reminded that what we staked our life on at that one point in time whenever we came to Christ, that that nothing has changed. That he still is, Lord, that he still is God regardless of what's happened and transpired in my life, regardless of what difficulties I've had to traverse, or my family has had to traverse or my community, whatever, that nothing has changed about who Jesus is and nothing has changed about the reality that I was confronted with on that day when I trusted Christ, that I am a sinner in need of His grace and mercy. And that His provision for me was at the cross. Nothing has changed. My way of thinking might change, but the truth has not changed. The truth is not changed since Thomas made this profession, My Lord and my God. And when Thomas made that profession of faith, he was not merely saying, I agree, you're my Savior. This was this is more than praying a prayer as it were. This is Thomas relinquishing the control of his life and every fiber of who he is every part of him. This is Thomas, completely handing himself over to the hands of Christ. You are my Lord, You are my God. To call Jesus Lord. If one means it, to call Jesus Lord means that he has all authority over your life. Your days, your actions, your thoughts, your desires, that they all are given to him. That he would be the one who directs your steps. That he would be the one who directs your thoughts, your desires, your actions, your relationships, what you devote your time to your occupation, that he is the one who has complete authority over all of your life. The Lord's desire because He is good. Remember James in the book of James, it says that, that every good and perfect gift comes from him. And in him, there's no shadow of turning. Every good thing comes from God. God is good completely thoroughly all the time. But we like Adam and Eve are prone to believe that God withholds good things from us, that he's not all good all the time, that he's maybe mostly good most of the time. But in certain situations, it's really up to us to grab ahold of the better stuff. in whatever way we might try to do so. But the truth of the matter is that God is all good all the time, and that there is no one who has our best in mind apart from him, even ourselves. We don't even truly know what our greatest needs are. I mean, every one of us sitting here there is a Something in our life that we made a decision about whether it was a commitment we made or a purchase we made, that we just felt at the time, this was something we absolutely needed. And now we look back on that we barely even remember that we needed it or felt like it right. It's something that we've long since walked away from or given to somebody. But God knows what we truly need and truly need for all time and that is His grace. It is his love. It is his presence. And he has given that to us and he the trade is it costs us everything. But the benefit so far outweighs what the cost is that the Apostle Paul would say, the cost, my cost, whatever I have to give up. It's like trash to me compared to what I gain in Christ. There's no cost. That's essentially what the Apostle Paul is saying is there's no real cost to following Christ when you compare it with what is gained. Now there is a cost. And that's why Jesus kept speaking to his disciples in such a harsh way, in that you do have to give some things up. Like control over your life. There are some things you're going to have to give up. Like sin habits. There are things you're gonna have to walk away from in order to follow him. Like in Luke chapter nine, he says that whoever puts his hand to the plow and then starts looking back is not fit for service in the kingdom of God. Because he wants us to put the hand of the plow that is by faith that we start following him and not look back. Remember lot in his wife from the Old Testament at Ham pleads with God to save his his extended family of Lot and his family before destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. And and so God sends angels to save them from Sodom and Gomorrah before he destroys it. And he tells them flee from here and don't look back. And that what the meaning there is is it's not just the technical technicality of don't look don't look backwards. But it's Don't look back with longing from that which God has saved you from the mistake that the Israelites made when he rescued them out of Egypt, they would look back to Egypt and think, ah, but you know what, the soup was so good back there. That when we follow Christ, we put our hand to the plow and don't look back we submit to His Lordship and his authority, because he's deserving of it. And because we're compelled to Because there's no one who has laid their life down for us in the way that Christ has, and no one who could. That not even we were capable of paying our own price that Christ has done that. And because of the testimony of the disciples, and all the disciples since the 12, we believe, we believe that Jesus is who he said, he is, and we make the profession, my Lord, my God. And when we say, My Lord, and my God, we proclaim that Jesus is God, and that he has all authority over my life, and that I'm going to submit to it. The challenge every day for us is then do we follow through with what our what we've proclaimed? Do we submit to His authority in every part of our life? Do we make every part of our life available to him to be rolled over. Are there places where we've sort of set up some walls and said, Lord Jesus, you can have it all except for this. Right? That you can have, Lord, change me and mold me and shape me into the person you created me to be. But please don't touch this and habit because I really like it. Lord, you have forgiven me and I want to be your light in this world and pass your grace on to others, except for this miserable wretch that wronged me back when, who doesn't deserve forgiveness? Are there parts of us that we've walled off from the Lordship of Christ? Because every part should be brought under his authority, if we are to call him Lord and God as Tom Did Romans chapter 10 if you want to turn to the right there's not very far. Romans chapter 10 verse 17, Apostle Paul says so faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ boils down to how are people to believe unless they for John's Gospel is meant to be the word that would convince people to turn and believe in Christ the disciples We're witnesses to Christ that would share this word of truth that people would believe in Christ. You and I, as followers of Christ, we stand witness to Christ and it is our duty obligation. And we're compelled to share with others this truth that Jesus is who He said He is that he came and gave his life for you and me that we would be saved and given eternal life. How can folks believe if they don't hear and, of course, Paul goes on. Or in this passage talks about, you know, how can that word be spread unless someone's there's spread it right. If there's no one there to say it, who how's it going to be heard? Well, you and I are a part of this long lineage of followers of Christ to bear witness to the truth of who he is. And what he does. That he is we said he is And for us and for those that we will, we will stand witness to, it boils down to that question that ultimately Thomas had to answer in that moment, which took him no time at all. And that is, who do we say that Jesus is? And how are we going to respond to that? in Mark chapter 829, Jesus posed the question to Peter, who do you say that I am? There was a lot of speculation about who Jesus was. And Jesus boiled it down to the question that matters most, which is not who do others say that I am? Who does popular culture say that I am? Who did the religious people say that I am? Who do your parents say that I am? Who do your friends say that I am? It boils down to this Who do you say that I am? Do you say that Jesus is Lord? Do you say that he is Savior? Well, I think Jesus is encouragement to you and to me is not going to be any different than that which he said to Thomas and that is, don't disbelieve, but believe. If we believe that he is Lord, if we believe that he is Savior, then we're going to believe some very important truths that are going to change our world. Going to change our life forever. We're going to believe that he is when we say he is my Lord, my God, we are saying is my authority. My Savior, my king, my eternal reward. My sustainer my Creator We're saying he's my rock. He's my shield. He's my defender. He's my protector. He's my provider. We're saying he's my hope. He's my peace. He's my joy. He's my rest. We're saying he's my purpose. In a nutshell, we're saying he's my all in all. He's my everything. Who do you say that he is? I say like Thomas, that is My Lord and my God that he deserves every part of my life. I see the evidence all around me that who he said he is and what he said he would do that he has done and is doing. I'm fully convinced. And if you join me that we are together fully convinced, then every part of our life is laid open. His authority that this we recognize things like what I decided to do with my next, however many years he gives me is up to him. And I want to be I want to have ears to hear his voice as He leads me through it. And what this church is and does for the next however many years until he comes back, that it is all laid at the foot at his feet and submitted to him because he is our ultimate authority. It's his decision. He gets to call the shots because the church belongs to him. And because there's nobody else who will care for his people better than him. So if you haven't yet made a decision about whether or not you will call Jesus Lord and Savior and follow Him the rest of your days. I would encourage you that today, he's presented all this truth to you. If you've been, especially if you've been coming here as we've been working our way through John's Gospel, I think the apostle john, in his own way is saying here, it's time to make a decision. You've heard who Jesus is. You've heard the proof. You've seen all the witnesses laid out that testify that Jesus is the Son of God, the Word become flesh, give his life for you a sacrifice, perfect sacrifice, so that you can be forgiven, forgiven of your sins and have eternal life and become a child of God. So do you believe and it doesn't matter how old you are or where you've come from, or what you believed formerly. Now Jesus stands before you and says, Do you believe Who do you say that he is? Now, I would encourage you today, don't despair. belief, but belief. And the way to there are many suggestions on how you can respond to him. The main one is in your heart of hearts. Let him know where you're at and that you believe and that you want to follow him forever and that you're grateful for his forgiveness that he's offered to you. Whatever words you want to put to that, make them your own. But Jesus gave himself for you. And you're the only reasonable responses that you lay your life down at his feet. There is no one who will care for you like your Creator or Jesus, we thank you. You are powerful to save that you are present here with us. Lord, we thank you that you gave your life for us. Are we indeed count you worthy of being called Lord and God. Lord, we ask that you would help us, Lord that you would. So fill us with your spirit. And help us walk in step with you that every part of our life would be laid before you that we would allow you to have say over things in our life and that we wouldn't try to wall you off from various parts of our existence but Lord, that we would lay it all at your feet. Or if there are things in our about our character, about our relationships, about our lifestyles that are not honoring to you, Lord, we just ask that you would lay those bear before I that we would repent of those and begin to walk Step with you, that we would leave those things behind us. That Lord, we would not look back to those things that you died to save us from, with any kind of longing or regret, but that our eyes would be forward facing to the one who saved us. And the glory that you've called us into, not to the dark place that you've called us out of. Lord, You are Worthy of all praise. It's in your name we pray. Amen. If you have not yet believed, believe, Jesus is who He said He is. And the proof is all around you if you'll have eyes to see it. His words are true and clear. And he is God. He is Lord. And he truly gave himself for us sacrifice and he truly offered you eternal life and forgiveness of sin. And if you are a believer, then I think it's good to be reminded of something that uh, there's a gentleman that men's iron iron Bible study comes up I think about every week, that if we follow Jesus and believe in Him, it's a win win. Right? The apostle Paul said that, for him to be present here on Earth means you keep walking with the Lord and keep testifying to His grace. But to pass from this earthly existence means to be present with the Lord. So where's the losing that and doesn't mean we saw easy stuff to go through. But it means that if you're a believer in Christ, whatever trial or tribulation you must go through, there is no lose scenario. There's only when at the end of it and through it and so this Keep your Keep your chin up there and keep focused on Christ, the author and perfecter of your faith who laid himself down for you, that you would have life everlasting. Lord, bless and keep you And don't forget, let me let me just go ahead and lead us in prayer here as we then you folks will be free to go downstairs and start channeling. Father, we thank you for your great mercy and sacrifice through your Son and, Lord, we thank you for saving us. We thank you for providing for us. We thank you that we have such a great hope that Lord through all the difficulties of life, Lord there is they are overshadowed by the incredible gift that you have given us in Christ Jesus. We thank you for your constant protection and provision where we thank you for the food that will be here together and Lord let it just as we do so just be a constant reminder of Your grace and mercy towards us and of the beauty of of your love present here with us. As we gather together in your name, the family of God under Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, amen. Transcribed by
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