Title – The Crown to the Kingdom: The Biggest, Most Beautiful, Incredible Idol in all the World is Still Just an Idol Made by Human Hands
Text – Acts 19:21-41
Big Idea – The Gospel that Paul preaches cannot coexist with the false idol worship of the Ephesians. Nevertheless, Paul was not guilty of breaking any Roman laws.
In this text, we see:
1) Paul determines by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem and then to Rome. Vs 21-22
a. The sixth and final section of the book of Acts begins here: the Kingdom of God spreading to the ends of the earth as the Gospel will finally reach Rome.
2) Demetrius instigates a riot against Paul because he said gods made by hands are not gods. Vs 23-27
3) The mob creates an uproar in the theatre. Vs 28-34
4) The city clerk pacifies the crowd and they disperse without bringing any charges against Paul. Vs 35-41