Blinded By The Light
Claim: Symbolism: The light enables the blind to see and the seeing to be blinded (Blind = aware they need help to receive eternal life, Seeing = think they are fine without help). Literally, the pharisees cannot see the obvious - that only a sin free man of God can give physical sight to the blind - while the man who is blind receives sight and faith!
Focus: Our cultures belief that ‘the answers are inside yourself (self-belief/confidence)’ actually cause blindness to the truth about life; alternatively, humble acceptance of our sin gives us true life in Jesus!
Focus: The cultural belief that ‘the answers are inside yourself (self-belief/confidence)’ actually casue blindness, while humble acceptance of our sin gives us true life in Jesus!
Function: Cause us to humble our lives entirely to Jesus to life (sight) in all it’s fulness
What’s the mud about?
Function: Cause us to humble our lives entirely to Jesus to recieve true life (sight)
No one has ever healed a blind man - OT ref.
Why do his parents pass the buck? - Man of age - are those not of age acocuntable for sin?
Does sin casue blindness ?