Righteousness Focused
Boundaries & Rewards
Boundaries & Rewards
Righteousness - building bridges of grace
Righteousness is relational; it’s concerned with the heart.
Imputed Righteousness - 2 Cor 5:21
But you have to know your boundaries.
To gain your reward, you have to know your boundaries.
Know Your Motivational Life (Heart)
, 26,27
Your Limits -
You can’t change someone else’s heart immediately. You can’t please everyone. One size doesn’t fit all. Don’t feed the bears. You can’t solve every problem right now.
Your Rhythms - Matt. 6:34
Your Rhythms
Taking on the wrong burdens can be exhausting. There is such a thing as burnout. Getting to other’s hearts and caring for them doesn’t mean neglecting your own. You aren’t unlimited.
You can’t pass on what you don’t have.
Sabbath rest
Define Your Circle of Responsibility
and your circle of concern
Know who you are in Christ. Know God’s heart for others. Share some of His grace with them.
Taking care of parents
Dealing with racism - Know who you are. Know God’s heart for them - to be listened to, loved, seen as valuable. Share that grace with them.
Move toward your reward
Have great relationships with God and others ultimately in the kingdom but starting now by resting in what God has done for you first and then letting that overflow into others’ lives.