1 Corinthians 6:1–8

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If we continue to look at this text to you this morning, I one of my fears as we go through 1st Corinthians is we become very isolated removing ourselves from the ideas that Paul was already laid down in order to freeze in a foundation for the church at Corinth. So they're receiving this letter and as they received this letter in a gathering which would have resembled a somewhat like this maybe in a large home or in their groups that they met in this letter would have been read in a sitting and they would have heard it in his contacts and discussed it and talked about it and what Paul has done in the first four chapters, is he attacked this issue that they had a disunity? It's a sort of like Dave showing up in the front row with a nuggets Jersey on he knows how much I love my blazers. He knows how much they're struggling and he continues to rub it in my face and tell Dave repents. You guys can remove yourself from friendship with him for me. Play we got a special seat reserved for you at our house. I promise you my friend. I just don't know why somebody to persist in this thin when they're in Oregonian. Okay, so so I poked fun Dave and I have had a feud for 6 years and he can find they glowed. God bless his soul all that matters day with the playoffs. Alright, let me just leave it at that. So so in reality though an issue that are actually essential and not non-essentials. You have a church that's fractured in Corinth you have issues and you have problems and unless the church where the gathers and begins to build this framework and Foundation of what it looks like to beat one in Christ chapter 5 is irrelevant. It doesn't matter because if they can't come together, how can they operate on a form of platform in which they can actually in that church discipline. So 2 chapter 6 you look at it and go we can't trust each other. Why would I let this faction or this group? Maybe you are very skilled in a certain area judge over the problems and issues that we're having cuz we have all sorts of problems. And so Paul wants to Route this church and the desperate need for Unity of mine with one. Another Unity does not mean Conformity which means we have to like the same teams. It doesn't mean we have to like the same food with the same styles of music that we can only do hymns or modern or whatever you want to look at but it is this idea that we have one mind in Christ Jesus that are on mission for Jesus expressions and how that's going to play out in churches and in our lives and even from week-to-week that might look different. Paul comes to an issue that they have in this church and quite frankly like most churches people aren't getting along. It's just send even so people are having problems where they aren't fulfilling obligations that they may be paid others to do and they're not performing on what they've been paid to do and they're going to the courts. Let's read this chapter 6 verse 1 when one of you has a grievance against another that he dare go to law before the unrighteous. Are you going to declare for the unrighteous are inverse 9. We won't get into that this week cuz that would mean I'd have like 2 hours with you guys instead of the Saints or do you know that the Saints will judge the world Then Fall starts to get weird and if the world is to be judged by you. Are you incompetent to try trivial? Listen trivial cases Portland. Do you not know that we are to judge Angels how much more than matters pertaining to this life if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church? I say that to your shame going to be there is no one among you why enough? Oh dear, you are so brilliant. You are so white you can just read and sleep in the starcasm of Paul hear you who are wide enough to settle a dispute between the brothers. Brothers go to law against Brothers a nap before unbelievers to have that weird is lawsuits or judgments at all with one. Another is already at a loss to you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded for yourselves wrong and defraud even your own Brothers? Looking for a moment to remove ourselves from the situation and corn and look at our own culture. We live in a zoo happy culture. Don't lie. I mean one of the worst things that can happen to you. If everyone around you find out you're rich and then they're slipping on your sidewalks when it snows why because they know you got money and you can have to Pony up for whatever happens in the states there over 40 million lawsuit a year and I want to give you an example of just one. In 2016 an Illinois Man suit Starbucks for misrepresenting the amount of liquid contained in this cold drinks that make anybody else just angry and get a 20 oz drink. It is 20 oz of ice. It's the secret to help people and coffee make money. Okay. They're like, we're going to give you a great price going to be this big, but it's all ice. Well check this out. This guy's kicked at Starbucks cheated customers by adding ice to cold beverages. Thereby reducing the amount of liquid contained in his suit breach of Express warranty unjust enrichment and violation of various State consumer protection laws a federal judge dismissed the case you turning at the plaintiff had failed to prove Starbucks was advertising was deceptive the judge agreed with Starbucks argument that a reasonable consumer orders a nice drink expects to drink to contain both liquid and I hate Jordan s Waste of time what a waste of money what a waste of energy. I got online and read like 15 of these what a waste of time. What a waste of energy what a waste of my mental capacity, right? These are all over the place. All these frivolous suits that have no damages actually, encouraged and sticking up time in the systems and as Christians, what are the things that ends up happening as you become a part of a church, you get to know people wanted to get to know people you go. Oh my goodness. You're a real estate agent. You're a plumber. You're a very the car salesman or whatever we go. Maybe I can help you out will do business together and in a perfect world Christians would always fulfill their Well obligations wouldn't they and they would always do what they say they're going to do but if there's one thing we've learned about Christian if they aren't perfect. In fact, this is Christianity for Christians who aren't very good at being Christians to find anybody else in here. And so we have this given to us and how we're going to handle these problems when they arise when somebody doesn't do a good job or doesn't follow through or doesn't meet the expectations that were laid out a plant. How should Christians respond when these trivial matters now in the moment trust me when you're being defrauded it does not feel trivial or small or whatever is the bird is that Paul uses. However, and he says, how are we going to handle these problems and a sue-happy culture? First thing that crosses our mind is so I'm going to make sure I get mine. I'm going to make sure you pay for this is happening in our culture. It happened in polyculture. It's a problem that we have a awkward if you counting community group and you're sitting there in their life, could you just pray for my lawsuit and somebody else like yeah, and I'm countersuing them and this is all that's happening and we open up 1st Corinthians. We're going this is messed up. We have some issues going on here to make for very awkward prayer meeting when everybody in the church is suing one another and we're praying for the victory of all of them. It just quite frankly through the lens of Matthew 18 a few weeks ago and Jesus anticipate that there's going to be conflict in the church. Now the kind of conflict that Jesus was initially as we see they're talking about is when your bro, Send against you we have sinned against you now. I think we can all agree that sins and crimes are a little bit different not all crimes are sin. Although anything laid out in Scripture that is Criminal would be considered a standard. For example, did you know in Alabama if you wear a fake mustache to church to make people laugh you have committed a criminal act? Yeah, I read that one. But the law I'm not even kidding. It's a real law that is there and put out to make people laugh. So it's not so different. Maybe you get away with that. I have no idea how that works. Do you think I'm crimes or things are considered criminal that are not sinful. For instance. Some Nations won't let you have your Bible in them. That's what they would consider a crime, but that's definitely not a sinful thing. So to not all sin is Criminal. I mean if you call Redmond police, can you get a hold of land and he's not here today and you're like, hey, my neighbor just gossiped about me. He'd be like throw up for me. Okay, so call here though. He says if somebody has this grievance, this is not just they hurt my feelings. Although there still a process and steps and ways to handle all of this and house because when there is a issue considering law and judgment, how are we going to handle that when it's moved into loss of possession and Loss of finances are physical damage in those cases some even believe maybe in this case where you have this guy in the church and he sleeping with his dad's wife, which was hopefully a stepmother. That's what we're really pulling for in this scenario. But what happens when in that day and age maybe that husband viewed that wife as some sort of property and maybe is this even the case that Paul is bringing up? Can I do this? There is a way in which everybody around knew what was going on. Maybe this was being tried in those courts were not sure but Paul is bringing up a very important principle for how we're going to go through this now. There's a few things going on here believe it or not the court system and that culture was AT&T corrupt. Picture picture this idea that it's small town good old boy corrupt this idea where if you have a good name and your prestigious if you have money, you're probably going to get away with whatever crime you have committed his what 1 commentators that on the situation to situation of the weaker plaintiff improve with the end of the Republic and the coming of the Empire over the system remained heavily weighted in favor of people higher status for my leave the time of Augustus certain people father's patch rounds magistrate and Men of standing we're basically immune from prosecution for fraud by some kinds of other people children freedmen private citizen and Men of low rank. Only if a lower status person had a powerful pattern was there a likelihood that he or she could bring successful suit against someone higher up in the social ladder nevertheless the Roman judicial System with 4 beta by the improper influence has amazing equality before the law on the table. There is a point in here and which Paul is possibly worried that this church comprised of mostly the poor the outcast the marginalized that there would have been some on that other end of the spectrum. He was saying if you guys have lost it with one another it's not going to go well for you James it chapter 2 says but if you have Dishonored the poor is it not the rich who oppress you is it not they who dragged you into the courts. And here you have Paul. Probably possibly most likely having this desire for the weaker lesser brother going. This is not going to go well for them in the situation. So he looks at the church and what he does. He says I want to tell you a little about your future. Position your future standing. I want to give you something firm to stand on to understand why you have some sort of authority to do what I'm going to tell you. What you can do. He says do you not know that you are going to judge Angels do you not know essentially that you are going to rule in Daniel 7. It says the Holy One of the most high are set in authority over the world. So what he's doing is he's reaching into a future reality and he says because of who you are a Christian a follower of Jesus save the Holy Spirit in-dwelling you this is what the future for tames consists of for you and now I want you to understand that's the reality for you now, is that here but not yet realization that we have to come to grips with very difficult to wrestle through cuz we see if simply on this Earthly plane. The Paw says you're headed for future Glory. Put that one in her back pocket and think about that in a little bit and what it means what he says, I'm not going to let anything shake my basic face that because Jesus rose from the dead. He's the Messiah we who belong to him God's true people. We're going to rule or going to judge. Does idea of Romans 3 6 where God is the one who judges the world but we rule as co-regent alongside of him as Adam and Eve would actually do in the garden. guys You're going to judge Angels. You're going to rule can't you handle the two brothers who are upset about the business deal gone bad.

Are you taking yourself to the secular quarts are in front of the judge possibly going all Jerry Springer cussing each other out pole and hair yelling screaming and unrighteous secular judges. Come on guys get along. Come on to catch you handle your issues. What are the keywords in here? Is that idea of on trivial matters? There's this term I could butcher it by a Chico's. It means belonging to the Daily matters of life and the other phrase that he uses a posturing to defraud the reveals that this was a civil matter not a criminal matter. These are civil matters not criminal matters. I just want to get a quick definition of these kinds of things online in the Civil matter is causes usually involving private disputes between persons or organizations criminal cases involving action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole that sometimes the Civil matters of it can become harmful to those at large. They are criminal to defraud to its short people to do these kinds of things. They can become issues that need to be brought to higher courts and light when I talk about that just a little bit of all look at these Christians. He does not presume that somehow they are above the law are they shouldn't come underneath the law for in fact if you have a Bible you can flip over the Romans chapter 13 Paul says that every person be subject to the governing authorities dude, I get what you just said. You were hard to read. What do you mean here already except from God and those that exist have been instituted by God therefore whoever resists the authorities resist forgot his appointed and those who resist will ensure judgment for rulers and out of Terror to Good Conduct, but too bad, but you have no fear of the one is an authority and do what is good. You'll receive the approval for he is God's servant for your good but if you do wrong be afraid but he does not bear The Sword in vain for he is a servant of God and invent an Avenger who carries out God's Wrath on the wrong door there for one must be in subjection. Not only to avoid God's Wrath.

This auto pay your taxes April 15th is coming gang. All right. Pretty stories are ministers of God intended. This very thing paid all who is owed to them fax it to him. Those are owed Revenue to whom the revenues I would respect you respect is not honor to whom honor is and tall is not saying that we as Christians somehow escaped higher authority than fact we are actually underneath that Authority when it comes to these trivial tasted these matters of daily life because it's Christians we tend to do business with Christians. Not just my two cents. I think it's wonderful and great when we can work together, but just as somebody puts a fish on their business card doesn't mean you have to do business with them if they're a terrible contractor hire a different contractor, right? Maybe it's an opportunity for evangelism Christian. Don't just have to work with Christian. This ain't Texas y'all. Okay now, If Christian is a great Carpenter Maumee use them bless them. Allow them to serve you in that way what happens if there's a dispute what happened to the problems we have is they don't fulfill what they said they would do. A trivial cases these issues may arise and they come up and they can cause friction and problems with one another. Say that you want to sell the house to somebody who is Godly and you do kind of a behind-the-scenes deal and they don't pay you the amount. They should have paid you they don't follow through with their plan. How are you going to handle it you in a dragon before the courts or what? Would it look like to go? You know what in our church we have some Godly real estate agents. There's Brokers. There's a lawyer that we can sit down with and just in a hurry cuz they're Godly and love Jesus. Can we both agree to come together? And whenever their decision is on this we're going to actually follow through with this that you want to sell somebody a car there 16 in the New Year. Like this thing is awesome. It runs great and if anything goes wrong in 3 months, I'll cover it and they drive down the street and the engine blows up and you go back to them in your eye. Can you set side not going to do it? You bought it. It's your laminates your problem. How are we going to handle that situation where we going to do about that? Surely we can Dragon before and have Justice done that way or can we sit down in the church and have Godly mediation? simcorp waiting adders criminal acts a different story shed hunting this time of year. She can't hunt hunt this time of year and you hear a gun go off and you see some dude running through the woods and another one on the ground. Do not call Pastor Bratz. I ain't mediating that it's not happening. You're dropping your kid off at a birthday party and you see them cooking meth in the back of the trailer and bound down to the IU poster you call in the Army, you're not calling me or the Elder to assemble and pray over the situation. We are participating that you're grabbing your kid and you're running as fast as you can away from that cuz that is a pretty lofty matter a weighty matter. To go about it in a little bit different way. Paul is looking at this and he says you've got to handle your issues now. Not an opportunity for the church to cover stuff up.

I mean you guys don't know what I'm talkin about. Whether it's the Scandal that happened in the Evangelical world because of sexual abuse misuse of funds. And the church is coming over. Maybe we can just kind of stuck it under they decided to go another direction. We can hide this problem last week. We talked about the cover-up culture. That's what we live in Andalucia Spain and go away. I read those stories because those guys have a profession that that I am participating in and go. Oh my goodness. How do you get there? Listen to be exposed to be brought to light. We need to let judgment take place in those areas. This is not an excuse to say hey, we'll just handle these things and house. You come to me. And you say Brad. I've got this issue this problem and it's it's not just sinful. It's it's criminal. I'm going to have to tell somebody we're going to have to go through that but it's confidential criminal to abuse someone. We're going to have to take that to authorities cuz that's what's required of us or anybody to really report in those waves. The tragic story but I was a third-party in a situation. Third-party meaning I didn't even know the person. But knew the people that knew the person and they came to me and said we know if somebody in the church who's having teenagers over and he's abusing them. And they're not doing anything about it. I got the cops. You can't just say church will deal with this why he might leave but then he goes and does the same thing. She does the same thing at the next place. I also remember if we told the authorities that we wanted to go and sit down with the man while he was in jail and share the gospel with him in the love of Jesus with him. He did not want that from us cuz you so angry with us. The reality is we cannot this is not an excuse for the church to discover issues and problems updating rather not deal with nor is this a processor system to deal with a non-believer you a non-believer are feuding and you're like, hey, you want to come to my church and talked to my pastor is about this. It's going to be like this is what happens when it's in house when you are disputing with one another in the church. It's not if you hire a roofer and they rip the thing off and then they bail out of town with your money or like I can see the glory of the Lord every morning Hallelujah, however, getting rained on and snowed on and this stinks Be kind of being a brat. What what can I do on that case pause not saying there can't be lawsuits. He staying with his two brothers or sisters. This is how we should go about them. But in that case, I'm probably calling somebody and making this wrong, right because God is concerned with Justice isn't he cares about Justice and I feel that there's been times when this is probably been misused and abused maybe even in some of your lies are your parents lived before you were threatened 1st Corinthians 5, if you actually did something 1st Corinthians 6, actually I might need to handle this in a Justice kind of way while you're standing in the 1st Corinthians 6 way. We're going to kick you out and shine you and be quiet. So we don't want that. Not you and I think there's been some misunderstanding over the course of evangelicalism in at least in my lifetime that I've seen. This is been misused and abused. Understand policy when brothers and sisters when you have grievances against one another we should be able to handle this talking with a friend while ago and they were in business with another Christian and the negotiations were going quite how they wanted and they were being drugged out and they said to me though, you know, what they love Jesus. I love Jesus our respective churches are biblical. Jesus loving churches will get this worked out the right way and they were confident in that rather than having to go to some of their Court to drag this whole thing because are not the world is watching and waiting for Christians to fail. Do they not love when we mess up to write about it. Oh, you don't hear about the things that happened of the generosity of churches giving away homes and paying off medical bills and giving away cars and helping the homeless with the second some dude steps up and misuse of twenty bucks on the church account. They're ready to Lynch. The world is watching and waiting for the screw up. Let's not add fuel to that fire in these minut trivial cases. What would it look like to actually handle these things in a way that is biblical and rights. What I look like now pauses on any issues another challenge. everybody read in RI.

I know you're an American. I know you got these bites and I know they're your right. And I know that we love our rights and then I got a lot of that creeps into Christianity and I know that a lot of rights that we actually have and hold to we look at through the lens of Christianity and say because were created in God's image. We have a right to certain things could work image Bears. Let's just let's just hold on to that thought for a second. I'm good with that thought. Pause as though you get ripped off you get the prodded. What would it look like to just forgive?

What would it look like if you're oh so you know what brother the grace that's been granted to me. I'm going to go ahead and Grant to you because I've been forgiven of much so I can forgive you. I'm not saying this in terms of criminal issues. Some guy beating his wife or children. Somebody's extorting others. I mean, I'm done Feast with her to go to the authorities, but on the opportunity to say to take some loss for the wind of a kingdom. What would it look like to actually put the gospel before our eyes and say How is this going to lift up the name of Jesus possibly go to court the court go to court already been defeated. The world is what catch you and gone there. No different. Another part of me that goes yes Paul. I'm one of those Christians who aren't very good at Christianity. I get it, but then there's also this call play Star allies to understand and go. Is there a way to live differently I keep referring to of the album is Switchfoot Road new way to be human. That's what Jesus has done enough. He is this is what it looks like. I'm giving you my spirit you can live differently. What would it look like to take a loss like I did. Really? It's a when it's a win. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? I know this is really difficult for us to swallow because we always want to say let me get mine. Before we go to arbitration with somebody before we go and have mediation or legal means. At what cost will I first do this? Not just financially. Buddhist cost my friendship with that person in the Christian Community. What will this do for my witness in the gospel? What will they do for the name of the church for the name of Jesus Howell outsiders look at us if we do this and say is it worth it? Let me tell you there are times that are worth it. Just can I just rented other night the movie on Harriet Tubman, which I loved it. It was fantastic. I haven't delved into her story and years and years and was kind of Blown Away and have some Hollywood aspects to it. We know that William Wilberforce there in England was a huge reason as he was a follower of Jesus and was there engage in Parliament in government assistance slaves freed in which Christians in America stepping up going. This is not right and taking it before the necessary means there is a time and a place to step into that Realm. We have to ask ourselves. Is this good? Is this right? from time to time if it's good and right and we have to pursue these means I am not telling you to go get ripped off by every person and just be this Christian. I just get walked over like yep take my money. Don't put my roof on take my money. Don't pay my house to take my I'll just get somebody at school. Don't worry about it. If you heard that this morning you misheard me you have the ability to go see can mediation and it's with a non-believer to go other courses. Let's do it. The way Paul said God would have for us first cuz the other way nobody wins, nobody wins and he issues this challenge to us here this morning and it's tough to swallow. What is essentially saying going to close out on this? And short today writes awesome future defines who they are and to determine how to act in the present. The future you're going to judge Angels determines who they are and how they should act in the present if eight-year-old you. New someday, you're going to be this multi-millionaire. And you're just in the pursuit of my name. Not your guy that you call whatever. Okay, we'll just leave it at that. You would take your losses and your licks a lot differently. If you knew how the story was going to turn out wouldn't you? Okay the boy that stole $0.25 from me. Tell me how to stand up for myself. That's actually putting something in me to get a teach me something in the world and how it operates and how I function in this world as well. And if you knew where life was going to go that your directories for you would live differently in that present moment and how you're currently living. And so what God is saying to a tear if you are going to rule and you are going to rain let that governs and jurek how you live and spend your life. But that move and you and I am not the kind of Optimus that says every setback gets a kickback and everything gets all better when we get all happy and hippie Skippy. I'll tell you what pain and suffering is an enemy to us all it is not been a friend of mine. It is only brought tears and sleepless nights when we have suffered and enter into our world. There is things that I can say called that feels so senseless but feel so worthless. I don't know how you're working this together for good and I don't even want to hear that verse right now God this hurts, but I also believe in a sovereign God was not shocked by the sand and problems. He's already seen and knows that we can trust indenture that deep. hope Walking in his truth and his promises with him. I'm the kind of Optimus that says the resurrected life. You know what that tells me that tells me that the money I have right now. It's not the only money I never going to have the home I have right now. It's not the only home I'm ever going to have even the friendship in the relationship that I have now. They're not the only friends and relationship. Why because there is a second coming is a king who restored there's one who writes all wrong and bring Justice into this world so I can have the kind of hope when problems come my way that I rest in God even in pain and suffering and difficulty and I can take some losses for the gospel's sake. I don't take losses to put them on my back and check out the bird non-bearing forgiven this guy here and that guy their back when somebody owes me a certain amount of money and they haven't given to me yet. I can't turn my wife and I live this live this weekly. It's healthy. It's good at what is Paul really getting up? He says your future to find your presents. He gives you an identity and you live out of your identity. You live out of your identity church. I need you to hear and understand this this morning. What does it mean to live out of your identity?

When I don't live out of my entity my problems become who I am. I begin to forget who I am. I'm at my worst when I forget that I'm a sinner saved by grace because then when somebody wrongs me I didn't need to wrong them. I feel to make sure they know that they robbed me rather than looking at that identity as forgiving Sun loved by God given. Hope therefore I can love you and forgive you. I'm at my worst when I forget that identity and I become more concerned with the Earthly rather than the Eternal I turn to extreme forms of individualism in order to feel good about myself and look for salvation and those things rather than the God who loves me when I forget my identity. I forget that my neighbors created in the image of God is well, you know, the one deciding you are created in the image of God as well their shattered their broken their empty as well and they need I love Opportunity to extend Grace and remind them who they are. We live out of our identity and sometimes I like the same as an anti knock the same today. I like the stay hurt people hurt people high. I thought about that. The reason I don't like it is sometimes it go. I'm a hurt person. I'm just going to wear that and now I get to hurt you and you and you and you I was hurt because of my past in the way. I was treated now. I get to live that out and act whatever I want it knocked on you and you just have to accept me for that is so we can do that in the phrase is correct because we take on this identity that I'm a hurt person. So I hurt others how in the world is that ever going to change something outside of you more powerful than you have to move inside of you? Let me give you an external example. So you grew up in the ghetto. Or like it's Redmond. So like the redneck ghetto. Okay, you just conjure up that picture and great-great-grandfather was in the ghetto and grandfathers in the ghetto. And Daddy was in the ghetto and all of the ghetto is my existence. That's all I'm ever going to have that smile. Didn't you try to fight and strive to get out of the ghetto but you just keep staying in the ghetto and at some point you go. This is who I am and then one day is your chilling in front of your favorite stop. Somebody comes up to you and this nice suits and hand you documents and somebody had taken an interest in you left you Millions upon Millions upon millions of dollars. I can't tell you what a lot about you going to change your puppy not going to live in the ghetto anymore and neither is the rest of your family. Your whole world is going to take a different shape. Your whole life is going to places you used to eat at a probably not because you're going to eat out anymore. The things you drove her private things are going to drive anymore. Even if it will you help or not. Any more things look differently because something outside of you changed you externally, here's the reality human being we live from the inside out and inside we spiritually dead from Earth. There is opposition towards God. There's a Chasm between us and him and we need him to regenerate make our hearts new yes to come outside or inside of us any radical changes us and gives us a new identity. It's Jesus that makes this possible and you didn't just change the exterior are our circumstances, but the interior and the heart and he works on you and your life is lived in a radically new wave Jesus comes from the end. Side out and he loves charge me outside and so we can live from the inside out. Any changes are in her identity says? You alone me I'm your friend.

Your orphans, I'm your father. You were sinful on your righteousness. I'm your Holiness. You had no future. Do you know that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of good and bad good and evil, they were perpetually lived in their sinful State the most merciful thing. Does that I do not want humans to continue to live in the sinful existence you as a Christian or no longer going to walk in living remain in the sinful devastated broken existence. I've given you a future he's in the midst of pain and suffering. I'm actually what you really want. I'm your friends and I sit with you. I can always fix things don't always fix things the present with us in the midst of those things God is the ultimate friend who sits with you and remind you how good he is in the midst of our problems and pain and he tells you in the end because God wins you win. That means we look at all of life differently. This is the identity Christian that you live out. I understand that we had to work through the practicalities of 1st Corinthians 6. There is a way that I can open this church. If you have problems with one another that we handle things that it's okay to handle things. There's also some things that I hope you can look at and go. I can suffer that for his namesake for his glory cuz I want the gospel to be portrayed to that person in this radical and real way to find yourself in the situation. Now, we're headed that direction consider God's words through Paul on how we go about this. Remember this is not the only like you're not the only stuff you have is not the only family you have God has so much more for us rest in that help with Bryan lourd. 1st Corinthians 6 and Powerful for us in so many ways

you lived it. You have to come to suffer is a die anytime calling down your angels taking you off that cross, but you chose to Lose to Win.

Maybe for some of us before we need to be.

Let me know that you get ultimate Justice. I pray that we can rest in that got in personal situations right now with the mighty me some questions firing of clarity through you or speak out me or somebody else just to further clarify was taught here this morning, but made this sink in our hearts and then move how we live our lives and change us. Thank you. God for your word. I get you love us.

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