I Am The Light Of The World

John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  33:40
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The Light In The Wilderness

V 12 Jesus - I Am the light of the world
V 20 In the treasury- the court of women
Widow’s mite place where the offering is given
13 trumpet recepticles
During the feast of booths, the celebration of the wilderness wanderings
when God provided water, food, protection
2 giant candelabras were lit every night of the feast so much light that it lit up all the sections of Jerusalem
representing the cloud over the camp
provided protection from the extreme heat of the desert days
warmth and light by night
when it moved the camp moved
The Light stood between the Egyptians and Israelites
The light was the presence of God
protection of God
peace of God
provision of God
the camp followed the light, did not walk in darkness
as long as they were with the cloud they were ok
At this setting Jesus proclaims

I Am The Light Of The World

V 12 After the the dark nature of sin, in the preceeding account Jesus proclaims I Am the light
Light that issues from the source of life
the Light which gives life
Jesus is the light that is given by God to receive life
Presence protection peace provision
not only for this life but for eternity

Follow Me

Akoluthein 5 Meanings all fit
Soldier following his commander into unknown land unknown situations. Jesus is our commander
Slave following his master. always ready to assist in whatever his master should want. Jesus is our master
person accepting and following the advice of a wise counselor. Jesus is our counselor
Citizens of a state follow the laws of said state. as citizens of heaven, with Jesus as the leader we follow the Law of the kingdom
student following the line of argument of the teacher. Gods word is our text book of life. we meditate on it and obey its teachings
To Follow Jesus, is to give body soul and spirit to the obedience of the master
we will not stumble in the dark

Discredit Jesus

The Jews are doing their best to discredit, kill, trap, Jesus
V 13 your testimony is not valid, but, Jesus is an expert witness V14
Those who don’t want to believe, will find a way to discredit the facts
V 17-18 The Father also testifies about me
V 19 not recognizing or knowing God, whom they are supposed to be the world experts on
radio station sounding Christian like but the more you listen you find out its a works religion they claim to know God, and want you to know him the same way.

Jesus Claims

John 6 47 Jesus said I Am the bread of life Referring to manna, that God supplies
John 7 37 Jesus said thirsty? come to me referring to water from the rock that God supplies
John 8 12 Jesus said I Am the light of the world, Referring to the cloud that covered the Israelites that provided light From God
Jesus claims are He is God, yet they reject His message
The presence, protection, peace, and provision that the Israelites recieved in their lives, is what Jesus wants to give to us for eternity.