Acts 10:34-35 / Every Nation
So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
English Standard Version Chapter 10
Truly I understand
Personal Growth
This requires the right attitude.
“Lord Teach me.”
requires that you BE TEACHABLE
Identify & overcome: presuppositions
“We haven’t done it that way before.”
is that biblical?
English Standard Version Chapter 10
God shows no partiality
Does this mean, “Anything Goes?”
No of course not
This is talking about people.
If your attitude shows partiality against the is not of God.
Partiality in the church:
(Partiality THEN)
That person is a gentile
theology must be protected.
(Partiality NOW)
The Church is still challenged to accept its “Gentiles”
That person is a sinner.
reject them by past sins.
reject them by current sin struggles.
That person is a homosexual
overly biased against certain sins.
That person is a democrat.
That person is a ...
What standard does God use?
English Standard Version Chapter 10
anyone who fears him and does what is right
Fears Him
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Acknowledge HIm as God
Honor Him as God
Does what is right
Turn from your sin.
Live to please God.
That person is FORGIVEN
Lets be honest...
Much of the issues in the early church started because they had to deal with Gentles.
Would they have had more peace without Gentiles?
Would we?
If we are going to accept the call to take the gospel...
Wherever, Whenever, However
Who is Your Gentile?
Who is Your Gentile?