I Am Alive

Who am I?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:46
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The human dilemma: good or bad?

The question is by nature are we as humans basically good or basically bad? At least, this is how we tend to view things.

We walk contrary to God, by desire and default.

This is the first couple verses of chapter 2. This sums up to some extent what Paul means by sinful nature/body/flesh.

This is what Paul means by sinful nature, flesh or body.

Paul is describing the depravity of all people, including himself.

This is found in verse 3. He includes himself in this description. The idea of children of wrath is we are all going to be judged one day. Wrath does not constitute a value to the individual but to what has been done.

Sin continues death.

Romans talks about the wages of sin is death. Ephesians just mentions being dead in our sins, presently. Both are different sides of the same coin. The hope of Scripture is one day sin is completely wiped away and is no more. Yet, we are called to be the church and such to say no to death (sin) and yes to the one who conquered sin; thus proclaiming life and true life is possible today.

But God...

What a wonderful two words we come across time and time again in Scripture.

God is rich in mercy.

God loves us extravagantly.

I am alive in Christ.

I am seated with Christ.

So God can display his riches in grace.

Grace is a gift.

Faith allows us to receive grace.

We are God’s creation/masterpiece.

This means we are not in charge. As the Psalmist would say, God is the potter, we are the clay.

Our response: walk differently.

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