Sunday Service_2/16/20

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A Living Witness of Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:07
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Mildred Hodges his ass to share a word about Joe Oliveira

We've spent so many songs this morning. They talked about what? love when Joe and Helen first came into the midst of the church year, they came from New York. They were o Brooklyn Nets and they smoked up the storm. They sent right back here and nobody wanted to sit by them. We had a young at heart Activity one time about collecting of sleeping garments and all kinds of things for the Redwood Gospel women's place where the women list And nobody wanted to take those two great big basket bags of clothes. So I took him home took me three and four times to wash him in and get him out before I could get the smell out of Joe and Helen did not push themselves, except one day. I had a phone call from somebody in the church, and they said Mildred you are Jerry's got to go and talk to them about all there smoking. And I said, do you know what we have to be we have to be what? As a living witness of Jesus and what would Jesus do? Love your brother. I said I think all we need to do is love them. Joe and Helen came from that place when they first came here. And became pillars of this church because they were servants. Hearts of serving and that's my testimony of Joe Oliveira who is now the spirit of him still is in love with us.


He wants to special guy he still list.

Let's pray father. We just thank you today.

Like I was going to say we're in a season the transition but Lord It's always transition. You're always at work. You're always moving us forward Lord, whether it's someone graduating to be in your presence or a new birth A New Life coming into our world or a shifting of assignments. Like you've done with Israel Lord, you're always on the move. But Lord as we saying earlier your faithfulness, we can stand on your faithfulness. We know you are the one certainty that we can rely on through it all Lord. Would you help us today to grab hold of you and not let go. We we know you've already got us Lord, but help us to just remain in your hand and trust you and keep our eyes on you through everything in life Lord. I pray we thank you in Jesus name. Amen. you are really appreciate what Carole had to say because we all realize we are in a season in our country of I don't think like any other time and hit I shouldn't say in history least in my lifetime which you know, whatever it is, but It we we recognize it in the midst of this we know and this is not just a cliche but we really do know that Jesus is the answer. Jesus is what not just our nation needs but every single individual needs and so how do I share that how do we bring the hope and the peace and the freedom and the love that Jesus bring some people try to bring it like this. Thus saith the Lord. It is time to repent the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life now. I think probably all of us have encountered someone who maybe takes that approach. Have you run into someone? Maybe they may not literally use a megaphone. There are people that do they go to sporting events and they stand on the corner of a shot of people in the megaphone. It's actually quite effective. There's people that stop and listen know they don't then go way out of their way if you've ever experienced that before And and I talked to a couple of people that kind of take this approach him and necessarily use a megaphone, but don't you think that's offensive the people they go look on that's not my problem. My job is just to put the word out there and if they don't accept it, then their blood is on their hands and I think really wow, so you you take no responsibility. For offending people by the way that you present the word. You know the word gospel means what? Good news. Jesus said go into all the world and bring the good news. And you know, what if the megaphone guy is not what Jesus meant by sharing good news. What if that's done actually more harm than good for it. If maybe sharing the good news, don't you think I just open your minds a little bit. Would it be possible that helping your neighbor? Some of your neighbors garbage can Falls over in you? Help him pick up the garbage and put in there. Is it possible that that's bringing or sharing good news. Is it possible that?

Praying for a homeless person on the street is good news. Is it possible that sharing with someone struggles that you had are still do have in your marriage is bringing good news. I wanted to take just a little bit of about that this morning because you know, we don't need more courses or programs or methods about it. What we need to do is to love people like Jesus did amen. In a few weeks ago. No, I did a sermon where he said we are the physical representation of God's love on Earth. His love is expressed in how we love others. We're God's instruments his agents of love. you know years ago, I I thought you know Jesus is our model. So I studied the evangelism methods of Jesus. You know what I found. I discovered he didn't have one.

In fact, it's interesting in Acts chapter 10 verse 38. Your choice says about Jesus Peters preaching. He sums up Jesus life in this is how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who are under the power of the devil because God was with him how much you notice he sums up the entire life of Jesus with one phrase. He went around doing good. You know what cheese people were drawn to Jesus because in Jesus they found his healing and an Acceptance in love. Social parties Jesus attended lots of parties. In fact pretty much every time she has shared good news with people he was at a party in Matthew chapter 9 tax collector notorious Center named Matthew who wrote the Book of Matthew throw a big party for Jesus. He was following Jesus invited all this sooner friends to come in at that party that religious leaders coming over. Why is he hanging out with Sinners than Jesus said if you're sick, you don't need a doctor. I mean, you do need a doctor if you're well, you don't and he shared good news or another time and he's at a party again and this sinful woman comes in and anointed faith in Jesus is good news. Luke chapter 19. Jericho. There's this little man named Zacchaeus remember climbs up the tree, please Jesus Jesus goes home with him the most notorious Center in town. Jesus shares a good news. Luke chapter 15 Jesus tells three stories the lost sheep the Lost coin the lost son and every one of those stories that character that represents God the story ends with them throwing a big party. I'm just telling you Jesus was a party animal.

Now this morning I want us to pause for a moment Mildred reference this thank you Mildred. I'll give you that dollar later. Okay for that that we are. A living witness of Jesus someone to bring light because there's so many things are upside down and I want to talk about three words and I believe capture the essence of what it means to be a living witness of Jesus too. Many of you probably heard these three words for but you know, if you use the word evangelism, which means sharing good news, I believe it all boils down to these three words prayer care Share. Now I was just thinking about those for a minute. Let's take a few minutes. We'll talk about prayer. You know, why prayer we start with prayer?

Because prayer is the most powerful thing that any human being can do because when we pray we are drawing on the power of the creator of the universe universe nothing change. This world. Nothing changes people like for are you familiar with Oswald Chambers? He wrote My Utmost For His Highest. He says this prayer does not fit us for the greater work prayer is the greater work, don't you think about this? When I work I work, but when I pray God works, he's supposed to get more done me or God. Yes, no question. God can do more in one second than any of us can do all of us together can do in a thousand years.

And we need to just spend hours praying for our friends are neighbors people around us to experience the life of Jesus. Here's why in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 tell me if this doesn't sound like our world today beginning verses 3. And even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing the God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they can see the light of the Gospel that displays the glory of Christ who is the image of God the world around us. There's a veil over their eyes. They're unable to see have you ever had that experience you talked with someone that's like it doesn't make sense while I agree in some ways, but it's like they just can't break through to believe and understand. There's a big deal for God of this age. Satan has blinded them.

You know, there are so many and when we pray we need to pray for God to lift that Bale from their eyes and their hearts. For specific people, you know, there are so many Amazing Stories throughout history were in Tire movement have been lost by prayer. I started there so many examples so many examples. I realize that you said before but here's one from 1949 the Hebrides Islands in which is I believe in Scotland Scotland in the bar of us. There were two little ladies who were unable to attend church Peggy who is 84 was blind and Christine who was 82 and crippled with arthritis. These two little ladies and they began to cry out for God to visit their city and they begin going to the names of people one by one every person in their town in every in every Cottage in their in their Village. They begin to pray for them. What night is they prayed? They saw hundreds of people coming to their Church to be saved until they call their Minister James McKay and said God wants to send Revival to barvis. Barbie sets in town That's a cool name. So they sent out a request for someone he sent out a request for someone to come in God's in a man named Duncan Campbell and they began preaching the first night. He preached nothing happened. Everybody just went home everybody left in a few minutes later. One of the elders call the pastor and said you need to come back to the church and look at this. So he goes back and they're in the courtyard the entire congregation remained. They were overcome by the Holy Spirit and they couldn't move. And then even more amazing people begin leaving their homes for sleeping the Holy Spirit stir them up and they all gathered in the courtyard there. They went back inside and within weeks hundreds of people had come to Christ these two little ladies Peggy 84 who was blind and Christine 82 who was crippled. And by the way, that first night the preacher he was so anxious to get to their home to tell him about it and he waited till in the morning and he got there in the show where you could have come anytime because we were up all night praying for Revival. I mean, I'm just saying that's just one of literally hundreds. I'm not kidding hundreds of examples like that about God moving through prayer. It's still happening around our world.

Your place is in I'll just go ahead and say this because people have targeted certain areas. Especially North Africa. There are Muslim villages in North Africa are coming to price hundreds. Maybe even thousands of people you don't read about that in the news by the way, you notice that That's pretty sure that's where we start with in. We move to care. We don't start the next it's it's not necessarily always that way but nobody cares how much you know until what? They know how much you care. You know that we're no longer in a place in our culture where we can kind of like pressure people in twister arms and make him come to church and I'll never really was a good idea anyway. But where to place now where we need to live out the good news to be living examples of Jesus the other to be the good news a living witness of Jesus.

I read about story several years ago about a man who invited his neighbor to come to church neighbor said look, I'm I'm an atheist. I do really don't want to come to church, you know, so and so the neighbor went home. Okay got a bought a bunch of books on apologetics you no evidences of Jesus and God in the Bible and in your I love evidences. I've got books about it and great study through it. He was going to prove to this man that there was a god Well in the meantime the neighbor the one that was an atheist got sick. And winter was coming on it. So the Christian went over and cleaned out his gutters. The very first Sunday when that atheist neighbor was well, he and his entire family were Church. You know, why because nobody cares how much you know until what they know how much you care. This is so significant. Say it. Again. Our world is hurting. Our world is divided. Our world is anxious and Confused. They need the love and peace of Jesus that he's entrusted to. They need to shut see someone's who lives out good news. Not just talking about it. Not just yelling at people to a bullhorn but Jesus.

Mahatma Gandhi who today is the spiritual and what he's a spiritual and political father of India. His face is on the money. He went said. I like your Christ. I don't like your Christians.

Just imagine I just think how would the how are the spiritual? How would the face of India be today spiritual face if Gandhi had encountered some real people living out the gospel.

You know God has strategically placed each and every one of us in our neighborhoods are workplaces our schools to be lights. Acts chapter 17 verse 26 says this from one man, he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth and he determined he determined the time set for them and the exact places where they should live you wonder why you're living at this put this time in history at this place in Sonoma County. It ain't an accident. Shows you to be here at this time. It's not an accident that you're working where you work that you go to school where you go to school that you live in the neighborhood you live in that your place in the family. You're in God has put you there to be a light. And we need to bring it. Saint Francis of Assisi preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words

in other words, wherever you find yourself whatever situation just be the good news. In fact, it's interesting. You know where Jesus said go into all the world and preach the good news what it literally says in the original languages as you are going. Spring good news is you're going to the grocery store as you're going to the gas station cuz you're going to the shopping mall. Bring the good news. Bee the good news to everyone you encounter. It's not an accident that you're here. is one way we do this I just give you example from the scripture Philippians 2 beginning verse 14 do everything do everything without grumbling or arguing and I do an amazing job with that don't I Linda

Linda reminds me on a regular basis when I'm driving these words. You know what? It's great being a pastor and having your wife throw your words back in your face anyway.

No, I've seen this before I get in more trouble. So that were blameless doesn't mean sinless. It just means without critique. Nobody can bring a charge against you so that you may become blameless in pure children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Wow the world then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life and then I will be able to boast on the on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. I'll come back and talk break that down the minute but I want you notes from the message how he puts it do everything readily and cheerfully no bickering no second-guessing allowed go out in the world uncorrupted a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted Society. Wow. Provide Paul was almost like the Holy Spirit told him to say this. I'm joking you did of course provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the Living God carrying the light giving message into the night. So I'll have cost to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns you'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this trouble for nothing. Now I want you to notice. Let's break that down for a minute. This is what the NIV says no complaining live your life without complaining and when you do that, you'll be blameless or you know, people will look at you differently your shine like stars as you hold out the word of life. What's the name better for a minute? What would happen tomorrow at work if? People standing around the water cooler and you know, you're there and everybody else is doing what they always do. They're complaining about life complaining about their work their boss complaining about the government complaining about their family wife or spouse husband, whatever. They're just complained what if you didn't complain What If instead you spoke of what a blessing you said, you know what ya got a lot of problems but thank God for the freedom we have here you know what yeah, the boss can be kind of cranky sometime but I'm sure thankful. I got a job I mean when people notice that Yeah, you'd say yeah that think I was a nut what we're do. You know what maybe maybe they would think you were weird, but you know, what at the same time. They don't they're also going to see a difference. They're also going to see something they like and be drawn to it. That's why he says you will shine like stars in the universe.

I think this is a great way of looking at it 2nd Corinthians 2. But thanks be to God who always leads us in Triumph in Christ and manifest through us the sweet Aroma of the knowledge of him and every place what he's really talking about. There is a Roman general returning in Triumph from Battle. They would have a great parade that didn't have very often. But when did when he conquered some new lands and added it to the Roman Empire they would throw a huge parade called the triumph. And along the way they would bring all the captives in and there's more that he goes into in the verses that follow but in front of the the Roman general there would be Pagan priests that would go through in a we are waving sensors with a sweet smell of incense. And he says we are. He manifests through us the sweet Aroma of the knowledge of him.

Another words, we got called us to be a pleasing Aroma of Jesus to make Jesus smell good to the world around us.

Never been like a summer night.

Summer afternoon and evening you're sitting in your backyard and your neighbors barbecuing. Need I say more like never did give me some I want some you know, you know what I just think they got to come out with a cologne or something. That's okay. Nevermind. but

what would he say? It is by our lives? We give off the aroma of Christ. We make Jesus attractive quite the opposite. Repair centers quite the opposite of that isn't it a flute in case I wanted again.

The world sees a pleasing Aroma of notices Us in the pleasing Aroma of Jesus and they wow, that's what it is. I want more.

Don't know what it means to be drawn to Jesus. Fact I tell you one of the best, you know, I'm not saying I need to make sure I'm clear. I'm not saying that you have to be perfect. But he have genuine love in your heart for others. They'll know what and be drawn to it. In fact, that's going to tell you one of the best ways to show them. Jesus is to mess up. Because then you can make things right and they say this is what a real Christian is. Yo, most of you know, we have a store in Montgomery Village and years ago the the manager of the village of the time. She's not there anymore. I don't remember what it was was something I just thought, you know, they're trying to pull one over on Arsenal and I was just we were both kind upset. So I call and say look Jackie. I don't know what you're trying to do here. But you know, it ain't cool and blah blah blah, you know, and I just thought I'd let her have it and then after I hung up Holy Spirit really convicted me and I exist in my heart. I sense the Holy Spirit saying you need to call her back and apologize and ask forgiveness. That's why I can't do that. She'll think I'm stupid. You need to call her back and apologize and ask forgiveness and all that. That's me know. Well, you know who wins those arguments Rye so I picked up the phone called her back and I said Jackie I need to tell you something.

I was No, I was wrong. Would you please forgive me? Silence on the other end. I'm thinking he'll great the finally. She said wow. Nobody's ever done that before. That's that's amazing. And I said well, it's not me. It's Jesus. You know, I'm about 3 months later. Her husband died suddenly. And God opened the door for us to be able to minister to her that probably never would have happened if that wall had been there sometimes when you mess up, it's okay. Now, I got to get moving here third third step prayer care and then share.

So you are right now impossible horn. No, no bull horns allowed. I want you to notice what we're saying that that this flows out of relationship you pray and then you show people we care and that Jesus cares and you look for ways to serve them in your garbage cans tipped over whatever but as we be the good news to the world around us. You know, what God's going to open doors for us to share right in front of our eyes. You know what the most important thing you can share is. Your story what God has done in your life.

The Apostle Paul did this in fact it's interesting beginning an axe at the end of Acts acts 21 through 26. He spoke before 5 different audiences and angry mob the Jewish Council two different Governors and a king and every time he shared the same thing you share the story of how we came to Christ here was Paul probably the greatest Theologian that ever lived and he's telling a simple story. I'll tell you why because once we do this nobody can argue with your story. GHIN we recognize we're living in turbulent anxious times and people want to talk. My wife finds that people come in almost every day. I want to talk about how trouble they are about our world around us. And sometimes I asked questions about you know, their marriage or kids our finances and God opens door. So what are you do you share your story what God has done in your life because we all have a story 1st Peter 3 and verse 15 says but in your heart Revere Christ as Lord and then he says always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have but do this with gentleness and respect on that last part is really really really important, but I want you to notice. He says always be prepared.

You know.

We need to have two kinds of stories to testimonials one is a 5-minute story. And the others have 30 second story because sometimes 30 seconds is all you get somebody says so why are you Christian or so? What's the big deal? Why I mean, why would you believe in God? Boom, you got a 30-second testimonial. We give you example. I grew up in a very religious family all my life all I knew was going to church, but the only way I can relate to God was through rules. Just I still got all the rules you got to do all the right thing and I saw God in the sky is kind of like this judge looking for me to do something wrong. And what I discovered was I could never be good enough. I really never realized for years that God really loved me. And when I discovered the God love me really love me transform my life. I feel free. I feel full of joy and peace and life. Supposed to somebody out there that needs to hear that story. I'll give you another example. Jesus saved my marriage. About 30 years ago something devastating have happened in our marriage and we almost got divorced we came that close. We split up for short. Of time, but Jesus healed it. I'm just going to tell you today if it were not for Jesus. We would not be married today. I'm going to tell you about Linda and I are going to have our 47th wedding anniversary. I think I got it, right 47th in June. I can't speak for her. I think I can but I'm more in love with her today than I've ever been. Now you suppose anybody out there needs to hear that story. That's this 30 second version again. I hope close. Now I've invited somebody to share with you. There's a five minute when he's going to do it in four minutes right to the second. He promised me. This is Jonathan and Jonathan and I think the mics were all taken. What are some mics there's one right there. There you go. You might turn it on for you. You're probably more technologically. How do we do this? This is the one I think that they're going should be on now. Hello, so I am a living witness of Jesus Christ. I'll come get that dollar later. Okay, he got it.

Etsy I remember.

I remember I was sitting in prison. I just got done doing 10 years and

add a big list of charges out here in Sonoma County that I had to face.

And I remember sitting in a Cell going. I just want to do something different with my life. And please show me the way.

I was given a phone number to Christy who is now my wife. And I made the phone call. And she got me accepted in the crossing the Jordan. and

my prayer changed it turned into

God let me do things that I've never done before. Let me have a family let me Just do all the things that never thought were possible. Then God started just doing amazing things for me. He started opening up doors new new friendships new relationships new.

He just turned my whole life upside down and I and I just felt so passionate about everything that I was doing that. It really started the show and I really started to feel like a new creation. and after I graduated crossing the Jordan I got married to Christy. And now I run two companies for crossing the Jordan the moving and storage the tree company and it's just I get to create relationships with people and I never thought that would be possible to do.

I'm kind of nervous right now. So you're doing great. I'm definitely

a Living Testament of Jesus Christ and I just want to share one last thing with you guys, but I'm going to share it through the bullhorn, okay?

All right, that's good news on a lot of levels. And so I hope you see the difference between know that was a good bullhorn message. Okay. I hope you see the difference the contrast. Anybody author in our world today need to hear Jonathan story Jesus really really is the answer. So your assignment is to develop two stories to testimonials from your life. How God has worked in your life the 30 second one in a 5-minute one. Sometimes the 30 second one might be more difficult. You know I do and I I believe most of you do to really believe with all my heart that Jesus is the answer for everything that troubles our world. And basically it is just be a living witness of Jesus Christ to the world around us.

Maybe a brief encounter.

And I have with someone and I may never see live to see the results in this life. I like to say it's a step 17. Maybe it was pretty unrealistic to think that somebody's going to be coming from a place where they don't even believe in Jesus all the way to becoming a Christian where they give their life to him. There's a lot of steps along the way and let's just say there's a hundred steps from a person here to a person coming to faith in Christ, and maybe I get to be step 17 You guys get what I'm saying? Maybe I may never realize how God's probably never will realize how God's done it. But every one of those steps is just as important just go out and love on the world.

Noah said the physical manifestation of God's love is expressed in how we love others. God has placed us here to be conduits of his love and grace the flow into us through us and out of us to bless others.

I want to close with a story of course. many of you may know who Tony campolo is he is And he's a Christian speaker. He's kind of controversial. But that's that that's beside the point years ago. He was in Honolulu speaking at a convention. He's from the east coast and so he woke up at jet lag woke up at 3 in the morning. Couldn't go back to sleep. And so he heads out. He's decided just to take a walk in this he's watching long. He finds a little cafe that's open goes in since it's a counter in order to a cup of coffee and a donut and while he's sitting there two prostitutes come in and sit next to it. And you know, he's listening to conversation and one of them says hey, you know tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going to be 29. And the other one says so what do you want me to do about throw you a party buy you a cake? And the one who is sitting next to Tony said no what? What why do you have to be so mean said I don't ever expect to have a birthday party or cake. I've never had a birthday party and she said, you know whatever, you know, and then they they get up and they even Tony asked the owner of behind the the counter there. He says do you know those two ladies sitting next to me? He said yeah, they come in every night and he says at 3, he says, what's the one that's sitting next to me? What's your name to the agganis? He said, you know tomorrow is her birthday. She's never had a birthday party. What do you say we throw a party? And he says that's an idea cuz you know what? I'll get the cake. You just you don't have the place here, you know, she'll make sure she gets in at 3 and let you know the next day so see the next morning. So Tony comes in the next day 3 in the morning. They got the place all decorated. Happy birthday Agnes half the prostitutes in Honolulu or a Crandon to that little coffee shop 3 in the morning, happy birthday Agnes and she loses that you know, it's Niagara Falls and she's crying and you don't and they birthday bring the birthday cake out with candles and sing happy birthday. She loses it again. And so she blows out the candles and Harry says okay Agnes cut your cake. and she goes do I have to And he goes, what do you mean? She said I've never had a birthday cake. I'd like to take it home and look at it a little more. And he says Agnes is your Kik do whatever you want you since I'm just live a couple doors down be right back. So she leaves. The rose real quiet everybody looks at Tony like he's supposed to do something and he said so I did the only thing I knew how to do because I got up in the chair and I prayed. And he says I prayed for all the the women in the room. I pray for them to be safe. He said I prayed for Agnes for God to bless her and so forth and when I got done Harry looked at me and said hey, I didn't know you was a preacher. What kind of shirts You Preach for anyway? And he goes the kind that throws parties for prostitutes at 3 in the morning. And he said no you don't cuz if there ain't no church like that cuz if there was I joined that's what the world's looking for. That's the kind of church that we want to be the kind of person. I want to be a living witness of Jesus.

I'm going to pray just a moment. We have communion over here available for us. There's also going to be a prayer team down here. I just want to encourage if you have any prayer needs at all come down and people praying for you. Maybe you have specific people in your life that you know, they need Jesus. Glad to pray for you this morning so far that we just thank you today that you have invited us to be your partner's to reflect the image of Jesus around the world 2-2. What others the bees that Aroma of Jesus Lord, would you help us to live out the gospel? Not just talked it, but to be it thank you, Jesus. We love you. And your name we pray. Amen.

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