Real vs. Routine Prayer
2 of 8 from Albert Mohler's book: The Prayer that Turns the World Upside Down
failure to pray is therefore not only a sign of anemic spiritual life, it is disobedience to Christ.
there is simply no way to reconcile the general prayerlessness of the typical modern American Christian with the teachings of the New Testament and the example of Christ. Moreover, prayer is not simply a Christian’s responsibility in obedience to the commands of God and in imitation of the example of Jesus; it is also one of the primary means by which we commune with the living God. There is no true intimacy with God without prayer. The question is how we will pray.
As Jesus’ disciples, we need to pray. We are created to be a praying people. But we desperately need instruction on how to pray. We need the Lord Jesus Christ himself to teach us to pray because, left to our own devices, we will pray wrongly. We need to approach the Lord’s Prayer with the same request and attitude as Christ’s disciples. We need to ask the Lord to teach us to pray. Of course, Jesus was ready to teach his disciples before they were ready to learn. He is ready to teach us too.