Leading from the Fathers Love
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Talk about the Downtown Campus Move
Celebrate the year, cast vision for the future.
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Noel the Elder
Because Jesus led from the Fathers Love, he had the capacity to lead despite all the dysfunction around him.
Every time Jesus was rejected by a man, he was accepted by his Father.
Every time he was let down by his disciples, he was poured into by his Father.
Every time he was hated by his enemies, he was loved by his Father.
Every time his emotional bucket was drained, it was filled by his Father.
Main Idea - Jesus leadership was led by the Fathers Love.
Main Idea - Jesus leadership was led by the Fathers Love.
Jesus had an intimate connection with the Father.
And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”
Identity - Jesus had his identity IN the Father.
Identity - Jesus had his identity IN the Father.
When you know whose you are, it creates motivation.
Jesus travelled 70 miles to be here in this moment.
Jesus didn’t just wake up one morning and say, “I want to be baptized” no he had been waiting and planning for this day because of how important it was to his mission and vision.
Jesus identified with us
Jesus identified with us
Jesus received John Baptism of repentance....even though he never sinned. WHY? Why does Jesus say that this is crucial for his beginning of his ministry?
Answer: Jesus identifies with the people. He is one of them.
He is a man of the people.
Jesus now identifies with their repentance = but one day he will die so they can repent fully and have a new identity.
- “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.”
- “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased.”
Identity - Jesus had his identity IN the Father.
Identity - Jesus had his identity IN the Father.
When you know whose you are, it creates motivation.
Jesus travelled 70 miles to be here in this moment.
Jesus didn’t just wake up one morning and say, “I want to be baptized” no he had been waiting and planning for this day because of how important it was to his mission and vision.
This is where his ministry will begin.
Father Wounds: How do you know if you have a Father Wound?
189x Jesus refers to God as Father.
Fear of Responsibility or letting someone down
Deal w/ significant insecurities
Men who relate better to women than to men.
Women who run to a man as a savior rather than god
Run away from confrontation.
Identity Leads to Trust
Identity Leads to Trust
Talk about Daddy Issues
He was confident in the role he had in relationship with the Father.
Lord’s Prayer (Jesus relationship with God the Father)
189x Jesus refers to God as Father.
Jesus Trusted the Father
Jesus Trusted the Father
Trust is the deepest level of human connection.
Trust is the deepest level of human connection.
When you trust someone, you absorb all the risk.
How do we gauge spiritual success?
When you trust the wrong person, it is so devastating.
Defensive Living
When we don’t have trust we develop our defense mechanisms.
We will let people in a little but not all the way.
We will give a little bit of ourselves but not all of ourselves.
Our fear prevents us rather than propels us.
Offensive Living
Jesus placed his trust First in the Father.
Imagine if Jesus would have put his trust FIRST in the religious leaders.
When that woman who prostituted herself for a living came into the room with everyone sitting all around, Jesus would have shood her away.
Jesus defense mechanism would’ve went up but instead Jesus allows her to anoint his feet in front of everyone, even while they grumbled and complained.
Jesus took the offensive in the situation. He dealt with the woman, he showed mercy on her, he gave her a new outlook on life.
When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.
1 Peter 2:23
Jesus Led from the Fathers Identity
Jesus Led from the Fathers Identity
“Jesus worked from his identity, not for his identity” - Mark Driscoll
Identity produces a godly confidence
Ego and confidence are not the same thing.
Ego is usually acted upon out of insecurity.
Ego is defensive, confidence is offensive.
Confidence comes from experience.
Ego comes from insecurity.
Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities about a person.
Ego is one of the most unattractive.
Ego is loud, confidence is quiet.
Ego is fake, confidence is real.
Confidence is “full trust”, it’s when you know something wont fail.
Confidence comes when you know whose you are.
Confidence comes when you know whose you are.
Check that - I didn’t say “confidence comes when you know who you are.” I said whose you are.
We live in a world where people are always saying, you need to find who you are.
You watch Disney movies and they all have the same message about discovering yourself and finding yourself.
Imagine walking into that interview nervous as heck but knowing even if you don’t get the job you are going to be ok.
Transition: Identity in Christ can only come from a place of surrender.
Transition: Identity in Christ can only come from a place of surrender.
Jesus Surrendered to the Fathers Will.
Jesus Surrendered to the Fathers Will.
And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Gospel Call
When I look at my sin my ego says I am ok. My ego says I’m pretty good, no you know what I’m awesome.
Confidence I have in myself - I am broken, I have faults, I have sins and an ego that is way to big.
What do you place your confidence in?
The confidence of the cross is that Jesus lived the life I couldn’t live.