Minute in the Chair
There was a story in the news awhile back where there was an art museum that had a new exhibit and I do noit know where this was but the exhibit was simple.
It had a chair (nothing crazy about the chair) but then pointed right at the chair was a shot gun.
And this shot gun had a timer attached to it where the gun could go off at any time in the next 100 years.
It could be in a second, could be 5 minutes, 5 years, 72 years, 100 years, no one knew.
But what was amazing is they would actually allow people to sit in this chair as part of the exhibit for a minute.
And you think no one would want to do something like that but what is crazy is the exhibit was actually packed.
People would line up to spend their minute in the chair
For something that could potentially end their life.
Even though it was something that could potentially end their life.
But you know as I was preparing for the message this past week I was reading another pastors notes and they mentioned that this new story and they mentioned how this news story actually perfectly describes what happens in the story we are in today.
Because today we are talking about Davids minute in the chair, but for David the shot gun goes off.
So Today we
But before we go into our passage this morning incase you haven’t been here the past few weeks we have been going through this guy named Davids life.
And God has really done some neat things because David, has been brought from a Shepard to a king
And if you were with us last week we were talking about how David was praising God for where He had brought him and for these huge God size dreams that God laid on his heart,
and now leading up to this passage David has been extremely successful.
He has been winning battles, people love him and today things drastically change because David sits in this chair.
So turn with me to
and we are going to be working our way through this passage this morning,
Because the truth is in each of our lives we have an option to sit in this chair.
There are destructive behaviors in our life that have the potential to drastically alter our life in a negitive way.
So we are going to talk about what that looks like
And for each of us this looks different
So we are going to look at Davids minute in the chair and see what it says for our lives.
So we are just starting out in verse 1 and it says
1 In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel. And they ravaged the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem.
You read that verse and you can probably pick up somthing is off.
Because the beginning of the verse says how its spring time and all the kings are going to war (Flowers are blooming and its beautiful war season),
but then at the end of the verse it says but then David said that David did not go out with them.
And we really do not know why he didn’t, he may have been lazy, he may have felt like he needed a break, he may have been scared,
We do not know,
but what we do know is that David was suppose to be out at war and he was at home.
And this does not sound like a huge deal, but if you remember when we first started this series it started with David being annointed King,
He was set apart to be king which meant carrying out all of the responsibilities that a king had.
But instead of David doing that he is at home in the palace,
But now
which this was a big deal, it was not just a vacation or mental health day,
But David was not doing what God had set him apart and called him to do.
and this is honestly such a simple definition of what sin is,
and we could go into more detail
but just one simple definition you could use for sin is when we are living outside of what God has called us to live.
God has called you to do this but you said no I am doing this.
God has called you to act a certain way, but you act another.
And look what happens in verse 2 because it says
2 It happened, late one afternoon, when David arose from his couch and was walking on the roof of the king’s house, that he saw from the roof a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful.
2 Then it happened one evening that David arose from his bed and walked on the roof of the king’s house. And from the roof he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful to behold.
You can picture David just relaxing around the kingdom, and he is laying on the couch, he is board, he probably just finished binge watching season 10 of breaking bad,
You know
But he is board and decides to go up on the roof to get some fresh air
I mean this is relatable, if you have ever watched to much TV or have been in the house to long, and you are at that point where you are going I need to get out of the house
and so David goes up on the roof and he sees this beautiful women bathing on her roof.
and there are two points I want you to get here, because first off if you are not filling your life with things that are glorifying toward God, it will make you susceptible to building your life with things that are toxic fo you.
But second off look what this does to David because it gets out of control quickly
Because David ends up entertaining this sin and it gets out of control quickly look at verse 3 and 4 because it says:
3 And David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, “Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” 4 So David sent messengers and took her, and she came to him, and he lay with her. (Now she had been purifying herself from her uncleanness.) Then she returned to her house.
You know sin if kept unchecked will always take us further then we want to go.
And thats what happens to David,
Because a lot of people read this story and they go wow David is some sort of pervert,
but the truth is David is a person that God considered a man after His own heart,
and if this could happen to David (a man who out of faith defeated a giant, a man who wanted to build God a temple, a man after God’s own heart) it can happen to us if we leave our sin unchecked.
And everything completely spirals out of control for David here on out.
There is a book I found at the library called if you give a moose a muffin (its an off shoot of the book if you give a mouse a cookie,
But I was reading this book to Liam the other day and basically the premise of this book is a moose ask a boy for a muffin and the boy gives the moose a muffin,
and because of this the moose ask for some jam to go with it
and then the moose keeps asking for thing after thing, until the request get crazy, and this boy is giving the moose a lot more than a muffin and jam.
And you get to the end and the house is just destroyed and I don’t know if you can tell but the moose and the boy are just sitting in the destoryed house smiling.
The boy does not even realize where giving into this moose has gotten him.
But can I just point out that this is where David is right now. Because Davids sin has spiraled out of control where he is now with Bathsheba and he actually pretty happy, he is going that was great!
And he is sitting there probably smiling in the mess that he has created
But look at verse 5 because this is the moment that the shotgun goes off on David.
5 And the woman conceived, and she sent and told David, “I am pregnant.”
And for David instead of owning up and confessing he does everything he can to hide this mistake.
He first tells her husband to come home from battle and tries to get him to sleep with his wife so he thinks that the baby is his.
But the issue is that he is a good man and in verse 11 he actually tells David look all the other men are out fighting and are sleeping in tents, I will not go home and stay with my wife while they are out in tents.
and so David tells him to stay in the kingdom one more night and this time David tries to get him drunk but it does not work.
So finally David is desperate and sends Uriah back to the battle ground and he sends a letter to the commander of the army saying to place Uriah where the fighting is the worst,
Then draw back leaving Uriah behind.
and it says that Uriah and others (some who were Davids best warriors die because of this plan).
And now Davids commander send this letter to David going why did you command us to do that?
He says didn’t you know what you wanted us to do was going to kill us?
and when the message gets to David all he says is basically war is war.
David did not just commit adultery but because David kept his sin unchecked, it resulted in murder or the man he tried to murder and others, it resulted in his commanders starting to loose trust in him, and now it almost looks like David is num to what he did.
The Shot gun has went off and now Davids life is completely changed because of it moving forward.
because of this minute in the chair we will find out that David can not longer build the temple, His child dies, and his kingdom becomes divided where his own son tries so take the kingdom from David all because of this minute in the chair.
Can I just be blunt this morning?
Sin destroys and you might not see the effects of it.
You might sit in this chair 1000 times and the shot gun will not go off, but their is a point when you sit in the chair and the shot gun will fire.
Notice its not if the shotgun will fire its when.
And when it goes off, it has the potential to shatter your life.
Men and woman a sexual sin has the ability to do this.
what you look at when no ones around has the ability to do this.
You could loose your family
and really this can go broader then sexual sin,
drugs can do this. you have done something a thousand times, and this one time it destroys you
You look at even gossip or words we say and it could have the potential to cause damage where a relationship may never be the same.
and there is forgiveness and God can make something beautiful out of the ashes, but the there is also the consequences that go along with it.
Davids life would never look the same.
and maybe today you are looking at something in your life and your going the shot gun went off!
I am bleeding, my wound is infected, I want to end on the last part of verse. Verse 27.
it says “...But the thing David had done displeased the Lord”
I want you to notice that it says the thing David did displeased God
But who David was did not.
David was still created in God’s image and God loved David.
and this morning regardless of where you are God loves you, you might be looking at your life and you are sitting at the chair, and God is saying I love you!
Why are you doing this?
Its never to late to get up from the chair, and I really want to just end by saying if you are looking at an area in your life where you are sitting in a chair (where you are stuck in your sin, get up and go to God).
Please do not sit in the chair. It can ruin your
People say that a pastor is sheltered and you do not really see the real world, but as a pastor you are often at the forefront of brokenness.
And as someone who has seen lives altered because of sin please get up.
... “The ark and Israel and Judah dwell in booths, and my lord Joab and the servants of my lord are camping in the open field. Shall I then go to my house, to eat and to drink and to lie with my wife? As you live, and as your soul lives, I will not do this thing.”
Don’t wait for the gun goes off.
He is a good guy
Your family values you to much for tha
People in this room value you to much for that.
God values you to much for that.
Please get up.
Will you pray with me today?