Hidden Treasure
Good morning, as children we often found ourselves captivated by stories of adventure. Many of which that would focus on treasure or finding a hidden and far off land full of mystery and adventure. Stories of men who would risk their lives on a timeless adventure.
Good morning, as children we often found ourselves captivated by stories of adventure. Many of which that would focus on treasure or finding a hidden and far off land full of mystery and adventure. Stories of men who would risk their lives on a timeless adventure.
TRANSITION: As we study parables there is one that deals not just with the idea of treasure but how we should respond to that treasure. This is the Parable of Hidden Treasure. While this parable is short and sounds like an adventure story, we might play out in our childhood fantasies it has deep spiritual truths to how we as the church should respond to the Kingdom of Heaven.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Now this sounds strange even to us how often would people come across treasure in a field this sounds more like myth of folk lore then a parable. Here’s the thing historically people in the land of Palestine two thousand years ago would bury their valuables and due to the centuries of war people would even bury food household objects and clothing to keep from plundering soldiers. Whenever they needed to trade or barter, they would go in the cover of night to unearth their valuables.
TRANSITION: However, this parable doesn’t focus primarily on the substance of the Kingdom of Heaven but in the response from those who have found it.
And this is seen in two ways…
I. First, we see the finder gains joy in the treasure & we should have joy in finding of the Kingdom of Heaven!
· There is a cause and effect relationship that should show the reader how one should respond to the kingdom of God. Just as Jesus is telling this story to his disciples, we too should seek how we should respond to the kingdom of heaven.
· The first aspect of the story we should observe is that the man who comes across the treasure finds it with joy.
· We too should of found a particular joy when we received the gospel.
ILLUSTRATION: How many of us remember our own conversion? How many of us remember the joy we found when we discovered the sacrificial love of our God to the point of paying the penalty of death for our disobedience and shame. How many of us remember the spiritual high we received once we surrendered to Him as Lord and Savior! How often do we see this in our churches that the most on fire person for God are the newly saved individuals who are not here because of obligation or jaded culture but out of excitement and joy of their God?
Transition: In a culture where your social standing was dependent on your wealth and how you managed that wealth it is shocking what happens next…
So, not only did we see that First the finder gains joy in the treasure & we should have joy in finding of the Kingdom of Heaven.
II. However, the Finder continues by losing life as he knows it for the treasure & we should be willing to lose our lives for the Kingdom of Heaven!
· Choosing to sell all he owned to buy the land would indicate that this man was willing to give away his economic and even his family standing to obtain the treasure in the field.
· However, it is also clear that the treasure in the field seem to be where the value was not the field or even in his own possessions.
(Main Idea)
The point of the message of parable of Hidden Treasure can be summed up as such:
The Kingdom of Heaven brings a joy that leads us to sacrifice our livers for her.
Now let me tell you what that means for us . . . As men and seminarians, missionaries, and future ministers
· It might be easy to see how we have given a lot to be here now but this time in seminary is only for a season when we leave and our serving in a church it will come with both joys and sorrows. During these moments we must remember the joy we first received from the gospel.
· We also must think about the seriousness of our call as disciples and help future congregations know this joy not merely in a ministry manor but for all members of the body
CONCLUSION: Keeping in mind that Jesus is speaking to his disciples we must remember the price they paid for their call. If they gave up everything for the sake of the gospel, why would we expect less. Let us never forget the joy of the gospel. No matter how hard times get in ministry we can never forget the our joy and love for the kingdom