LES done lemmas
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negated: without honor or dishonored
And he is the one that has cast the lot for them,
and his hand has apportioned it to them with the measuring line;
they shall take possession of it forever,
they shall live in it from generation to generation.
And it shall become a region
for the remnant of the house of Judah;
upon them they shall graze,
and in the houses of Ashkelon
they shall lie down in the evening.
For Yahweh their God shall be mindful of them,
and he will restore their fortunes.
needs review: a mistagged word.
For your husband is your maker, his name is Yahweh of hosts;
and your redeemer is the holy one of Israel, he is called the God of all of the earth.
Is this ever “proclaim” in the passive?
And the Egyptians chased after them, and they overtook them encamped at the sea—all the horses of the chariots of Pharaoh and his charioteers and his army—at Pi-hahiroth before Baal Zephon.
Possibly “found them” rather than “came upon” in light of the underlying term
And any animal having a split hoof and so a dividing of the hoof into two parts and that chews the cud among the animals—that animal you may eat.
Christine, you set this to “animal” but isn’t “cattle” or “livestock” better?
Yes, that must’ve been a mistake. “Livestock” is what we’ve been using.
And Moses spoke words to all the Israelites, and the people mourned greatly.
Did the gods of each of the nations ever rescue the land from the hand of the king of Assyria?
recommend you review
And they turned and went and put the little children, the livestock, and the valuable property in front of them.
burdensome (objects)
All your robes are scented with myrrh and aloes and cassia.
From palaces of ivory stringed instruments gladden you.
bastions of ivory
My heart trembles within me,
and deathly terrors fall on me.
needs review “deathly cowardice” yes
The favor of a king is for the servant who deals wisely,
but his wrath will be on him who acts shamefully.
or, ‘Save me from the foe’s hand,’
or, ‘Ransom me from the tyrants’ hand’?
And when the children of Israel saw the great number of them, they were exceedingly troubled, and they said each one to his neighbor, “Now these men shall lick up the face of the whole earth, and neither the high mountains nor the ravines nor the hills will be able to stand up under their weight.”
The days of punishment have come;
the days of retribution have come;
Israel knows!
The prophet is a fool,
the man of the spirit is acting like a madman.
Because of the greatness of your sin,
your hostility is great.
madness (has)
and not to many nations of obscure speech and a difficult language whose words you do not understand, for if I had sent you to them they would have listened to you.
And in that they said to leave alone the stump of the tree’s root, so your kingdom will be restored for you when you acknowledge that heaven is sovereign.
flog. Note: I did not reduce the word μαστιγόω further from two words (whipping and flogging) as it seems there are instances where authors are referring to whipping specifically, and others where they refer to flogging as a conceptual form of punishment, involving whipping in particular.
flog. Note: I did not reduce the word μαστιγόω further from two words (whipping and flogging) as it seems there are instances where authors are referring to whipping specifically, and others where they refer to flogging as a conceptual form of punishment, involving whipping in particular.
Then two other young men appeared to him, exceptional in strength but most excellent of speech, and distinguished with respect to their raiment, who also stood by on each side and began flogging him continually, hitting him with many blows.
beautifully tongued.
(Meaning of the words might be lost in this way, silver tongued would be the closest approximation)
And by adopting the Greek lifestyle and changing your ways, revel in your youth.
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