The Church: Peace and Purity

Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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What does it mean to keep the peace and purity of the church. It is a vow that we take as members? What does this mean?


We Americans can mess up any food.
The Donut Burger (Luther Burger) Luther Vandross
Being a part of something bigger then ourselves.
Combination of donut and hamburger. KFC also has a donut chicken sandwich.
Being a member of the church (Christian) means that we are a part of something bigger than ourself.
The combination seems odd. Two foods that go well by themselves, but may not appeal to all people when put together.
We are a part of God’s Kingdom
This is what happens when we consider the “peace” and the “purity” of the church.
Paul understood this relationship
Peace - everyone just get along
purity - integrity of the faith
Paul here is writing a letter to address this clash of peace and purity
He teaches us some things about the church and the Christian Faith.
Christianity and Church are synonymous

Principles of Faith

Christianity is connectional (1-2)
A part of something bigger than ourselves
Went to Jerusalem in order to be held accountable
for the gospel
Not as a rogue ministry
Went to Jerusalem to bring back shared offering
This would be his second trip to Jerusalem, again prior to
second of four
bringing back the charitable gift of the churches in Greece and Asia
- One body and many members
- mystery
- One Body, One Spirit,
Members of Christ
- food and physical relationships
- Christ is the head of the body
App: We live in a disconnected world. A world where folks are connected only by the devices they share from miles away. A world filled with broken families. The decline of the family system has impacted our culture.
App: We live in a disconnected world. A world where folks are connected only by the devices they share from miles away. A world filled with broken families. The decline of the family system has impacted our culture.
Yet, in God’s kingdom he provides connectedness. This is why I love the Presbyterian form of government. It is connectional. When your elders go to Presbytery, General Synod, etc . . .
Locally, we are one body, connected in a disconnected world. God’s kingdom is one of connectedness. We are all joined together to Christ our Head through the HS. It is a mystery, but a truth.
We should not live secluded lives as Christians. We should seek to live with those who God has placed in our family, our church.
Christianity is connectional
Christianity is liberating (3-4)
Titus as an example of the freedom in the gospel
The work of Christ frees us form the requirements of the law to be saved
Titus was a Christian even without circumcision
Men secretly infiltrated the church to bring back “slavery”
slave to the law
additional requirements outside of faith in Jesus Christ
“false brothers”
people who teach things above faith in Jesus Christ for salvation
different than obedience to Jesus
Its legalism
“freedom that we have in Christ Jesus”
slavery is opposed to this
Christian Liberty
adding to the formula of faith and repentance in Jesus Christ
App: In a world of guilt and shame we should seek to offer this freedom of the gospel. Freedom in Jesus Christ.
The world judges us on many things. Do we look pretty. Are we the right fit for a job? Are we good compared to our peers? What are your credentials?
Societal differences. What side of the tracks are you from? Are you good enough for the club?
Church is not like other organizations in our society. The church is for all men, the only requirement for entrance is faith in Jesus Christ.
Christianity is historical (5)
God used Paul to defend the gospel and its freedom
“did not yield in submission”
The church must never submit to another gospel
History is God’s reality
Christianity is not some ideology
It is God interacting in real time and real space
The world often accuses us of holding antiquated ideologies and beliefs
Gospel is only message that will save, never changes, never submits to modern ideologies
God uses the church to defend the gospel today
conversations with people
what ideologies, philosophies of man do you hear?
God uses men to preserve his gospel
God uses men to witness to his Son Jesus Christ
App: Christianity is a historical faith where we see God work in the life of men. The facts of the Bible are real and can not be compromised. The fact that God works in his world trough His Word today is also true.
We must never submit to anything contrary to the gospel. Now is the time to rally around one things, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything else pails in comparison.
How are you defending the gospel? Or are you submitting and allowing other things to have priority?
As a church, if we want to see peace and purity in the church we will all have one common bond, one common goal, the gospel impacting the lives of each member and the world.
Is this your goal?


Paul shows us something about the church, about what it means to be a Christian: He teaches us that the church is:
Connected, liberating, historical.
It is connectional as one Body with Christ as the head. It is liberating as it present the gospel and faith in Jesus Christ as freeing. It is historical, God working in real time and space.
It is this order in which God works in the world to oppose the disconnection, the bondage, the ideas we see prevalent today. The church is different.
Christianity is made up of people from all walks of life, sometimes with no common bond, outside of Jesus Christ. He is what unifies us and commands peace and purity.
This is how God has it set up in order to provide the peace and purity within a group of diverse individuals.
ARP membership question
(1) Do you confess that you are a sinner in the sight of God; that you deserve His punishment; that you are unable to save yourself; and that you are without hope of salvation except for God's love and mercy?
(2) Do you believe in theLord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of sinners; and do you receive and trust in Him alone for your salvation?
(3) Do you accept the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, as the written Word of God; and that it is the only perfect rule of faith and how to live?(4) Do you promise to trust in the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit so that you can live all of life as a Christian, following the example set by Jesus Christ?
(7) In loving obedience, do you submit yourself to the government and discipline of this church, promising to seek the peace, purity, and prosperity of this congregation as long as you are a member of it?
App: Paul
Teaches us that if we desire peace and purity in the church as God intended we need to be connected (Accountable). Accountability can be done peacefully. And, when it is there is purity.
Hold each other accountable to the gospel.
We need to see the gospel as liberating. In a diverse culture we need to understand that people may not agree. Yet, we should seek to ask ourselves are we seek to keep the peace and unity of the church.
Remind each other of the freedom we have in Christ.
We need to understand the church as historical. Real people in real time being used by God for his glory.
Remind each other than God is using them for His Glory.
As Christians are you seeking the peace and purity of the faith with your brothers and sisters?
The way that we do this is that we keep the gospel center stage. Everything we do should start and end with the gospel message. Only then will we love God more, because of what Christ has done for us, and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Peace and Purity starts with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us be a people who seek the peace and purity of the church by focusing on the gospel of Jesus Christ. AMEN
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