Why Should We Give?
Rebellion From God 3:6-7
Robbing From God 3:8-10A
1843 Robbing God
Billy Graham, in his sermon “Partners with God,” says: “One of the greatest sins in America today is the fact that we are robbing God of that which rightfully belongs to Him. When we don’t tithe, we shirk a just debt. Actually we are not giving when we give God one-tenth, for it belongs to Him already (Levt. 27:30). This is a debt we owe. Not until we have given a tenth do we actually begin making an offering to the Lord!”
Reward From God 3:10B-12
1845 Tithing Surprises
The Christian who tithes will be surprised:
(1) At the amount of money he has for the Lord’s work,
(2) At the deepening of his spiritual life in paying the tithe,
(3) At the ease in meeting his own obligation with the nine-tenths,
(4) At the ease in going from one-tenth to a larger percentage,
(5) At the preparation this gives to be a faithful and wise steward over the nine-tenths remaining,
(6) At himself for not adopting the plan sooner!