I am Reconciled
Images in passage: far away and near; alienated and citizens; past versus present;
Our world divides & separates.
Our world divides & separates.
Some of this may be necessary and helpful. However, because of our humanity it becomes a way or excluding others.
Alienation is powerful.
Alienation is powerful.
We are all in the same “boat”.
We are all in the same “boat”.
Paul’s solution—remember your past.
Paul’s solution—remember your past.
God’s answer to our problem—reconciliation.
God’s answer to our problem—reconciliation.
Major theme seems to be Christ being our peace. What is the peace?
Christ is our reconciliation.
Christ is our reconciliation.
Reconciliation to God and others.
Reconciliation to God and others.
Christ breaks down walls.
Christ breaks down walls.
Christ renders the law powerless.
Christ renders the law powerless.
Christ is our peace.
Christ is our peace.
This is emphatic.
Peace envelops who we are.
Peace envelops who we are.
Other words one could use: blanket drape encircle enclose encompassen fold engulf obscure shroud surround swaddle swathe wrap cage cloak conceal contain corral cover embrace enshroud enwrap fence gird girdle guard hem immure invest overlay over spread pen protect roll sheathe shield superimpose veil coop shut in wrap up
We are, collectively, God’s people.
We are, collectively, God’s people.
If it is true of Christ, may it be true of the people of Christ.
If it is true of Christ, may it be true of the people of Christ.
Other Verses to Read this week:
Isaiah 52.7; Isaiah 57.19; Micah 5.5; 2 Corinthians 5.18-21; Romans 5.1-11