March 20 Whatever
The readings today also speak of trust in God. And living by God’s time. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego trusted in their God. They did not put Him to the test. They did not wager Him against King Nebuchadnezzar’s god. They merely said that they would remain faithful to Him whether he helped them or not. Their faithfulness and trust was rewarded with comfort and help came to them in the fire AND conversion of a non-believer who witnessed this great trust and the response of their God.
A popular expression today, when a person is faced with uncertainty or confusion is “Whatever”. What the person is saying is that whatever happens he or she is prepared to deal with the situation at hand. This is what Shadrach and his companions said to the King. It really doesn’t matter what happens to us in the fire. It will have no effect on our trust in our God. If he care to save us its OK, if he doesn’t it still OK. We will still believe.
“Whatever” is the motto of the true believer. Not matter what happens, life is good and faith is true. The apostle Paul was such a believer. He wrote that he had learned to be content in whatever happened to him. He knew how to be exulted and how to be humbled. I have learned over the last few weeks that our Fr. Lamby is much the same. I can say that he has accepted whatever fate the Lord will give him. He is at peace with where he is and where he is going.
Jesus in his life taught us much the same. On the night before he died, knowing what suffering lie ahead of him, said: “Not my will but your will be done.” Perhaps we are not yet that strong in our faith. Perhaps we cannot yet say “whatever” to every thing that life will give us. But it is that trust and faith that we are all striving for. In the days of lent that remain let us pray for that “WHATEVER FAITH” that we will need to see us through life and death and lead us to eternity.