Holy Spirit Download pt 3 Evidence of the Holy Spirit Download
Holy Spirit Download (Part 3) 2-23-20
“Evidence of the Holy Spirit Download”
Speaking in tongues is no excuse; we must behave in agape love (1 Corinthians 13:1)
Supernatural gifts are no excuse; we must behave in agape love (1 Corinthians 13:2)
Feeding the poor or making our body’s a living sacrifice is no excuse (1 Corinthians 13:3)
God’s love defined (charity – agapē: ag-ah´-pay; unconditional benevolence, God’s love toward us):
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (KJV) (Apply this to marriages, friendships, singleness, work, school, sports, etc.)
(1) Suffers long (agape love puts up with/suffers long w/unbearable people, places & things), and is
(2) Kind (agape love shows oneself useful w/great attitude);
(3) Envies not (agape love is not envious or jealous of God’s blessings on others or what satan gives others);
(4) Vaunts not itself (agape love never brags or boasts about its successes or blessings), is
(5) Not puffed up (agape love is not arrogant or sinfully prideful; doesn’t look down on others),
(6) Doth not behave itself unseemly (agape love doesn’t act foolishly indecent, unbecoming of a King’s kid),
(7) Seeks not her own (agape love is not selfish or self-centered with a me-me-me mindset), is
(8) Not easily provoked (agape love does not hold anger & frustration at its surface, waiting to erupt),
(9) Thinks no evil (agape love does not ponder worthless, wicked thoughts; but quickly rebukes them);
(10) Rejoices not in iniquity (agape love does not get happy when someone else falls into wickedness), but
(11) Rejoices in the truth (agape love is happy to conform to God’s truth (aletheia, al-ay´-thi-a)
(John 16:13) Holy Spirit is the truth; (John 14:6) Jesus is the truth; (2 Timothy 2:15) Bible is Word of truth),
(12) Bears all things (1 Peter 4:8 agape love covers a multitude of sins; with silence & endures patiently),
(13) Believes all things (agape love always has faith in Christ, not matter what & never stops believing God),
(14) Hopes all things (agape love trusts there will be a positive outcome regardless of the circumstances),
(15) Endures all things (agape love patiently perseveres through all trials, tests, & circumstances),
(16) Charity never fails (agape love never drops away, quits, or gives up):
The fruit (effect, result, offspring or benefit) of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)
(1) Love (agapē: ag-ah´-pay; we must first receive God’s love, apply to ourselves, then to others),
(2) Joy (cheerfulness, calm-delight; knowing no matter what; you will see Jesus & live eternity w/the Father),
(3) Peace (harmony & concord w/God; quietness, rest, set at one again),
(4) Longsuffering (patience, endurance, slowness in avenging wrongs),
(5) Gentleness (kindness, moral excellence in character and demeanor),
(6) Goodness (virtue or beneficence; actively doing good things/deeds),
(7) Faith (trust in and reliance upon God through Jesus Christ – who is the messiah),
(8) Meekness (humility, mildness),
(9) Temperance (self-control – especially over one’s sensual appetites): against such there is no law.
o As Christians, we must nail our flesh & ungodly affections & lust to the Cross. (Galatians 5:24)
o “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)
The Apostle Paul said, “I die (to myself; selfish ways/will) daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31 AMP)
We have to die to self to live for Christ (John 12:24 KJV)
Live according to the flesh & die physically & spiritually. Live through the power of the Holy
Spirit & live forever (eternity with the Father) (Romans 8:13 AMP)
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14 AMP)