Because Of Guilt And Shame Outline
Broken Because of Guilt and Shame
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
I. Introduction
A. Genesis 3 –
1. covered themselves because of nakedness – brought about knowledge of sin (7)
2. Because of their guilt and shame they hid themselves from God (8)
3. in V 21 God takes care of their shame by clothing them
B. Definition: painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety
C. G.W. Bromiley ISBE – (p521) “They are a people of generous impulse and mean fulfillment, of idealism and cynicism, of intermingled good and evil. They do not really know themselves, flee no less from self than from God, and try to make this unknown self the center of life in place of God. Even as we seek self-fulfillment, we destroy all possibility of it. We present the puzzling aspect of half-angel on the one side, half-demon on the other. We can find hell even in our greatest achievements. We can set out with the noblest aims and finish in the vilest gutter. Our minds are capable of the highest flights and the most monstrous perversions; our bodies are apt for the most superb attainments and yet also for the loathsome ravages of debauchery and disease. The effect of sin on a person is to make him or her a riddle, a paradox, a good thing perverted, a bundle of inconsistencies, a problem to self as well as to others, a creature that has missed its high and holy destiny, self-condemned, self-disrupted and self-destroying.”
D. Ways of dealing with shame
1. Convincing oneself that we are no worse than others – the problem is that the world is not the standard of righteousness and guilt
2. Hiding shame – internalizing shame and never revealing it – the problem is that we never deal with it and we can try to cover it, but it is still there.
3. reducing the seriousness of guilt
II. You are changed (16-18a)
A. Idea – In Christ you are a new creation. You are not who you used to be – controlled by the sin nature. You are now a redeemed believer whose sin has been atoned/paid for
B. Exegesis –
1. Seeing people through the lens of their sin
a) We honestly believe that people on their own are lost in their sin
b) We see them in their sin and believe that they will never change
c) Paul sees the potential of hope for forgiveness of sins in all people (see 14-15) (16)
d) Paul even saw Christ as incorrigible before Paul was converted
e) This is seeing through a worldly point of view
f) This is one of the reasons we are so bound by guilt and shame, because on our own there is no hope of reform and restitution
2. “In Christ” we are made a new creation
a) The old is gone, the new has come
(1) all the past is truly in the past – it is paid for and done – Christ on the cross
(2) The new has come – the Holy Spirit is changing your heart and making you into the likeness of Christ, who is without sin
3. All this is from God
a) His initiative and His power
b) He reconciled us to Himself – he made us holy and worthy – we cannot still be guilty of debt and reconciled to Him
C. Application - When we believe in Jesus Christ His reconciling work changes us from guilt and shameful sinners to reconciled, holy, and righteous believers
III. You are Cleansed (18b-19, 21)
A. Illustration - A survey published by the Barna Group in 2006 demonstrated that most Americans don't consider themselves to be holy. Three out of every four Americans (73 percent) believed that it is possible for someone to become holy regardless of their past. Only half of the adult population (50 percent), however, said that they knew someone they considered to be holy. And that's more than twice as many who considered themselves to be holy (21 percent). The views of born-again Christians were not much different from the national averages. Among believers, three-quarters (76 percent) said it is possible for a person to become holy regardless of their past. Slightly more than half of the group (55 percent) said they knew someone they would describe as holy. And roughly three out of ten Christians (29 percent) said they themselves were holy, which is marginally more than the national norm. "The Concept of Holiness Baffles Most Americans," (2-20-06)
B. Ideas - reconciled to God – He has dealt with the sin through Jesus and given us righteousness that we might be in fellowship with Him. We are reconciled in that we are no longer being judged as sinful, but loved as righteous. If he has forgiven us, why shouldn’t we forgive ourselves?
C. Exegesis
1. He reconciled us to himself through Christ
2. Reconciling the world to Himself
a) Not the world, as in a universal everyone
b) But opening up the relationship past just Israel, to all who believe in Him – Just like in John 3:16 – God loved the world, but it is for whosoever believeth in Him
3. No counting men’s sins against them - He has made a way to find perfection and guiltlessness through His grace in Jesus Christ
4. They are paid for on the Cross
5. Imputation of righteousness in v21 – He who knew no sin became sin that we might BECOME the righteousness of God
a) Not just know His righteousness, but it becomes who we are
b) All of our sin is taken upon Christ on the cross to be paid for at that time
D. Application
1. All of my sins for which I sense guilt and shame are washed away in Christ
2. They are no longer counted against me – I am forgiven
3. I may forgive myself in God Himself has forgiven me
IV. You are Commissioned (20)
A. Idea – Grace is best shared by those who have experienced it - You are not only forgiven, but God has commissioned you as His ambassador. He wants you to share His grace with others
B. Illustration – The best counselors are the ones who have lived the experience – Chris Whitmer is great at Agape Ministries because He has been an drug and alcohol abuser
C. Exegesis
1. You have recovered such that now God wants to use you
2. He has committed to us the message of reconciliation
3. We are Christ’s ambassador’s –
a) This was much like the concept of an ambassador today
b) Ambassadors for Rome would be the representatives of the Emperor who would go to conquered lands to set up peace with the King
c) We are likewise to go to the world and represent the King to those who He is bringing under His sovereignty
4. God is making His appeal through Us – It is through us that He speaks to those who need forgiveness
D. Application
1. Live as an ambassador for Christ
2. Do not live in shame and guilt for sin that has been paid for, but walk in the newness of life given by Christ
3. Be an ambassador of God’s grace by sharing with others how God has redeemed and forgiven you
V. Conclusion
A. The greatest shame was Christ on the cross – A shame that He did not deserve and did not earn. He was on the cross because of us and our shame and guilt
B. All of our shame and guilt is dealt with on that cross
C. Forgiveness is not hiding, ignoring, or dumbing down shame, but God’s removal of the object of shame through the atonement of Christ