Be Unified

1 Corinthians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Where are they now? Occasionally I find it interesting to find out what happened to a particular rock band from the past. Usually there is some issue - some conflict - some disagreement - that causes them to break up. The lead singer will go solo and often there’s a time off and they will come back together. Some cases there’s never a reunion like in the case of Journey. It illustrates something key to human nature - we are self-centered and self-willed. Quarrels and strife exist in families, in marriages, between nations, in businesses and even Rock bands. There is fighting and arguing - children cry - parents complain - people fight. Our egos are big and our depravity is deep. Our hearts are at war with God and with one another. That is why we need the peace of the Gospel. However, even Christians can allow the selfish nature to eclipse the light of the Gospel and the church can become divided.
Local Church Unity
Over the last century, there has been a lot of emphasis and efforts toward Christian unity. It is important to state upfront that the context of this passage applies to the local church. Paul is addressing the unity of these particular people. He is not addressing denominational unity or the larger Christian fellowship. If we do not understand the context, then we are likely to misuse the text or misapply it. There are particular issues taking place here…so don’t use the text as a means to justify uniting with false doctrine. I would say the same thing about other passages like John 17.
Yes, Christians can become vicious with one another…we can kill our own wounded…we can become contentious over secondary issues…However, we are commanded to contend for the faith…to fight the good fight…to put on the armor of God…so this is not some kind of pacifist text or banner of ‘why can’t we just all get along.’ My pastor David Pitman said - “Remember: We are to contend for the faith, not be contentious about the faith.” That is fantastic.
For our sake this morning, I want us to consider our unity here - together - not the broader Christian community - not with other Christians - but here in our life together like the people in Corinth.
BIG IDEA - We are to be unified as a local church family by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His atonement on the cross.

1. The Plea for Unity - v. 10

Paul makes his appeal based really on two specific realities. The word ‘appeal’ or ‘exhort’ communicates the idea of help or care. Paul doesn’t just launch into demands. It is his goal to help them. Notice three things about his plea
He invokes their family relationship for unity.
The familial language is intentional = ‘Brothers’ or ‘brethren’ demonstrates that these people have become the ‘household’ of faith and share a particular bond. It is a serious issue but it is a family issue. It is important for them to realize who they are and who has made them this.
Application: Are you my spiritual church family and does that matter?
He establishes the foundation of unity.
By appealing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Paul provides the foundation for unity. In other words, Paul speaks with authority that comes directly from the Risen Lord. MacArthur highlights that “Christ’s name represents all that He is, His character and His will.” (26) The language refers back to the opening salutation as well. They are the people who have called upon the name of the Lord and who have been called by God into the fellowship of His Son.
Consequently the disunity and division taking place in the church at Corinth contradicts ‘fellowship of the Son.’ For there to be fighting and factions, divisions and disunity in this church is to bring dishonor to the Lord and compromise the integrity of the Gospel. Again, this is where the local church context matters. The world needs to see ‘bodies’ like this one as one where people love one another - fellowship with one another - care for one another. If we are backbiting, bickering, and fighting with each other, then this is negative.
Application: Do you take protecting the unity or the church seriously?
With the foundation established...
He provides the framework to unity
There are three parallel statements made in the verse. We should notice that use of the word ‘same’ .
“All of you agree” = Doctrinal Unity
There should be absolute unity when it comes to what the Bible teaches. For this reason, every church should abide by a confession of faith. We should all be saying the same thing when it comes to the Bible, the Gospel, the nature of God, the deity of Christ, the work of salvation, and the truths of Christian living.
This is why church membership matters. I do not have to worry about what is going to be taught here. The people in this church embrace sound doctrine. Doctrinal unity is critical. If we are not all saying the same thing, then there is a problem. Do we understand the confessional nature of the church? Does doctrine matter to you?
“No divisions among you” = Relational Unity
Don’t be schismatic. It has the idea ‘to tear’ like tearing paper or garments. Find ways to relate to one another and make effort to be reconciled with each other based on the gospel. Do not be looking for a fight or an argument or a reason to separate yourself from the congregation…That is what was going on in Corinth.
1 Cor. 11: 18 = factious issues at the Lord’s Supper
1 Cor. 12: 25 = usefulness of gifts as members of the body
Application: Where are there relational schisms?
Maybe everyone does not homeschool their children. Maybe everyone does not follow your parenting strategy. Maybe everyone does not like what you like or share your background, hobbies, or interests. Maybe everyone is not like you! You need to build Gospel bridges, stop building walls, and stop separating yourself like a child. Maybe the issue is jealousy or maybe the issue is self-pity.
“Be united” = Intentional Unity
Notice that he uses two words here - united in ‘mind’ and ‘thought’. The command is actually to be made complete…to be whole…to be perfect. Think of medning a net or relocating a limb out of socket or setting a bone…sewing a garment…We are to be intentionally reconciled together. But how?
See Philippians 2: 1-8. Do we have a cross-centered posture toward each other? The cross crucifies self and makes us think of each other.
If we are united by the Gospel, by the truth, and by lifestyle, then does it matter that we have different personalities, temperments, abilities, interests, or gifts.
One practical observation is that people today are just not committed to the local church. We do not seize opportunities to build. The consumer mindset kills us. We have a consumer mentality - I go here for the preaching - I go over here for the food - I go over here for the youth group - and what happens is we weaken the framework to unity. You see - this matters. You people matter. But when we do not intentionally prioritize simple things like attendance and fellowship and discipleship…then we weaken the framework.
Application: Are we seeking to be relationally unified? How do you intentionally build relationships in the local church?
That’s the plea…but what makes it necessary?

2. The problem of disunity - vv. 11-16

Chloe, who is either a prominent businesswoman in Corinth and member of the church, has had her people inform Paul of major divisions in the church. There is strife - contention that is explosive in nature. Again, Paul uses the tender reference, ‘my brothers.’
Paul received a report rom a prominent member of the church about divisions.
There are cliques that have formed (12)
Here’s what is happening. The people in this church are aligning themselves behind a particular person. It is a form of patronage which Stephen Um defines as “an attempt at self-validation by means of another person’s success and status.” It’s easy to do, right? I graduated from SBTS or attend TMS. There is a real danger in this. We attend a particular school…we work at a particular place…we wear a particular brand…and we believe our worth, identity, validation, and salvation comes from that thing. Don’t attach yourself to things that cannot save you. Your diet, political party, spouse, or pet cause. Be careful!
In the church, this is what is happening - they have formed parties for their loyalty.
Paul = Father in the faith…doctrinally faightful
Apollos = eloquent and powerful preaching
Peter = 3: 22, 9: 5, 15: 5... maybe legalism connected to Judaism…rules
Christ = could mean loyalty to Christ and no need for leaders
What is the central issue? These divisions were the result of their pride. It was not the theology of Paul, Apollos, Peter, or the Lord. We know that because each of these men preached the Gospel. It is the Corinthians who are prideful and entranced by these things. These men were not encouraging their followings. We need to be careful about pride and patronage.
How does Paul address this?
A cause that is formulated (13-16)
Questions - Notice what Paul does
Is Christ divided = ‘wholeness’
Christ does not share His Lordship and therefore our unity and allegiance is to Him and Him alone. The church then must be united by him and in Him and to Him and for Him! For that reason, it is shocking when the church then begins to fissure. We are one in Christ because He is whole.
1 Cor. 6: 7; Romans 12: 5; Eph. 4: 4-6; John 17: 21-22.
We are to be whole as Christ is whole. And then Paul’s additional questions support the first one...
Was Paul crucified for you? = Redemption
It is not wrong to have special affection for spiritual leaders and important people in your life. It is right to be thankful for faithfulness and to express that gratitude. However, there is no place for pride. Paul was not flattered. It is Christ who died for them - it is Christ who died for us. When we begin to divert from the cross - when we lose focus on the atonement then we begin to give people a place in their life that they should not be given. Who are you making your Savior? (a spouse, a child, a coworker, a friend, a leader, a party…who or what?)
The cross of Christ unites us. We are reminded of this every time we take communion together.
Were you baptized in the name of Paul? = Lordship
Paul then asks about baptism and goes off on the subject some. Some took pride in the person that baptized them. Paul says he is thankful to have baptized Crispus and Gaius. He wwas the leader of the synagogue (Acts 18: 8). Gaius is mentioned in Romans 16: 23 for providing hospitality for traveling believers. He’s glad there were only two so that no one could boast about him or give him glory. As he does, he then remembers the houshold of Stephanus who were the first to be converted in Achaia (16: 5). He then cannot remember who else he baptized. The point is that the person who baptized does not matter. Why? All the glory goes to Christ and all our unity is in Christ!
Whenever we move our unity to something other than the cross, we elevate ourself and then we adjust doctrine to fit our purpose - our agenda! Suddenly, baptism becomes more important or is elevated to a place that is wrong.
Application: Where does strife exist in your heart and in your relationships with others? How have you shifted from the gospel as the center for unity? What needs to change?
Thus, we have the cause of disunity is not centering on Christ and the cross for our unity.

3. The Priority of the Gospel - v. 17

Paul concludes this command for unity and commentary on baptism with the solution for unity: The gospel.
The preaching of the Gospel is the commission.
We are sent to preach the gospel. People are saved and converted through faith in Christ not the receiving baptism. Baptism is secondary to faith; it is subordinate to faith in Christ. It should be noted that Paul distinguishes baptism from the gospel. He did not teach baptismal regeneration…He did not conjoin baptism as a necessity for eternal life. We preach Christ. When people are saved, we baptize.
Furthermore, Paul is ultimatley saying that Christ did not send him to create a personality cult or to win a popularity context or secure a personal following. He was sent to exalt and proclaim Christ in the gospel. The proclamation thus is centered on Christ! See 1 Cor. 15: 1-4.
The power of the Gospel is the cross
The power of the gospel is not eloquent wisdom of the world or in rhetorical style. The substance of the preaching is the power not the style of the personality!


If our horizontal relationships are going to be unified, then we need to be reconciled in our vertical relationship. This means that we need to be spiritually minded and gospel focused. Where are there divisions among us? Where is there strife? Are you building sinful walls or are you creating gospel bridges? Christ has brought us together through His shed blood and we are commanded to be unified doctrinally, relationally, and intentionally? Are you making that an effort in your life. If not consider the plea for unity, the problem of strife, and the priority of the gospel!
We are to be unified as a local church family by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His atonement on the cross.
Will you be unified this morning?
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