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Suffering can be seen as pointless and random, but it’s not.
People are watching how you go through how you go through your trials… They want to know how a Christian faces tough times...
Paul and Silas in prison… at midnight, they were singing praises to God and it resulted in the warden coming to faith in Christ.
What opened the heart of the unbeliever? Their response.
Job did not sit around and think about people leasrning from his example.
Everything is preparation for something that is yet to come.
Moses was a lawbreaker before he was the law giver. He was broken… God uses broken people to accomplish his purposes.
Sometimes the Lord seems to go out to the way to use that broken person.
His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.
Samaritan Woman
Laz was dead… what’s your excuse?
ILL - Johny Cash… never shot anyone nor did time in jail.
Johnny wasn’t a murder, but Moses was…
When we think of Moases we think of Charlston Heaston… younger people might see Christian Bale… Exodus God’s and Kings… moses was a terrorist.
Moses should not have even been born… Keep a girl but kill a boy.
We are to obey the government unless it causes us to violate scripture. 2 Women saved the baby.
Moses was adopted by the royal family
Acts 7:20 NLT
20 “At that time Moses was born—a beautiful child in God’s eyes. His parents cared for him at home for three months.
God’s worst was better than the Worlds best.
The worst thing about being a Christian is the rejection… suffereing…killing
God’s best… everything that
Exodus 2:11 NLT
11 Many years later, when Moses had grown up, he went out to visit his own people, the Hebrews, and he saw how hard they were forced to work. During his visit, he saw an Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews.
Who wrote Exodus? Moses
Who wrote Exodus? Moses
He knew God wanted him to do something but he didn’t know what to do.
Acts 7:23 NLT
23 “One day when Moses was forty years old, he decided to visit his relatives, the people of Israel.
Exodus 2:12 NLT
12 After looking in all directions to make sure no one was watching, Moses killed the Egyptian and hid the body in the sand.
Moses had the right idea but he went about it in the wrong way. Just as much as the will of God, is the when of God. Today, we don’t want to wait…
Wait on the Lord’s timing… Don’t rush/
Exodus 2:13 NLT
13 The next day, when Moses went out to visit his people again, he saw two Hebrew men fighting. “Why are you beating up your friend?” Moses said to the one who had started the fight.
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