Untitled Sermon (2)
The Reason You Are Still Alive [Phil. 1:19-26] - While heaven might be your desired destination, the earth is your current situation. If you still have life left in you, God has more left for you to do.
Such words seem very strange to many people these days. This life is generally regarded as being so very wonderful that we must cling to it at all costs. We would have no trouble agreeing with Paul if he had said, ‘I would prefer to die than to continue in prison.
We are all familiar with situations that are so dreadful that death is a relief. But Paul is not saying that death is better than the worst of life. He is saying death is better than the best of life. In other words, he was not longing for death as the way out of unbearable circumstances. He was longing for it as the way into unspeakably glorious circumstances.