transformation comes at a cost!

The transfiguration  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Transformation comes at a cost.

Beginning in Exodus where Moses ascends Mt. Sinai and has a theophanic experience with Yahweh. He has two servants with him and they for the first time have this divine revelation with Moses. Now Moses’ stays higher on the mountain alone for 40 days and 40 nights. Upon his return he has the tablets and his countenance is so bright -the people were afraid. The word says he shined like the son.
In the Mathean text is a contrasting story with Jesus taking an intimate select three -James, John and Peter up again to a high place in the mountains and together they get a chance to have a theophanic experience with God. Moses and Elijah appear and are talking with Jesus. This segment of the story is in reference to the final days-Peter is dumbfounded. As usual he says something outlandish and out of context. When he hears the voice of God he falls to his knees in reverence. When he comes to his self…he continues to say “Lord it is good that you brought us here, let me build a tabernacle for all three of you.
Jesus cautions Peter as well as John and James not to speak of this occasion to anyone. Theophanic visions are not new-Ezekiel and Daniel both have said that they had visitations with Yahweh. See the passages where John speaks of the new heaven and new earth in Revelation. Finally, this is a foretaste of the end times when Jesus is to return and destroy all the enemies of God and restore the earth with those whose names appear in the Book of Life.
The transfiguration:
the moment when Peter, John and James hear “This is my son in whom I am proud, listen to him.”
this text leaves us “in awe” and fearful of what next!
t. Notice that Matthew-Thomas and Mark were not among the chosen three.
Did you notice that the other 9 disciplies were not included in this very intimate visit to the mountain top-who were they? the names we remember include Matthew- Thomas, John Mark, Bartholomew just to name a few!
Jesus undoubtedly placed a divine mission on the three-who were called at the very beginning of his ministry. This was an awesome occasion, Jesus trusted them with his life’s! It was these three that saw the thophany -and the glory revealed in their lifetime.
Where was His message of the Commission- records the words go ye therefore into all nations…did he get lost in the plan?
Looking unto Jesus’ plan Luke/Acts carries the message forward to the day of Ascension and Pentecost to write the wrongs of Saul of Tarsus as he travelled along the Emmaus Road to his destiny to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles.
Points -
1. Jesus ordained the three-and anointed the work of their hands. These three left their trades immediately and followed Christ Jesus to bring transformation and change to how no longer will people rely on material things to exist…but now they will look unto Jesus.
In the work that they were each called to do, they died horrible deaths -but not in Christ Jesus…no they died to the world and now are asleep waiting for the day when the dead in Christ will rise and all will live at peace in Christ Jesus.e Gospel
No more doubting Thomas’ nor questioning Jesus’ authority. No after this theophany -these three do not need to be encouraged they Believe!
Can I see a show of hands—that you don’t need any other help -that you are certain that there is a LORD and his name is Jesus —and he lives?
I am sure you know some Peter figures-someone who has all the answers but really still not.
I am sure you know some doubting Thomas’ who won’t believe unless he touches the nail prints in his Jesus’ hands.
But my friends-I see so many of you who got it…Accepted that Jesus Christ is the Son of God as passes down through authentic eye-witnessed
a. transformed yet 9 remained that still were not completely convinced.
b. shall two walk together except they have agreed?
c. This passage is not mission impossible…nor a bag of tricks
d. the Great Commission-you have been given the tools to carry out the task…now use them.
e. “Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the will of God.
Finally, Jesus’ transfiguration was a foreshadowing of a future day when he will come in glorious, regal splendor to annihilate his enemies and establish his kingdom on earth.
, and Rev. 19:11-16.
Luke 21:27 ASV 1901
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
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